Nu Style = Nu Baldness (LONG). No more salons.

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thanks everyone!
Nyambura, yes, I also go to Stanford as well. Someone posted on the community list about Nu Styles and I decided to check it out: terrible mistake on my part. Can you also tell me about your stylist in San Francisco as well? You can pm me if you'd like.
I'm not bald in particular anywhere (only because i was born with really thick hair), but now my hairline is very thin due to this really awful relaxing experience. I also feel very traumatized by this, and don't know if I can relax again.
If Black Cardinal goes to Stanford, and for anyone else in the Bay Area, don't go to Nu Styles in Sunnyvale. Especially the stylist with the gold weave, she will style your hair like her weave!
Yeah, that Andre 3000 comment was funny, but I just came home that night from Goldie, and I wasn't in the mood to be teased...
Thank you all for your support! I know that hair grows back from these experiences, but sometimes you feel deep regret about your hair goals being set back, you know?
Ok chicas
I will PM tomorrow (it's late here and I gotta get up at 5:20) with the name and details.
Bobbie said:
thanks everyone!
Nyambura, yes, I also go to Stanford as well. Someone posted on the community list about Nu Styles and I decided to check it out: terrible mistake on my part. Can you also tell me about your stylist in San Francisco as well? You can pm me if you'd like.
I'm not bald in particular anywhere (only because i was born with really thick hair), but now my hairline is very thin due to this really awful relaxing experience. I also feel very traumatized by this, and don't know if I can relax again.
If Black Cardinal goes to Stanford, and for anyone else in the Bay Area, don't go to Nu Styles in Sunnyvale. Especially the stylist with the gold weave, she will style your hair like her weave!
Yeah, that Andre 3000 comment was funny, but I just came home that night from Goldie, and I wasn't in the mood to be teased...
Thank you all for your support! I know that hair grows back from these experiences, but sometimes you feel deep regret about your hair goals being set back, you know?
that was hilarious :lachen: ummm yeah so sorry about the experience. i suffered through the same thing so many times and my case was worse cos i dont have thick hair so i was going bald. hehe. yeah i agree, dont use EOs like rosemary and stuff on your scalp! you might have to learn how to do your hair yourself..... i havent been to a stylist in 2 years. there's one beside my job and i so want to go in but im scared! yeah it can be pretty traumatic.....:(
queenofmean68 said:
I know exactly how you feel hon. I made the HUGE mistake of getting crochet braids. First of all, she braided my hair TOO tight and then she ripped that damn needle through them to add the braids. It hurt like hell, but it was NOTHING compared to when I took my hair down. I looked like a stray dog with huge MATTED CLUMPS EVERYWHERE. I couldn't comb thru it and no amount of detangling conditioner would help so I had no choice but to break it apart and I cried the entire time. When I went back to my stylist I was soo pissed at this point (by the way she didn't do the braids) I ordered her just to cut it all off because there was no point in trying so save it at 100 different lengths. My hair WAS past my shoulders and I had it cut up to chin length and bangs that were right above the eyebrows. It was a cute chinese bob but I lost a TON of hair. It grew back and yours will too hon.

Ohhhh, sounds like you went to the Jamica Mall people in Akron!My mother went there, when I wouldn't braid her hair, and got latch hook braids. That lady did the braids so tight,and stabbed at her scalp so hard, she had sores for weeks that took forever to heal. Once they did though, she was having me take thoes suckers out! Some people shouldn't even be allowed to touch, look or handle hair in any way shape or form. Bobbie, I am sorry that this happened to you!
In the past I've used camphaphonique (not sure about spelling) it's in a little green bottle you should be able to get it from the drug store. It healed my burns fast and I didn't loose any hair at the burn spots. Sorry for your horror story, I'm not a cusing girl but she would have got cused out.
Bobbie said:
Well, I posted earlier about shopping around for a new stylist for a touchup, and I finally broke down and went to Nu Style (a recommendation some fool posted to the black community here on campus). Anyway, I was concerned about being overcharged because I have A LOT of thick hair AND new growth.
The stylist, Latoya, wore this dirty blonde weave. (you know the ones you get for $1/pack?) Anyway, I'm waiting for her for about half an hour before she starts to base my scalp.
What base??? She slaps on some grease around my hairline, and THAT'S IT!!!
(I knew I should've based it myself before going, but I had no time.
) It's no wonder it started burning 5 MINUTES after she slabbed the relaxer on my scalp. After she permed half of my hair, she said: "Since I just used 2 applications, and I'm going for a third, I'm going to have to charge you $10 extra for an entire relaxer instead of a touchup." I said: "Fine." Even though I was now looking at an $80 "touchup", I couldn't just walk out the door since home was 40 minutes away.

When she finally decided to wash the perm, my back kitchen was burning! 2 shampoos and that's it. Didn't take the time to roller set the hair, stuck me in the dryer, and raked my hair with what looked like a comb made for Barbie.

I saw it...clumps of my hair each time fell on the floor. The other clients were staring by this time, and I wanted to cry so bad I got teary-eyed.
And if that wasn't enough, she gave me a "trim" that was more like a cut (3 inches) without even asking me. The only thing she said was: "Your ends look raggedy. I'll need to reduce the damage."

She said this AFTER she took the scissors to my hair when I didn't notice. She said: "You're supposed to get regular trims." I replied: "I just cut off 3 inches last week."

After the raking, I got the flat iron from hell (I can smell the sizzling still), which took more than an hour to get right. She then pulled out the curling iron too! I told her to stop, I had enough heat damage done today, and I WANT TO GO HOME!!!
When I looked at the floor, I had to stop myself from screaming, it was THAT much hair on the floor.
It's a D*MN good thing I have thick, thick hair, I would've been one bald fool right now.
And you know what she said to me??? You won't believe this: "I didn't get your hair permed well enough since you burned so easily. You need to come back next week for another touchup and a hot oil treatment for all that damage. I'll just charge you $65 next time.

In total, I lost 6 inches in a weeks time, and the back of my head is still burning. That
Another touchup! And when I finally came home, my boyfriend (who's white, and saw me leave home with an afro) said I looked like Andre 3000. He apparently hates perms, since they look like quote: "You were violent to your hair."
That a
I called my mom, and she told me after going to the salon a total of 5 times since she's been in this country, she couldn't trust hair stylists anymore.

I'm sorry this is so long, but this was a horrible experience from me, and I went back to my shoulder length after all that mess.
Ladies in the bay area, DON'T go to Nu Styles, and if you were held by gunpoint, DO NOT go to the one sporting a weave that came from the dollar store.
Any advice on how to rectify the burns? I looked for a neutralizing shampoo at walgreens but couldn't find any, and I don't have transportation anywhere else.

Anyone else had an experience like this???

O....M....G!!!!! I am so sorry this happened. I hate to hear stories like these. I'll bet that stylist was jealous when she saw you walk in the DOOR! *****. :mad: I am mad. Girl, why didn't you check her when she was combing through your hair after that relaxer? Did she actually cut your hair before you even knew she was holding scissors? She would'a been diving after those scissors as they skid across the salon floor before she put them to my head. Those stylists are NOT to be trusted. This makes me so mad!