NPR was talking about hair this morning


New Member
Good Day Ladies,

This morning I did my typical 45 minute daily commute to work and I was listening to National Public Radio. Among all the negatives that's going on in the world, they had a really good commentary by Jessica Goldstein. She was talking about curly hair & straight hair.
She spoke with one woman that said her hair changes texture every 7 to 10 years. It goes from straight to wavy to curly. Now I'm assuming she's caucasian, but I still found it very intersting. She also spoke about how Italians and Spaniards wash their hair less than Americans. And how washing 4-5 times a week does not help, but may actually hurt.
This is nothing new to us at LHCF :grin:
There was one thing that was really interesting also. She said that there is A LOT of funding going on with hair research. Especially the fact that with some people, their hair texture changes. She said that they may be trying to engineer a pill, that could make your hair straight if you want it or curly if you want it. :spinning: Now my only question with that is, if it did happen, how can they determine that ONLY the hair on one's head would be curly/straight as opposed to the hair on the rest of the body. :lachen:
Here are the links if you interested:
Very interesting Post. I have had a lot of my white friends mention this before about their texture changing.

That would be very funny if your body hair got curly if you took a curly pill and your body hair got straight if you took a straight hair pill.

Kinda OT and TMI: My hair on my head is curly but all of my body hair is super straight (same texture as my eyelashes wierd huh).