Nov 16 17 18 19 What Are Your Weekend Hair Plans?

Overnight Tonight:
Af.ri.can Pre-Poo (under Saran Wrap & Plastic Cap)

Tomorrow a.m.:
Cleanse: DevaCurl No Poo
Treat: Jo.ico K-Pak (under dryer)
Steam: MISCHE DC'er with Kindred Butters Honey Nectar on top
Final R/O: SM's Weightless Cream Rinse
Apply L-I KCKT and Air Dry
Currently,I have a homemade pre poo that contains fresh Aloe Vera and a fresh purple onion blended together with olive oil mix “peppermint/lavender eo’s with plastic cap on my head..

Will wash & Dc/apply rice water rinse..

I’m doing the curly proverbz “rice water challenge” for a month & it starts today.

Happy Hair Growing!
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Pre-poo under heat for 15 mins with Annabelle's Pre-Poo Treatment

Clarify with redone Cleansing Cream
Shampoo with Silk Elements Moisturizing Poo
KomazaCare Protein treatment for 30 mins
DC with Naturelle Grow Protein Free DC under steam for 30 mins
Leave-ins Annabelles/Oil/Naturelle Grow
Silk Elements heat protectant
Blow Dry and flat iron
After the pre poo
Washed with “Garnier Fructis”grow strong
Rinsed with-“Garnier Fructis”cond
Deep Condition-Yucca/Plantain Masque 50min with heat
Rinsed-Warm Water
Natures Ego-Rice water”Spritz”entire hair
left it on with 2plastic caps for 35min
Rinsed-Soultanicals Knot syrup con
Rinsed-warm Water
Bekura-Bahari Water Tea spritz on hair
Natures Ego-Fermented rice water leavin
Bekura- Apple & Sorghum serum on length
Natures Ego-Rice & emu hair butter ends
Hair is in 4 braids to air dry
Applied Arabels scalp serum on temples

Happy Hair Growing!
I just spent a week with my 1st flat iron of the season. I'm over it and ready for my craps (curls + napps) to make a return.
I'm under the dryer right now DCing with Schwartzkopf Gliss Ultra Hydrating mask to which I added some fermented rice water cause I wanna experience the hype ya know?
Then it's a quick rinse and style with the usual suspects.
Leavein: KCKT
Gel: Eco Olive Oil
Tis the season so my next flat iron will probably for the office holiday party in December!