November Christmas Stretch Club Update

Divine Inspiration

Well-Known Member
Alright ladies, time is winding down slowly but's everyone doing???

So far, so good here. I've been pooing/DCing 1x/week and CO washing/DCing 1x/week. This has really kept my new growth manageable and kept the breakage away.

I started a Hair/Skin/Nail vit about a week ago and so far I'm liking what it's done for my skin and nails. I can't really tell what it's doin for my hair because there was already a ton of new growth to begin with.

Anyhow, I just wanted to see how everyone is doing on November 1 and see if anybody needed suggestions on products/methods to get through the stretch... :look:
I'm still hangin in there coming up on week 11. Wearing a curly instant weave now. Suprisingly my hair's been pretty manageable though. Usually by now I can't take it anymore and am ready to relax. I wish this girl would hurry up and call me back about these cornrows though. I'm getting a little restless. :ohwell:
I'm still heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere. So far so good. I'm still in braids, I got two more weeks with these braids. And then I'll be bunning it until I do my touch up. I don't want to know how long my hair is, so no straightening for me.
Unfortunately, I'm not in the Christmas Stretch Club. I haven't relaxed since March (7 months), and will be taking my braids out this weekend (had since late August). Anyway, I'm more of a Thanksgiving stretcher. Like you all, I didn't think it could be done (I have type 4a/b hair). I've taken out a few braids (like 3), my hair is soft, and my new growth is in check. So, I'll be cheering you all on. I know you can do it!
I'm still here. I wish I had a digital camera to take pictures of my newgrowth. My hair grows in a V shape and the back is sweeping across my LOVE IT! The sides are still making progress but not the progress I'd like. That takes time. I am washing once a week and I'm not really on a regime...does that defeat the purpose? On Saturday I shampoo/conditioned and then I blew my hair dry with a handheld dryer (hadn't done this in YEARS!) and then I flat ironed it and wrapped it and oiled it. I love the hair feels soft, isn't weighed down and my newgrowth isn't all hard and crispy. I don't think I will do this again because I feel sorry for my hair...all that damn heat! LOL...I try something different each week. I just get tired of the plain ole rollersets though.
this week i was seriously considering falling off the wagon. i'm 8 weeks post and feeling every bit of it. i just purchased a bottle of sta soft fro..wish me luck. i have never used it before. i want to get to 10 weeks, possibly 12. i'm looking at a thanksgiving relaxer with mizani (why did i ever leave)without LHCF, i would have never thought possible i could go this thank's ladies:D
I am really trying but it is so hard! I took out my sewn-in last week b/c I thought I'd be able to get it re-done sometime this week and I can't! I did straighten it on Saturday to see how much length I've gained and I'm past shoulder-length, barely. I'm going to keep wearing my buns and scarves until December comes.
Cocoberry, thank you for the support! I think we ALL need it b/c it sounds like folks are gettin a lil antsy, lol.
I finally perfected a stretching regimen so stretching isn't even getting to me like it used to...I don't wanna speak too soon though...I may be stressin this time two weeks from now!
Good Morning,

Checking in...
Hang in there ladies! I am having a time because I started a no heat challenge before starting this I got a soft birds nest under my relaxed hair, and I don't use heat on it. My nausea is not a bad as it was a few weeks ago, so I will be using my scurl again and I will try the silicon mix again. I know they work, so these last few weeks should be smooth if I can stand the smell. I will be bunning my hair 99% of the time until the end anyway. Also, I think I may have sacrificed some length because I let my hair get too dry some days when I didn't wet it, and I experienced some tangles and breakage. So we will see on Dec 31st. If I remember(or feel like it) I will take a couple of pics of my new growth. I am almost 13 weeks post relaxer.
lisajames96 said:
Good Morning,

Checking in...
Hang in there ladies! I am having a time because I started a no heat challenge before starting this I got a soft birds nest under my relaxed hair, and I don't use heat on it. My nausea is not a bad as it was a few weeks ago, so I will be using my scurl again and I will try the silicon mix again. I know they work, so these last few weeks should be smooth if I can stand the smell. I will be bunning my hair 99% of the time until the end anyway. Also, I think I may have sacrificed some length because I let my hair get too dry some days when I didn't wet it, and I experienced some tangles and breakage. So we will see on Dec 31st. If I remember(or feel like it) I will take a couple of pics of my new growth. I am almost 13 weeks post relaxer.

:wave: Hey Lisa, glad to hear your nausea is better. I know things sounded dubious for you at the last update. Glad you're still with us.

Checkin in too. This new growth is driving me c-r-a-z-y! I was very tempted to give up. This seems like the longest part of the challenge but i will stay with it. This is the first challenge i really believe in......
Taij said:

Checkin in too. This new growth is driving me c-r-a-z-y! I was very tempted to give up. This seems like the longest part of the challenge but i will stay with it. This is the first challenge i really believe in......

Hey girl...I'm glad you didn't give up! I believe in this one too...I've never participated in an LHCF challenge and this whole Christmas Stretch thing started out as me wanting a Christmas stretch "buddy" but since I got such a great response, I was like what the heck let's just form a club :lol:

But I really do think my hair is gonna thank me for hanging in there with this stretch. I can't wait...
I'm still here. I'm only 2 1/2 weeks post and I'm still doing the baggie method with my phony pony (almost 2 months...going strong). Progress is going well, I already see a tiny bit of new growth (or is it wishful thinking..IDK :) . I wish my sides would catch up with the rest of my hair :perplexed But I know that with time it will. Keep up the good stretch ladies!!!!!! :yay:
I'm hanging on for dear life, but I'm still in. My last relaxer was in September and I'm doing well. I'm washing once a week and moisturizing the ends at night and wearing a phony pony during the day.I'm taking a break from surging and I havent been consistent with my vitamin intake, but my hair is still growing. If everything goes well, I may try to stretch my relaxer until April 2006. I think I can do I!!
Mermaid0684 said:
My last relaxer was in September and I'm doing well. I'm washing once a week and moisturizing the ends at night and wearing a phony pony during the day. If everything goes well, I may try to stretch my relaxer until April 2006. I think I can do I!!

Go head then girl!!! I'll be cheerin you on all the way...

Gimme a M E R M A I D What does that spell? MERMAID! Who's a mega stretcher? MERMAID! Who's hair is gonna be fly in April? MERMAID!!! Woot woot! :bdance:
Divine Inspiration said:
Go head then girl!!! I'll be cheerin you on all the way...

Gimme a M E R M A I D What does that spell? MERMAID! Who's a mega stretcher? MERMAID! Who's hair is gonna be fly in April? MERMAID!!! Woot woot! :bdance:

D.I you're too funny. But you do what you have to do to stay in the game. I'm my own pep squad :dance7:
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I am 10 weeks post and my front roots look HORRIBLE. :eek: It's just very obvious that I "need a perm" and I feel like folks are saying , "she needs a touchup" behind my back. I have 2 inches of new growth in the front/top, I have 2.5 in the crown and 2.25 in the back. The shrinkage is hanging in like BLACK POWER and the length of my hair when wet looks oddly shorter than it did when I first started seeing a lot of new growth. :( But, I haven't been breaking. :confused: I am ready for a relaxer but I am going to stick it out and make sure I flat iron my roots super straight for the Thanksgiving holiday. I'm still on wagon, but I ain't excited no mo'! ;)
Divine Inspiration said:
Go head then girl!!! I'll be cheerin you on all the way...

Gimme a M E R M A I D What does that spell? MERMAID! Who's a mega stretcher? MERMAID! Who's hair is gonna be fly in April? MERMAID!!! Woot woot! :bdance:

:lol: :lol:

I'm now over 8wks post touch-up and so far so good. I have been getting a rollerset once a week at the hairdressers. I have only been washing my hair once a week but I will start to do CW in between salon visits. The only problem I have of doing CW is trying to get the time it takes down - any suggestions??
I'm still here, 14 weeks posts, I was ready to quit bout 2 weeks ago,airdrying my hair was making it hard to comb and style, so I pulled out my trusty blow dryer, and here I am, still strecthing! :grin:
hi ladies I have decided to join this stretch club as well. I thought I could make it to Valentine's Day but my hair has a mind of its own with all of this new growth. At the moment I am 10 wks post relaxer and I can't wait until Christmas to relax.
CantBeCopied said:
I am 10 weeks post and my front roots look HORRIBLE. :eek: It's just very obvious that I "need a perm" and I feel like folks are saying , "she needs a touchup" behind my back. I have 2 inches of new growth in the front/top, I have 2.5 in the crown and 2.25 in the back. The shrinkage is hanging in like BLACK POWER and the length of my hair when wet looks oddly shorter than it did when I first started seeing a lot of new growth. :( But, I haven't been breaking. :confused: I am ready for a relaxer but I am going to stick it out and make sure I flat iron my roots super straight for the Thanksgiving holiday. I'm still on wagon, but I ain't excited no mo'! ;)

Girl you ain't neva lied! I know folks are straight doggin this head of mine. I've got almost 4 full inches of new growth and I know people are lookin at my roots like :eek: and thinkin "Is she that broke?" "Has she let herself go?" I let them say what they will b/c they gone be lookin cross eyed and long faced when I'm whippin this freshly relaxed mane around come Christmas. And I will be whippin and flippin, please believe! :lol:
I have the shrinkage issues's lookin all short and shrunk up but I might go get a shampoo/style at the salon before Thanksgiving just to reward myself for going so long without direct heat and pressin on through this stretch.
Hang in there girl! You gotta keep the excitement factor above 5 :lol:
KathyMay said:
hi ladies I have decided to join this stretch club as well. I thought I could make it to Valentine's Day but my hair has a mind of its own with all of this new growth. At the moment I am 10 wks post relaxer and I can't wait until Christmas to relax.

Welcome to the club! Get cho scretch on girl! (my country grand-aunt, not grandma, but grandaunt, says scretch instead of stretch)
pradalover said:
:lol: :lol:

I'm now over 8wks post touch-up and so far so good. I have been getting a rollerset once a week at the hairdressers. I have only been washing my hair once a week but I will start to do CW in between salon visits. The only problem I have of doing CW is trying to get the time it takes down - any suggestions?? much time is it takin you to go from dry to dry and what do you believe is the most time-consuming portion of the process?
hello all! i'm in lunch, in the school library... and i missed lhcf so much!

right now i'm a few days shy of 10 weeks post and things are going ok. I have 1.5" of new growth in most areas, but i find that my hair is drying out a little bit, i need to up to the moisture treatments and the protein more often...

i'm going to start exercising soon, probably starting monday, and see if that makes a difference.

omg... sadly, my hair does not like the EQP mango butter. it's too thick for my hair... for some reason since i started using it, more hair comes out at the ends :confused: and because of that i trimmed/dusted a couple of days ago. Now i worry that i might not make it to my goal. I mean, i probably will but i dont wanna have to take anything off again, you know? :(
Divine Inspiration said:
Girl you ain't neva lied! I know folks are straight doggin this head of mine. I've got almost 4 full inches of new growth and I know people are lookin at my roots like :eek: and thinkin "Is she that broke?" "Has she let herself go?" I let them say what they will b/c they gone be lookin cross eyed and long faced when I'm whippin this freshly relaxed mane around come Christmas. And I will be whippin and flippin, please believe! :lol:
I have the shrinkage issues's lookin all short and shrunk up but I might go get a shampoo/style at the salon before Thanksgiving just to reward myself for going so long without direct heat and pressin on through this stretch.
Hang in there girl! You gotta keep the excitement factor above 5 :lol:

Aw, thanks DI. I am glad to know my LHCF sisters are going through the same thing. Cause Lord knows I am looking KRAZY TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC! :ohwell: I cannot WAIT until Christmas. I have never missed having a fresh relaxer this bad. We will ALLL be whippin and flippin and slapping the naysayers in the face with our lucious locks! :look:
CarLiTa said:
I have 1.5" of new growth in most areas, but i find that my hair is drying out a little bit, i need to up to the moisture treatments and the protein more often...
omg... sadly, my hair does not like the EQP mango butter. it's too thick for my hair... for some reason since i started using it, more hair comes out at the ends :confused: and because of that i trimmed/dusted a couple of days ago. Now i worry that i might not make it to my goal. I mean, i probably will but i dont wanna have to take anything off again, you know? :(

CarLiTa, my hair is dry like this too. It's frustrating because I feel like one missed treatment or one mistake can have adverse effects on this whole entire Christmas stretch and cause me not to make the goal. And, :eek: about the EQP Mango Butter. I am a mango butter addict but now I am worried that I need to be looking out for more shedding. Could this extra shedding be due to the weather changes?

You will make your goal I am sure. Keep your head up.
It's just very obvious that I "need a perm" and I feel like folks are saying , "she needs a touchup" behind my back. I have 2 inches of new growth in the front/top, I have 2.5 in the crown and 2.25 in the back. The shrinkage is hanging in like BLACK POWER and the length of my hair when wet looks oddly shorter than it did when I first started seeing a lot of new growth. But, I haven't been breaking.
Girl we are all in this togetha!!! Its ok because

1.I feel like folks are saying , "she needs a touchup" behind my back. Yeah well they'll be saying something else when you finish the challenge,get a perm and have all of this nice new healthy length. I'm sure you know what they'll be sayin ;)

2. the length of my hair when wet looks oddly shorter than it did when I first started seeing a lot of new growth.
I have been experiencing the same thing! At first I was upset, then discouraged then I remembered that it is the new growth that is shrinking underneath causining the perm hair to "lift" a little.

3.I haven't been breaking.[/
This is good! YOu haven't been breaking? That means more length when you finnally perm.

Hang on girl! YOu have an army of other ladies and an awesome pres. stretching right along whitcha! :)
CarLiTa said:
omg... sadly, my hair does not like the EQP mango butter. it's too thick for my hair... for some reason since i started using it, more hair comes out at the ends :confused: and because of that i trimmed/dusted a couple of days ago. Now i worry that i might not make it to my goal. I mean, i probably will but i dont wanna have to take anything off again, you know? :(

Hey CARLITA!!!!! I've been missin ya honey!

I've heard a lot of people say that about EQP Mango Butter. I usually use it on new growth as opposed to my ends, and I've never had any problems with it. It's funny b/c some folks use it on their ends and LOVE it and other folks use it on their ends and HATE it.
Anyhow, I'm sure you'll still make your goal, especially if you spend the next few weeks exercising and so forth.

Good luck girlie!
Taij said:
Girl we are all in this togetha!!! Its ok because

1.I feel like folks are saying , "she needs a touchup" behind my back. Yeah well they'll be saying something else when you finish the challenge,get a perm and have all of this nice new healthy length. I'm sure you know what they'll be sayin ;)

2. the length of my hair when wet looks oddly shorter than it did when I first started seeing a lot of new growth.
I have been experiencing the same thing! At first I was upset, then discouraged then I remembered that it is the new growth that is shrinking underneath causining the perm hair to "lift" a little.

3.I haven't been breaking.[/
This is good! YOu haven't been breaking? That means more length when you finnally perm.

Hang on girl! YOu have an army of other ladies and an awesome pres. stretching right along whitcha! :)

You're so kind! Thanx girl.... :Rose: