Nothing like a fresh cut and relaxer to start off the new year.


Well-Known Member
So let's start off with the beginning/end of year comparison shots.
January 2005
Chin length, very slightly longer in the back, barely nape length.

December 2005
Shoulder length in the front, brastrap in the back. (Yes, I know, I'ma get to that. :look: )

I got my hair done in Atlanta, by Guy Clement Halley. This is his website:
(He is no longer located at this location, he switched shops 2 days after he did my hair. Check the website for updates if anybody wanted to check him out.)
I was referred to him by my boyfriend's sister. Her hair is always bangin'. She has the most gorgeous hilights, and her hair is very healthy. He wasn't cheap. I paid $90 for a corrective relaxer and cut. It would have been more, but I got a first time visit and student discount. I say the price was worth it.

My hair was severely underprocessed, and I had a small afro's worth of unrelaxed hair. He did a corrective with Affirm Fiberguard and cut off approx. 3 inches. In addition to those 3 inches he cut, my Mom cut off about 1 1/2-2 inches before I left for Atlanta. Basically, what I'm saying is, if I had never gotten anything cut, I would have past bra strap length hair now. When he relaxed it, right before he cut it, it was brastrap length. I'm kinda irritated now because I didn't realize I had that much hair, and now a bunch of it is gone. But my ends needed it, and I think I needed it more than my hair. I was just frustrated and itching for change. It felt like he would never stop cutting, but I was surprisingly calm and I HATE trims, let alone a cut. Ya'll know it's been a rough year and the only way I'd been relasing my energy was through styling my hair and taking care of it. I feel like this is a fresh start. Anyways, this is the end result:

January 2006

Not bad, eh? I'm 2-3 months away from brastrap because I'm more ahead of my game than I thought I was. This should be a year of simplifying regimens and to stop stressing so much, ya'll.

He gave me some advice. I should stop letting my Mama take shears to my head because she isn't doing it correctly and isn't cutting the proper way. (Well, my Mama has gotten me through a lot of stuff with my hair, but I suppose he has a point.)
I should also leave Motions relaxers alone, because they're trash. (Which I agree with. Awesome products, garbage relaxers.)

As for him, I find him a little arrogant and he talks way too much. He's seems like one of those 'I am an artiste' types. But he can do the hell outta some hair.

This is the first time my hair has been bone straight in years. I don't think it's ever been bone straight, always texlaxed. I'm currently taking the Nioxin vits (the only thing I'm using right now to attain growth). Ya'll know I'm usually one of the first people to try something. This is mostly an experiment. It's been almost two weeks, I started taking it the day I got the relaxer. I will let you know soon how they're working because I see a lot of you are curious. I'm not vouching for the 1 inch in 2 weeks thing yet, but something is definitely happening with my roots. My hair isn't bone straight anymore, :lol:. I'll keep you updated.

I plan on getting a rinse tommorow, I'll show the results when I get it done. I've also decided, after much debate and thought, to maintain my hair at brastrap when I get there. My hair is way too thick for me to deal with any longer than that.

Everything is in the album, as always. Ya'll know the deal. Hair album is always public. I also updated my products album.

Been checking albums all week, you ladies are looking good. I look forward to spending another year with you all. Here's to us and happy, healthy, hair growing.
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Just finished viewing your album and I was unable to comment there, but I had to tell you your hair is beautiful girl. In only a years time? It is amazing what a little tlc can do. Your pictures are inspirational just like sistas and sylvers
Starian your hair looks gorgeous tell me how to do the curly pin up thingy that looks ultra sexy.
Your hair is lovely...I am glad I looked at your thread because I think I will take a pic for Januray 06 since I just got a relaxer, then maybe another one in June then December so I can look back at my progress as well.
Im so happy for you Starian! :weird:
Youve made great progress and your hair is gorgeous!
Keep up the good work!
Starian, your hair is lovely as usual!!! It always looks so full, healthy, and shiny. Congrats on finding a stylist that took care of your needs. Good luck!
Wow! I thought the cut was from THIS year. I had to do a tripple take when I realized you started w/ the cut last year and now have SOOOO much hair.

Girl, your hair is so cute! You got ALOT of growth last year! Way to go!!
I just love your hair! The shine is amazing! The cut is fab!!!! It looks so touchable and swingy! Great progress!:D A year really can make a difference:yep:
Wow Starian your hair is bangin! The thickness is something I am working on getting back in my hair. Finding a salon over here I can trust is a hard one for me b/c stylist from my experience tend to be scissor your curls in your updo and new cut! Oh yea keep us posted on thos eNioxin Vits k!