Nu Style = Nu Baldness (LONG). No more salons.

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New Member
Well, I posted earlier about shopping around for a new stylist for a touchup, and I finally broke down and went to Nu Style (a recommendation some fool posted to the black community here on campus). Anyway, I was concerned about being overcharged because I have A LOT of thick hair AND new growth.
The stylist, Latoya, wore this dirty blonde weave. (you know the ones you get for $1/pack?) Anyway, I'm waiting for her for about half an hour before she starts to base my scalp.
What base??? She slaps on some grease around my hairline, and THAT'S IT!!!
(I knew I should've based it myself before going, but I had no time.
) It's no wonder it started burning 5 MINUTES after she slabbed the relaxer on my scalp. After she permed half of my hair, she said: "Since I just used 2 applications, and I'm going for a third, I'm going to have to charge you $10 extra for an entire relaxer instead of a touchup." I said: "Fine." Even though I was now looking at an $80 "touchup", I couldn't just walk out the door since home was 40 minutes away.

When she finally decided to wash the perm, my back kitchen was burning! 2 shampoos and that's it. Didn't take the time to roller set the hair, stuck me in the dryer, and raked my hair with what looked like a comb made for Barbie.

I saw it...clumps of my hair each time fell on the floor. The other clients were staring by this time, and I wanted to cry so bad I got teary-eyed.
And if that wasn't enough, she gave me a "trim" that was more like a cut (3 inches) without even asking me. The only thing she said was: "Your ends look raggedy. I'll need to reduce the damage."

She said this AFTER she took the scissors to my hair when I didn't notice. She said: "You're supposed to get regular trims." I replied: "I just cut off 3 inches last week."

After the raking, I got the flat iron from hell (I can smell the sizzling still), which took more than an hour to get right. She then pulled out the curling iron too! I told her to stop, I had enough heat damage done today, and I WANT TO GO HOME!!!
When I looked at the floor, I had to stop myself from screaming, it was THAT much hair on the floor.
It's a D*MN good thing I have thick, thick hair, I would've been one bald fool right now.
And you know what she said to me??? You won't believe this: "I didn't get your hair permed well enough since you burned so easily. You need to come back next week for another touchup and a hot oil treatment for all that damage. I'll just charge you $65 next time.

In total, I lost 6 inches in a weeks time, and the back of my head is still burning. That
Another touchup! And when I finally came home, my boyfriend (who's white, and saw me leave home with an afro) said I looked like Andre 3000. He apparently hates perms, since they look like quote: "You were violent to your hair."
That a
I called my mom, and she told me after going to the salon a total of 5 times since she's been in this country, she couldn't trust hair stylists anymore.

I'm sorry this is so long, but this was a horrible experience from me, and I went back to my shoulder length after all that mess.
Ladies in the bay area, DON'T go to Nu Styles, and if you were held by gunpoint, DO NOT go to the one sporting a weave that came from the dollar store.
Any advice on how to rectify the burns? I looked for a neutralizing shampoo at walgreens but couldn't find any, and I don't have transportation anywhere else.

Anyone else had an experience like this???
I feel for you. I'm going to be like my mom (and your mom?) and figure out the self-relaxing thing. I don't wear my hair straight, so I don't need it relaxed as straight as my stylist does now. Plus, he goes crazy with the roundbrush and blow dryer after the rollerset.

No one cares as much for your hair as you do, but I hope you find an awesome stylist.

What if you put neosporin on the burns after your do the neutralizing shampoo? You might heal faster.
OMG! I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience. I've had a few bad experiences myself and after a few "lessons learned"----before I ever went to a new stylist I "interviewed" them. I asked a lot of questions before I allowed them to touch my head. The best thing I have learned when you are looking for a new stylist is when you are out in the mall, grocery store, or church. Talk to the women with healthy, pretty styled hair. Ask them who does their hair, what products the stylist uses, how long the stylist has been doing their hair, etc. If possible try to find someone that specializes in what you are looking for. For example some stylists work with natural hair, others have no clue what to do except blow dry. Some can only wrap hair or roller set, while others can braid, twist, and scuplt all the latest updo's.
Asking a woman with beautiful hair is the best way. It is how I found my current stylist and I've been happy with her for the last 6 years.
Good Luck
I know you are mad right now, but girl where in the world did you get those emotioncons from? I'm too WEAK over the one flippin the bird! Hee-hee.
I got them from I'm more sad then anything, it's like I lost a year's worth of growth in a week.
I know exactly how you feel hon. I made the HUGE mistake of getting crochet braids. First of all, she braided my hair TOO tight and then she ripped that damn needle through them to add the braids. It hurt like hell, but it was NOTHING compared to when I took my hair down. I looked like a stray dog with huge MATTED CLUMPS EVERYWHERE. I couldn't comb thru it and no amount of detangling conditioner would help so I had no choice but to break it apart and I cried the entire time. When I went back to my stylist I was soo pissed at this point (by the way she didn't do the braids) I ordered her just to cut it all off because there was no point in trying so save it at 100 different lengths. My hair WAS past my shoulders and I had it cut up to chin length and bangs that were right above the eyebrows. It was a cute chinese bob but I lost a TON of hair. It grew back and yours will too hon.
I'm sorry to hear about this experience. Too many of us have been through this sort of thing. The only downside to having long hair, imho, is that we have so much to lose!
Sorry to hear what happpened.I have similar horror stories myself.I have now found a good stylist and I am sticking with her even tho she lives far from me.
Asking ladies with nice hair who is their stylist sounds like a great idea!
I'm sorry to hear what happened but I would go back to walgreens and buy a kit relaxer and use the neutralizing shampoo from there. If they have one. I'm just worried that some relaxer might still be in your hair.
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. I agree with the other posters. The best way to try and avoid bad experiences like that is to get a reliable recommendation and then interview (have a hair consultation with) the stylist. I have even gone in early for a consult and observed the stylist as well as other stylist there to check out there ways of doing things.

In an effort to minimize "Sissor Happy Stylist" I purchased the Split Ender. It's not perfect but it gets the job done.

In addition to what is reccommened on this thread here is another thread that might give you some ideas of what to do now in an effort to preserve what you have left. I HTH as well! How soon do you wash your hair after relaxing.
I shouldn't have either, but there was nothing I could do at that point but too. (She had her girls with her.) I definitely going to start doing my own perms. If it comes out bad, it won't be as bad as someone who doesn't care about it.
Bobbie said:
....I definitely going to start doing my own perms. If it comes out bad, it won't be as bad as someone who doesn't care about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know that's right. I just haven't gotten angry enough yet but I know that's what I need to do in order to be completely free of my dependance upon hair stylist.
(Sorry this is long, but I felt compeled to help)
I am SO sorry you had such a bad experience. So many of us on this board have, and I think this is probably the reason many of us site for having come to this board.

This time last year I had a stylist screw up my hair and I vowed it would be the last time. If I had enough smarts to be able to learn how to use the web to find the info, then I had the smarts to do my OWN perms and so do you. It's cheaper, more controlled and you live with your hair 24 hours a day and know it FAR better than someone that has never seen you until you get through the door.

From the way you are describing your experience, it sounds like somebody used a calcium hydroxide perm on your hair and combed it through. You should find out and have the right to know with they put in your hair, so give them a call at least for that or send somebody to spy for you if you must
. Then do an assessment of your hair, where it seems the most broken and the least broken. I haven't cut my hair in about 6 months. I do what the ladies here call dusting the ends, which is, when I'm at my computer, I have a pair of decent scisors and when I see a split ended hair, I cut it off, but only right before the hair is split. Otherwise, leave it alone. What helped me through the crappy stages is doing 1 or 2 french braids or a phony pony until the other sections catch up. If you decide to use gel, make sure the gel is NOT protein based. it'll snap right off with a quickness. Check out Adrienne's regimen and try to adopt as much of it as possible, especially keeping the ends moist. Believe me, I'm not a student, but I'm pretty bad off financially. I use the following product and really nothing more: Olive Oil, Cream of Nature Ultra Moisturising Shampoo, Relaxed and Natural (Pantene, or in a pinch, Smooth and Sleek with some olive oil mixed in), once a month I use Motions CPR. If you live near hard water, try doing your final rinse in a gallon of water with a 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar. works wonders especially after a perm. I've tried out Motions perm and it works ok for me, since it's the only lye based perm I can find easily where I live.
Some of the best things you can invest in right now are 5mg of Biotin (prefereably Puritains Pride), a container of Shea butter/Olive Oil (hot oil pretreatments and finishing),Vaseline for the ends, S-curl spray and lots of silk covered scrunchies. It's a waiting game, but it is so worth it. I too am a 4a-b and have switched to lye relaxers (HALLELUJAH!). My new hair is shiny, strong and longer than it's ever been. It can be done. And all by your self too. So many of us that visit this board have done it. We have faith in you! Your hair will be bloomin' in no time!
HTH Pixi
thank you so much! <sniff> i needed that, after losing so much hair. i was so ready to give up with taking care of it.
I'm sooooooo sorry for you. Personally, I've just about given up on salons, and after my last touch up in August, I don't think I can ever trust anyone doing my touch ups again. A lot of hair dressers are too rough
, especially when it comes to thick hair---they don't know what to do with it.

I say you should learn how to do your hair---from roller sets to touch ups. There's no way you can do a worst job than what you got recently.

I am so sorry you had a bad experience, but as the other ladies said please don't give up, with a lot of TLC you hair will be healthy and long in no time.

I live in the Bay Area, I have only been hear for about 4 months and I have my hair in braids because I cannot find a stylist. I went to a salon in Oakland called Relaxed, the stylist had the worst attitude and her hair was 1 or 2 inches past her shoulders but her hairline was very far back. She gave me her card and I told her that I did not want to sit in a salon all day long trying to get my hair done and I gave her card back. She said I was not going to find a salon in California where that was not the case.

So if you can find a salon in the bay area let me know in the mean time I will be in braids and I encourage you to hang in there.

Bay Area Hair Friend
i'm so sorry to hear about your bad perm experience!!! if you're ever in so cal, let me know... i'll take you to my stylists. i have two that i trust to do my perm.
Bobbie, I feel for you! I have been there.... (sigh). I vowed to stop going to stylists and to relax my own hair, but 'cause I'm all thumbs it only made matters worse! Then, my cousin offered to do my hair, but now with her 2 kids it's more difficult. Now, I constantly ask people with nice hair who their stylist is, then I get their phone number from them!

Don't be shy. Your hair is at stake!!
Ladies, with your perms practice makes perfect. I have been doing my own relaxer for about 3-4years and I have never had any problems. I never listen to people who say that doing your own relaxer is not good for your hair. Well, my response is is that I can not do any worse then these fools out here who have the nerve to have a beauty lisence. Its so funny but the people who say never do your own relaxer are either the stylists who want your money or people who have jacked up hair and think they look cute.
Bobbie ~
I'm so sorry you had to go through this! I feel for you. I've definitely been there. In fact, I think you go to the same school as Black Cardinal, yes? I went there too. The entire 4 years I spent with braids in my hair because I didn't trust anyone enough to relax my hair (and this was in the days before Brandy, lol, so I had to put up with a few unenlightened comments from my fellow AAs). The ones who had healthy-looking relaxed hair waited until they were home (out-of-state) to get their touchups; the ones who used the campus salon or anywhere on the Peninsula had brittle, thin, never-seems-to-gather-length hair.

I have a stylist I would definitely recommend to you but he is in San Francisco. He knows a lot about hair, his prices are reasonable, and he actually trains licensed stylists. He is NOT a scissor-happy stylist: when I told him I wanted to grow out my hair, he told me "Then stop cutting or trimming it." I couldn't believe my ears b/c all the beauty magazines (including Sophisticate's Black Hair, lol) constantly emphasized the trim-every-six-to-eight weeks routine. LMK if you're interested (you too, Sonora, or any other Bay Area folks) and I'll give you the info.

Scalp Care
I've had scalp burns. I'd advise you to go seek medical attention pronto. It may not seem like it's a big deal but chemical burns are no joke. Every time we damage our scalps, it's a big deal. In the meantime, any occlusive substance, like Vaseline (I know, gross, lol) over your burns will cut off contact with the air, which is what you want (at least, according to a physician I spoke to later about my scalp burns - if you go to the doctor, they may very well give you salvadene (sp?), which is used for burns). If you don't have health insurance or can't pay for the salvedene (sp?), the physician said vaseline works just as well.

Hair Care
As for taking care of your hair now ~ I love Elucence's Moisture Acidifying Shampoo. It is a post-chemical services shampoo created specifically for using after any alkaline chemical procedures (your touchup was no-lye, right?). It returns the pH balance of your hair to a healthier, much lower pH of 4.5 to 5.5. Your hair might still be suffering from the effects of improperly washed out relaxer! The great thing about this shampoo is it turns pink if there's any relaxer still in your hair. You shampoo, rinse, and repeat until your lather is white.

Condition, condition, condition, and decrease manipulation to your hair. Baby it with tons of moisture and protective styles. If your hair isn't long enough to use protective styles, you can cover it with a really pretty silk or satin wrap.

Sorry this is so long! I just truly understand where you're coming from and I want to help you if I can.

Good luck, Bobbie.

That is soo sad. The same thing happened to me when I went to college. And the lady had the nerve to blame it on me for wearing braids. I went bald in some spots and the hair didn't grow back for 7 months. Hang in there, at least you didn't go bald. Rosemary oil is great for healing relaxer burns and also peppermint. I remember waking up the next day and my hair had literally stuck to my scalp from the pus that oozed out. It felt like I had a million paper cuts on my scalp. What a nightmare. I went from having thick hair to paper thin see thru. I haven't relaxed my hair in 4 years and don't plan on ever doing it again.
With all due respect, TigerOrange, and I don't mean to cast aspersions or discredit anyone's experiences at all. But I'm concerned about putting rosemary oil or peppermint oil on scalp burns. These are essential oils, which are also known as "volatile oils," which can have an extremely irritating and sensitizing effects on the skin. In this case, EOs on burnt skin would make the situation worse, not better because it would irritate already damaged skin instead of soothing it.

Rosemary extract in particular can have a toxic reaction on skin! (Check out Chemical Research in Toxicology, November 2001, pp. 1546-1551.) Although pepperment oil can have antimicrobial properties, it can also have an irritating, sensitizing effect on skin. Although peppermint, along with menthol, camphor and mint are considered "counter-irritants," they are still damaging for the skin because they impair the skin's ability to heal itself. (See Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology, November - December 2000, pp. 358-371.) Counter-irritatns are used to induce local inflammation in order to relieve inflammation in deeper or adjacent tissues: basically substituting one type of inflammation for another. Even if your skin doesn't show it, or doesn't act irritated, if you apply irritants, including these "counter-irritants" to your skin, the damage is still taking place, is ongoing, and cumulative.

Conversely, "anti-irritants" are good for reducing inflammation and irritation: bisabolol (which can be extracted from chamomile or derived synthetically), allantoin (a by-product of uric acid extracted from urea), burdock root, aloe, licorice root, green tea, or willow herb are some examples. (If you can, please check out

I'm glad you found your own solution to the relaxer trauma though, TigerOrange. A girlfriend of mine from undergrad, who had see-through, wispy, not-short-by-choice, relaxed hair, went natural 12 years ago and her waist-length locs stood as visual testimony to how much her hair thrived without relaxer.

Bobbie ~ Please get medical attention for those burns. More knowledge can never hurt and will give you the power to make an informed choice once you decide what method of treatment to pursue.
Well thanks for letting me know about this shop. I live in the bay area also. I hate when hairstyles dont ask permission to give you trims and they just do it. I also hate when theyre ruff with your hair. Thats why Ive never been back one.
girl, I can't even begin to tell you how many bad experiences I have had at salons. The problem is I find them to be very unreceptive. For instance I told a hair dresser not to put any grease in my hair and she flipped, I asked her if the relaxer she was using was lye or no lye and she started grumbling about how she only uses top quality products blah blah blah. And when I dared tell her to relax ONLY my new growth she just lost it and went on and on and on about how she is a well educated stylist and that she feels like I am telling her how to do her job. This is some one who expects me to pay $60 for her services. I was so mad, I wanted to snatch off her raggedy wig.

And for the comb out? Don't even get me started on that I swear I lose at least a pound of hair everytime I go to the stylist so now I get my sister to relax my hair and I wash and style it myself. The last time I relaxed my hair at home I didn't lose 1 strand of hair. Hair dressers have this mentality that it is normal to lose hair when you relax. Please do not fall for that BS. If you are careful with you hair, other that normal shedding, you shouldn't lose any strands.
btw that Andre 3000 comment has my cracking up. He does have nice hair though.
Hey you know what? Don't sweat it, with a little TLC, Your hair would grow right back before you know it.
I have had . at least six bad hair horrors (you've would have thought I should have learned after the first time) One time (this is when I didn't know any better and when I had a perm) the hair dresser permed andcolored my hair at the same time. You already know what happend after that (self explanatory) I've went in for trims and left with 4 inches cut off. I had a second degree burn on my scalp and it took months to heal. I am no longer permed because I am traumatized. I don't know how to do it myself so I don't bother.

You may have to start relying on yourself to do you r hair. I am so sorry to hear this. It brings back memories with me. The advice I can give is to massage your head, take your vitamins, use less heat, keep hair moisturized and wear protective styles for awhile. Your hair will be back in no time
Nyambura said:

I have a stylist I would definitely recommend to you but he is in San Francisco. He knows a lot about hair, his prices are reasonable, and he actually trains licensed stylists. He is NOT a scissor-happy stylist: when I told him I wanted to grow out my hair, he told me "Then stop cutting or trimming it." I couldn't believe my ears b/c all the beauty magazines (including Sophisticate's Black Hair, lol) constantly emphasized the trim-every-six-to-eight weeks routine. LMK if you're interested (you too, Sonora, or any other Bay Area folks) and I'll give you the info.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nyambura, would you mind giving me the info on your San Francisco stylist? You can PM me if you don't want to post it here. Thanks in advance.
Im sorry the stylist put you through this. Makes me angry to hear when stylists mistreat our hair. But dont be discouraged. I know it sounds like a broken record, but I don't take your experience lightly. IT WILL GROW BACK; mine did. One time a stylist slicked my hair back with gel and pinned a fake bun to the back, at my request. When I took the bun down about a week later, a tennis ball sized amount of hair just fell out. I mean clumps and clumps. Apparently the gel just ate through my hair like it was a strong chemical. I was so down. I have grown, cut, grown, cut and grown my hair a few times since then. You'll get that length back, I know it.