Nourishing, yet yummy-smelling oil?


New Member
What have others mentioned as nourishing AND yummy-smelling?! Was it the monoi? I dunno. I just know that my alma oil stinks to high heaven and I want an oil that actually smells nice. When I added cucumber melon fragrance oil to my spray, my hair seemed to do terribly! Suggestions?
I like the smell of rosemary oil. Mine also has lavendar added to it.

Emu oil has no fragrance to it that I can detect.

Patchouli is POWERFUL and HYPNOTIC! Only use it if you want people all up on you!!! :)
monoi de tahiti is soooo good!!! but coconut oil, which it is made out of, is a equally good substitute for less.
You can take some olive oil in a bottle and throw one of the following fresh ingredients it: fresh rosemary, cinnamon, hibiscus flowers (or any other flower), or some split vanilla beans. Add a lot!
anky said:
You can take some olive oil in a bottle and throw one of the following fresh ingredients it: fresh rosemary, cinnamon, hibiscus flowers (or any other flower), or some split vanilla beans. Add a lot!
Thanks for the tips. I had put FNWL oil in my EVOO and it smelled good but I am now worried that the FNWL rose fragrance oil is hurting my hair. Do you use fresh flowers or dried flowers? I have dried hibiscus flowers at home. Do If you include fresh flowers do you include the pollen and do you mash them before putting them in? Does this mix need to be refrigerated? TIA, Anky.
Leshia said:
What have others mentioned as nourishing AND yummy-smelling?! Was it the monoi? I dunno. I just know that my alma oil stinks to high heaven and I want an oil that actually smells nice. When I added cucumber melon fragrance oil to my spray, my hair seemed to do terribly! Suggestions?
I hate the way Amla smells too. I returned mine. Monoi smells good. I am happy that you started this thread, because I added FNWL fragrance oil to my EVOO to take away the olive oil scent and I am worried that my hair is being harmed because of it.
anky said:
You can take some olive oil in a bottle and throw one of the following fresh ingredients it: fresh rosemary, cinnamon, hibiscus flowers (or any other flower), or some split vanilla beans. Add a lot!

Hey woman...check your PMs...*evil look**

thanks for the suggestion! *huge smile**
tryn2growmyhair said:
I hate the way Amla smells too. I returned mine. Monoi smells good. I am happy that you started this thread, because I added FNWL fragrance oil to my EVOO to take away the olive oil scent and I am worried that my hair is being harmed because of it.

Yes, that cucumber melon oil...I dunno. I think that maybe some of the fragrance oils can actually be drying or something. It just wasn't right...

Girllll, i was using that alma for a hot oil treatment since I've got to use this HUGE bottle and my husband walked by me and said, something smells STRANGE...Ugh, I hate that stuff.
I agree that Monoi de Tahiti is the bomb. It not only works, it smells so yummy!!!!!!!! I bought some a few days ago and I am hooked!
Where can I buy these oils from besides the Body Shop. I saw on their website that .17 ounces of the Patchouli oil is $10. Is that the going rate for oils of this size.

Thanks for any input in advance.
I have recently started using 100% pure coconut oil on my hair. It smells a little funny in the bottle but once its on my head it smells rather nice plus it makes my hair (relaxed and new growth) feel very soft. Today I bought pure rosemary oil. The oil is very light and suprisingly made my hair super soft too, but I can't stand the smell. It smells similar to frackinescence, which makes me nauseated. I think part of the problem is I am heavy handed with the oils because I am not use to them.