Now usually I don't do this... but I need help. :-/


Well-Known Member
Okay so I'm not a thread starter.. I'm more of a thread lurker, thread searcher, etc. But I'm ready to get serious about my hair growth/retention and in need of specific help.

So here are my stats:

Natural, 3c/4a, bc'd March 2011 to basically bald, now I'm just grazing SL. Fine to medium (but I err on the side of "fine"). I keep my hair stretched in either a blow out/twist out or a rollerset/flat iron. I've just begun incorporating protein which makes a WORLD of difference.

Current reggie (still tweaking):
Prepoo with hemp seed oil (just added)
Shampoo with either Suave clarifying or CON argan shampoo
DC alternating a protein and moisture DC, under dryer for 30 mins
Rinse out
Silicon mix leave in + whatever else I feel like
Either blowdry and twist/braid or rollerset and flat iron

Trying to get regular with moisturizing but haven't found a great moisturizer yet.


I guess I'm trying to figure out how to get better retention. I feel like I'm always trimming my ends because they seem scraggly. I've tried just doing twists or "natural styles" (you know what I mean) but SSK's are the bane of my existence. So I'm looking for either technique or product recommendations if possible.

If you have questions or need more info PLEASE let me know!! I will say that I've probably just started being diligent about hair care w/in the last 3-ish months. Prior to that I kinda fell into the mindset that because my hair was natural, it was rock solid and would flourish on it's own :lol: That ish didn't workout lol. I also think I need new flat irons because my FHI's are a few years old and I feel like I'm noticing some snagging. Thinking about getting some Sedu's.

Anywho, thanks for reading all this (if you read LOL). Any help at ALL would be so appreciated... :yep:
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I'm sure you wills get great advice. But why shampoo weekly? My hair hates shampoo so I can only use it sparingly
Blairx0 Thanks!! I have been considering cutting down on the shampoo, especially the clarifying one. At first it worked beautifully but now I think it's becoming stripping...
I shampoo weekly with no problem, but how often are you using the clarifying shampoo. I wouldnt clarify weekly. Also, i would consider buns for retention. not flat ironing as much would probably help too.
sherrimberri - Thanks!! Yeah I think I'm od'ing on the clarifying shampoo. I only flat iron every other week so I think that's okay, especially once I get new flat irons. I was doing it every week but I was worried I'd get damage so I wanted to prevent that.
Sounds like maybe you're not balancing your moisture levels to keep up with your regular flat ironing and your ends are suffering from the heat. What's your daily regi? Keratin is depleted when you apply irons to your hair, I would suggest Aphogee 2 Minute Keratin every week or sth similar if you're flat ironing every other week. Also a Keratin Spray underneath your heat protectant before you flat iron - Aphogee Green Tea & Keratin is excellent for this purpose.

Do your ends just seem scraggly to you or are they proper damaged/splitting? What happens if you miss a trim?
Are you babying your ends? Do you seal them at all? I had problems with raggedy ends...then I made sure I would seal them with coconut oil. Cute makeup btw! :yep:
I agree with much of what previous persons have said

1. cut down on the clarifying poo
2. consider using a no/low poo
3. maybe consider incorporating a hard protein Rx, or at Claud-uk said, adding protein leave ins.
4. consider cutting down heat usage, but if u have to then incorporate 3 above
5. consider doing more protective styles (that tuck away your ends)
6. seal ends (keep moisture up)
claud-uk - Well I've JUST and I mean JUST started incorporating protein into my regimen. I was terrified of it as a new natural but now I realize my hair needs it. I do have the Aphogee spray at home, I just have to start using it regularly! My ends.. I think they're a combination of scraggly and split. Right now I don't have any splits because I did a pretty hefty dusting/trim (maybe .5 inch all around).

snillohsss - You know what, I don't seal. I'll moisturize but don't think to seal. That's like LHCF 101 lol smh. I need to pay better attention. Thanks re: the makeup!!! :D

SimJam - I agree w/ all of your points. I think I'm going to put the clarifying poo on the shelf and go back to strictly cowashing for a few weeks and see how that goes. I've done a couple hard protein (aphogee 2 step) so I'm on top of that. And I do need to work on protective styles; the main protective style I know is a bun or a tuck n roll.

Thank you ladies SO much for the help!!
Pretty curlies! your hair looks really healthy tapioca :yep: Here's my :twocents:...... ok, more like :twocents::twocents::twocents: I'm chatty :lol:

The shampoo: I would cut way back on the clarifying poo, to every 4-6 weeks.

Protein/ moisture: Instead of alternating protein and moisture DCs have you considered doing mild to med protein treatments followed by moisture DCs? I have found that its much easier to get p/m balance with mild, frequent doses of protein.

The heat: Your hair doesn't look damaged , but if you're having issues with dryness, the direct heat will affect your retention. I'd cut back on the heat until you've got your moisture routine down.

The ends: Can you put it in a ponytail? Maybe baggying uner a phony pony or phony bun. Or if not maybe a cute HW? Thats what I did until I could bun. I am a firm believer in hiding those ends.

About moisturizer have you tried using conditioner as leave-in? I've been doing this for about 6 months now and its made a world of difference.
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I agree with all of the above. It looks as if we are hair cousins so what helped me with my ssks was sealing with something heavy..currently I use mowrah butter but I've used products like qhemet heavy cream or a pomade. Something kinda thick to go on top after your leave in. That was the only way I was able to cure my ssk problem. Hth:)
newgrowth15 - Thanks!! Yeah I love that style. It's super easy and lasts for a while! I didn't realize it was a protective style because my ends are "out".. who knew!!

halee_J - Girl I'll take ALL YO CENTS!! :lachen: I'm nixing the shampoo post haste, trust me!! I see what you're saying - do protein AND moisture each week... do I do one longer than the other? And I think I am gonna chill on the direct heat until I get my situation moisturized.. I'll likely still blowdry on low to keep my hair stretched, but the flat irons I'll chill on for a while. Yup I got a little ponytail going on lol. I use a satin scrunchie on the days I wear ponytails. I will try using my conditioner as a leave in!

nurseN98 - Thanks for the suggestion!! I don't think I have anything heavy at home; I may need to look into some type of a butter. Shea just sits on my hair, so I'll need to look into something else. I have EVCO, not sure if that's heavy enough.

NappyNelle & chelleypie810 - Thanks so much ladies!!!! :kiss:

I'm feeling so much better already.. :D
Lol tapioca you a trip :lol: about the protein, if it's like aphogee 2 minute or Joico Kpak, I'll do a just few minutes, usually not more than 5-10, then follow up with moisture DC.
Your hair is so pretty! I'm not natural, but from reading your regi, you might want to cut back on the use of direct heat (blowdrying and flatironing).
Solitude - Thank you SO much!! I try to do either or with my heat usage - so either I blowdry and do a twist out OR I rollerset and flat iron. I typically alternate weekly. Do you still think this is too much heat? I might need to rollerset/flat iron once a month instead of twice..?
@Solitude - Thank you SO much!! I try to do either or with my heat usage - so either I blowdry and do a twist out OR I rollerset and flat iron. I typically alternate weekly. Do you still think this is too much heat? I might need to rollerset/flat iron once a month instead of twice..?

Do you flatiron your whole strands or just your roots after rollersetting? Once a week direct heat is too much for my hair, but it works for some people. But, since you keep having to trim your ends, it sounds like it may be affecting your retention.

If I rollerset and flat iron my roots only, that's much better. So, I would suggest doing the twistout without blowdrying first and flatironing the roots only after rollersetting.
All I can say is that u have the best curls ever. Your hair looks so soft and beautiful. Cut out the heat for a couple months, do more protective styles and you will be amazed at the retention u will see in 6 months. With ur texture, you can easily roller set then wrap and get a nice bouncy straight style.
Solitude, I concentrate the bulk of the heat on my roots but still do a pass down the ends using the comb chase method. I think I'm going to try cutting it out for a few months to see if I notice a difference; then I'll know where my problem lies!! Thank you!!

Mystic - Thanks so much lady!! :huggle: I will take your suggestion and just chill for a couple of months and see if I notice a difference. I'd have to find products to give me the "swang" after a rollerset without flat ironing, but I'm sure I'll stumble upon something. :)
@Tapioca pudding

moisturize with a water based cream or lotion and seal with an oil 2-4 times a week.
only clarify once a month.
trim every 3months.
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Maybe try a roller set on large rollers instead of using the blow dryer and flat iron.
I agree with the others on the shampoo thing. Try no-pooing in-between your shampoos.

Your hair is lovely.
About moisturizer have you tried using conditioner as leave-in? I've been doing this for about 6 months now and its made a world of difference.

^^^this. I had a huge bottle of Nexxus humetress to use up, (since I mostly dc with AO HSR and GPB) so I started applying it to my ends instead of leave-in then sealing with coconut oil. The difference in my ends are huge. Before, I was having to seal them 2 times a day, especially deep in a stretch as i am right now,as they woyuld look so scraggly and crispy. But since doing that and then tucking them away, the difference was astounding :yep:
Sorry I don't have anything to add - just wanted to say I love your eyebows. Nice shape! Good luck to you!
southerncitygirl - Gotcha! I need to step up my M&S game.

AFashionSlave - Hmm I never thought about bigger rollers!! That's a really great idea!

Je Ne Sais Quoi - Thank you SO much!!

crazytrish75 - I'll have to see what I have at home but I think I have some Generic humectress from Sallys GVP line... I'm going to go through my arsenal of products and weed out what's what. I have a huge tub of coconut oil LOL.

demlew - Thanks so much!! They are a work in progress lol!!!

Thank you ladies!!! I truly appreciate the suggestions. I'm going to work on putting them into practice, especially killing the shampoo and moisturizing/sealing my ends. IT's funny - I've been here forever but somehow forgot about moisturizing and sealing :drunk: It's the little things.
I'd say stop using shampoo, point blank period. There are so many cleansing conditioners on the market jut have to find the one you like best. Then you don't really need to shampoo, unless your hair is just super full of product. Plus, because you're not stripping all of the moisture out of your hair with shampoo, you don't need to work as hard to put it all back in. I do a weekly hard protein DC, and co-cleanse 2-3x's a week. No need to do a moisture DC...if anything, only the protein is keeping me from moisture overload.

I also agree with using shampoo as a leave in. I oil rinse, and then use Tresseme leave-in ever. If its too much moisture, you can always dilute it in a spray bottle. I think this may be reducing my SSK problem as well....haven't had any issues since I started doing this.