Well-Known Member
I think many people take sex too seriously. I definitely agree that it is something that would be better to save until marriage or at least until you find the person you know you are going to marry, but when you wait too long it's like you're asking for trouble! Is that healthy?? Will you be able to even enjoy sex once it actually happens? People definitely need to be careful with exhaulting sex. I waited a long time compared to most people that I know, and it was difficult at first. I can't imagine if I would have waited until my 30's or 40's to have sex...
I think people do not take sex seriously enough.
Of course abstinence is healthy, you decrease your risk or AIDS, STDS, cervical cancer... possible depression and heartache if you realize a man was just using you
Why wouldn't you be able to enjoy sex once it happened? It's not like the parts stop working.