NTM gets a thumbs down from me


New Member
I saw all the raves about NTM so I decided to try it. I didn't want to just buy all of the products before I knew how good they were so I decided to try the Deep Recovery Hair Mask first. BAAAAAAAD choice. I was very skeptical about it when I saw all of the chemicals on the jar that I had never even heard of. I should have trusted my instincts and put it back on the shelf. This stuff made my hair so dry and frizzy after shampooing. My hair felt rough and the new growth was less manageable. The only good thing I have to say about this product is that it's cheap. I definitely won't be using it again.
I didn't use the condioner for the same reason... didn't like how the ingredients looked. The shampoo is the only part of the line that I like. It's like CON but with less build up.
Sorry you guys did not get the results that the majority of the NTM users on the board do.

Good luck to you with other products that may be better suited for your hair.

All heads are different and it happens.

ETA: Some have not been big fans of the mask, a lot prefer the Daily Deep Conditioner. I in fact, like both. One product is not representative of the entire line, JMO.
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Uh oh...last week when it was on sale at CVS, I bought the NTM Deep Recovery Hair Mask too along with the shampoo because just like you, I've been hearing the rave reviews about it (I'm a PJ, can't help it!).

Haven't used it yet; when I take my braids out next week, I will use it in place of my Kenra MC...just this once to see if I like it.
nfynit_812 said:
Uh oh...last week when it was on sale at CVS, I bought the NTM Deep Recovery Hair Mask too along with the shampoo because just like you, I've been hearing the rave reviews about it (I'm a PJ, can't help it!).

Haven't used it yet; when I take my braids out next week, I will use it in place of my Kenra MC...just this once to see if I like it.

Girl, if you don't like it...hold that for me to get at the next NYC meeting...I'll take it off of your hands. It's a burden...but I will do it for you girl.;)
MonaLisa said:
Girl, if you don't like it...hold that for me to get at the next NYC meeting...I'll take it off of your hands. It's a burden...but I will do it for you girl.;)

LOL! You got first dibs on the NTM Recovery if I don't use it... :D
angelbaby said:
I saw all the raves about NTM so I decided to try it. I didn't want to just buy all of the products before I knew how good they were so I decided to try the Deep Recovery Hair Mask first. BAAAAAAAD choice. I was very skeptical about it when I saw all of the chemicals on the jar that I had never even heard of. I should have trusted my instincts and put it back on the shelf. This stuff made my hair so dry and frizzy after shampooing. My hair felt rough and the new growth was less manageable. The only good thing I have to say about this product is that it's cheap. I definitely won't be using it again.

I'm sorry you had bad results...but... the NTM MASK is the only thing that I DON'T use from the NTM line.

I guess its easy to think when we see the word mask, it would be the bomb, but its not, its actually the daily deep conditioner that is the bomb to me in this line.
I have been trying to suggest the DDC to everyone.
The Daily deeep conditioner(DDC) does what the mask is suppose to do..IMHO.
Some have had luck with the mask. Most don't.
I don't expect everyone to have positive results with this line..but I did warn people about the Mask..lol.
Is there a certain hair type that the mask is better/worse on.....or is it just different for everyone.

to answer senimoni's ?, i am a 2b/3b and my hair loves it! after i use mnt i shlack on a lot of mask (maybe 3 handfuls bc my hair is thick) and i concentrate on the ends, puttin a handful just on them. i clean the house which is usually an hour to an hour and a half, i come back to rinse it out and my hair feels like silk. it also really detangles my hair so i dont have to use a detangler afterwards.

whats wrong with the ingredients? i dont want to be buying anything thats not good for me!
senimoni said:
Is there a certain hair type that the mask is better/worse on.....or is it just different for everyone.

You know what, I didn't think about that. That could be it.

My hair is type 4a/b thick and coarse. It laughs at the MASK.
It LOVES and cherishes the DDC.
my hair is 4b and it loves ntm mask.

the first time i used the ntm line, i was not impressed.

i tried it again a few months later and now i love it.

i would definitely recommend giving it a second chance.
angelbaby said:
I saw all the raves about NTM so I decided to try it. I didn't want to just buy all of the products before I knew how good they were so I decided to try the Deep Recovery Hair Mask first. BAAAAAAAD choice. I was very skeptical about it when I saw all of the chemicals on the jar that I had never even heard of. I should have trusted my instincts and put it back on the shelf. This stuff made my hair so dry and frizzy after shampooing. My hair felt rough and the new growth was less manageable. The only good thing I have to say about this product is that it's cheap. I definitely won't be using it again.

The NTM Deep Recovery Hair Mask performed similarly on my hair as well. However, it does say to use a small amount, and I think I used more than I should have. In any event, I returned the product, and received a refund.

I am, however, pleased by the way the NTM Silk Touch Leave-In performed on my hair.

I'm also sorry you didn't like the Mask, but A LOT of people have said that's not the best product in the line. Most rave about the Serum and the DDC, I would have suggested trying one of those 2 first.
angelbaby said:
I saw all the raves about NTM so I decided to try it. I didn't want to just buy all of the products before I knew how good they were so I decided to try the Deep Recovery Hair Mask first. BAAAAAAAD choice. I was very skeptical about it when I saw all of the chemicals on the jar that I had never even heard of. I should have trusted my instincts and put it back on the shelf. This stuff made my hair so dry and frizzy after shampooing. My hair felt rough and the new growth was less manageable. The only good thing I have to say about this product is that it's cheap. I definitely won't be using it again.
Are you giving the whole line a thumbs down or just the Deep Recovery Hair Mask? The only product I use from this line is the NTM Healing Shine Serum. I :love: it.
The same thing happened to me when i used it for the first time. I then called the number on the jar and they suggested that i use a little. So i tried it the next time but used a lot less. My hair loves it now. Im a 3c/4a
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Allandra said:
Are you giving the whole line a thumbs down or just the Deep Recovery Hair Mask? The only product I use from this line is the NTM Healing Shine Serum. I :love: it.

Okay...this is what I mean about inflammatory thread titles...
and then Allandra has to swoop down and comfort me....and tell me to stop whining...and suck it up. LOL.

The mask was disliked...but it sounded like the whole NTM line sucked big time.

I'm so done.
I had similar results with the mask -- it did absolutely nothing. And I bought it after skeptically reading the ingredients. I think I was faked out by the words "Triple Moisture"!

I have to say, though, that at the urging of Mona & Sylver2, I did recently try two other NTM products: the serum and the silky touch leave-in cream. I love them both! I used the think John Freid made the best serum but the NTM serum is better - not as thick, but using it in conjunction with the leave-in makes my hair very soft and silky and I'm about 12 weeks post-relaxer (unheard of, in my experience). Usually by 12 weeks after my touch-up, I can't do a thing with my hair. I didn't try the daily deep conditioner because it seemed like just an instant conditioner to me and I already have a cheapie conditioner that works wonders for me (Tressemme Aloe Remoisturizing conditioner).

Angelbaby, don't let your bad experience with one product from this line prevent you from trying others.
sylver2 said:
You know what, I didn't think about that. That could be it.

My hair is type 4a/b thick and coarse. It laughs at the MASK.
It LOVES and cherishes the DDC.

My hair is 4a/b fine and it gets along with the Mask just fine...it loves the DDC as well. It loves it mixed together.

Okay...so I wasn't done.....I'm hurt again....:(

Allandra, come hold me please.
MonaLisa said:
Okay...this is what I mean about inflammatory thread titles...
and then Allandra has to swoop down and comfort me....and tell me to stop whining...and suck it up. LOL.

The mask was disliked...but it sounded like the whole NTM line sucked big time.

I'm so done.
Mona, indeed great minds do think alike. :grin:
I think I'll pass on the whole line. I'm sticking to Elucence. I shouldn't have to call some 800 number about something I buy in a drugstore that is for normal consumer use.

I don't think what I wrote was inflammatory. It's just a hair product.
angelbaby said:
I think I'll pass on the whole line. I'm sticking to Elucence. I shouldn't have to call some 800 number about something I buy in a drugstore that is for normal consumer use.

I don't think what I wrote was inflammatory. It's just a hair product.
I also had bad experiences with this line. The leave-in left my hair feeling like straw and the mask was nothing special. Kenra MC was much better. The only product I use from this line is the serum and it is not my favorite. Kerastase Oleo Relax serum is but the NTM is cheaper.
angelbaby said:
I think I'll pass on the whole line. I'm sticking to Elucence. I shouldn't have to call some 800 number about something I buy in a drugstore that is for normal consumer use.

I don't think what I wrote was inflammatory. It's just a hair product.

inflammatory (adj) - tending to arouse strong emotion, as passion or anger
MonaLisa said:
inflammatory (adj) - tending to arouse strong emotion, as passion or anger
I know what it means. I just don't understand someone getting upset over a review about a haircare product.
angelbaby said:
I know what it means. I just don't understand someone getting upset over a review about a haircare product.
I think Mona's comments are all in good fun, not to be taken so seriously. Ladies, it's just hair! Just a product! Some will like, others will not...but I personally would not judge a whole line of products by one product, especially one that a lot have not had good experiences with. All the NTM threads have made it clear IMO that the Mask is a somewhat...controversial (for lack of a better term)...product. Why even start with that, or judge the whole line by that one? But again, it's just hair and one product. I would just hate for people to be turned off the entire line because of the Mask.
Cincysweetie said:
I think Mona's comments are all in good fun, not to be taken so seriously. Ladies, it's just hair! Just a product! Some will like, others will not...but I personally would not judge a whole line of products by one product, especially one that a lot have not had good experiences with. All the NTM threads have made it clear IMO that the Mask is a somewhat...controversial (for lack of a better term)...product. Why even start with that, or judge the whole line by that one? But again, it's just hair and one product. I would just hate for people to be turned off the entire line because of the Mask.

Thanks Cincy....;)
One Love
MonaLisa said:
inflammatory (adj) - tending to arouse strong emotion, as passion or anger

:lol:, girl you are too much!

I recently purchased the Mask, Daily Deep Conditioner, Serum and last night the Leave in.

I really don't care for the Mask too much, perhaps will try using wiht the DDC (oh, so I'm a copy cat!). My hair LOVES the DDC, wish this was sold in larger quantities. The serum...any body want it? Yuck...not impressed. I've used Avon's Dry Ends Serum w/better results (and there's my still favorite Paul Mitchell Serum - Super Skinny. I haven't used the Leave-in Yet, will do after I do my wash and conditioning treatment today. I won't bother with the shampoo, the Elucence is the ONE for me...not even curious about any others! :nono:

I would say give the other products a try, who knows....you might find a new fave....