November 4,5,6...What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Care Edition


PJ Rehabilitation Center
TGIF Divas to the 10th Power. The Weekend is soon upon us.

So, what are you doing to Nuture & Nourish Your Hair?


Cowash with Camille Rose Jansyn Moisture Max Conditioner
Nexxus Emergencee under dryer until Hair
Steam with Marie Dean's Seaweed & Rice
Tea Rinse
Apply Leave-In & Dry Under Dryer

And You D's?:grin:
DCing now. I will be doing a curlformer set (extra wide and long) for the weekend.
Saturday night: spritz, detangle and prepoo with coconut/EVOO
Sunday: shampoo, DC in the steam room, ACV rinse and twist for the week
Still in these twists so "naaathin NAAAthin" *lil wayne voice* Just scrubbed my scalp with some witch hazel and moisturized. The End.
I'm so excited to do something with my hair this weekend. These past two DCs were useless. So I'm gonna shampoo, DC with Aphogee 2 minute and DPR 11 and oils, detangle with my fancy new detangling comb, and do a curlformers set. And hopefully, get my first real trim since growing my hair out! It's been almost two years

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i worn my hairt flat ironed this week and my stylist said it was a little dry so she reccommended using olive instead of coconut oil for the fall/winter. here's my reggie for this weekend:
pre-poo with meadowfoam and olive oils ( haven't decided for how long or whether i'll add conditioner too)
wash with giovanni 50/50
condition with aubrey's gbp
use darcys botanicals leave-in
layer with ic spaklelites gel
do twists for my weekly twist out style, putting my usual perm rods on the ends
sitting under the dryer for a an hour or so before bed so i don't go to sleep on wet twists.
untwist the next morning and use a mix of oils before i take then down ( probably coconut, olive, & castor with some meadowfaon or kukui thrown in)
Moisture DC under steamer with enso naturals cacao DC
Shampoo/Cowash - I'm leaning towards a cowash with As I Am Coconut Cleansing Condish
M&S as usual

Orrrrr.....I might do my usual routine of
Tea rinse
Moisutre DC under steamer

We'll see.
I'm hoping my henna order comes in by tomorrow, so I can henna my hair....need to coor those grays! Then I will DC, either blow it out in preparation for a weave or braid it up for a braid out and weave it next week.
I'm so excited to do my hair this weekend cuz I skipped last weekend. And my hair is so ready to be washed. I plan to do an HOT treatment, then shampoo with my medicated shampoo, steam with a moisturizing conditioner probably salerem wheat germ conditioner, and apply ovation cell therapy for about an hr, follow with the moisturizer and as a leave-in I will probably use kckt or garnier sleek and shine new formula I love this stuff as a leave in. Last time I used it, it left my hair super silky and shiny without frizz. I will airdry in braids and then bun again tomorrow.
Currently my hair is in 14 small was wash day. If i need to go anywhere as of tomorrow i'm gonna rock my Oakland Girl Wig.

Will definitely be moisturizing my scalp with Aphogee Pro-Vitamin Leave In, oiling my scalp with WGO and applying MTek too
Wash with Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus Shampoo
Hit it with some rosewater/glycerin
Giovanni Direct Leave in and coconut oil

Done. :yep:
I plan to take down these yarn braids finally (I've been missing my hair:yep:)
Clarify and henna then style my hair into a bantu knot out.
Today I:

Shampooed w/ the natural Ion Shampoo lol (whatever it's called)
1.5 hrs w/ Curl Junkie Repair Me
Now Overnight DC'ing (not really since it's now morning for DD :rolleyes:) w/ Pura Body Chocolate DC'er
Will wash it out in the AM
Apply SSI Coco Creme LI+SD Nourish Oil
Flat Iron
i've been wearing cornrows and think i'm going to switch to twists or braids.

this weekend is my 'spa' weekend so i'll clarify, detangle, protein treatment, and dc.
i'm also going to do a before and after length check--need to trim the ends.
I have been so insanely busy/lazy w/ my hair. So tonight I will be shampoo'ing, DC'ing overnight. Then tomorrow, flat twists and under the dryer for a twist out for a dinner. Then Sunday I'll see how the twist out is hanging on lol then decide what to do from there. But I need to detangle, and get rid of shed hairs etc.
Tomorrow afternoon I plan to
Do a DC on dry hair with Silk Elements Moisturizing Treatment mixed with DB Pumpkin Seed Condish, JBCO, and Olive Oil
Cowash with Aussie Moist
Then I plan to do a flexirod set. My first on on wet hair. Hope it comes out nice......
Tonight I plan to DC on dry hair with Aussie Moist 3 min deeeeep mixed with aloe vera juice, olive oil and coconut oil. Cowash with Aussie Moist and then do a braidout.
DC on dry hair with AO GPB
Co-wash with Darcy's Pumpkin Cond
Ponytail rollerset and airdry
Tonight I will take out my crochet braids, wash deep condition overnight. I think I'm going to try my shea moisture deep cleansing mask as a dc. Tomorrow reinstall crochet braids......
I prepooed overnight with Vatika oil then washed with SM coconut & hibiscus poo, DC for 2 hours (1hr with heat) with Giovanni SAS deeper moisture mixed with Giovanni tea tree condish plus wheat germ oil and sunflower oil. rinsed then I used some AO Rosa Mosqueta nourishing condish as my leave in I sealed that with Shea! Now I'm air drying:)

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Still in these twists so "naaathin NAAAthin" *lil wayne voice* Just scrubbed my scalp with some witch hazel and moisturized. The End.

Hello Lovely Ladies,

At the end of a very long 3 weeks, my hair has finally stopped breaking. I've kept it in my mini twists for this long and have been doing the same as LoveTheSkinImIn, so I'm not doing anything more to it now.

I just want to wish you all a very happy hair weekend and I envy you all who are henna-ing. My greys are peeking at me :perplexed:blush::nono::blush::lol: