Nothing like a fresh cut and relaxer to start off the new year.

Your hair is really coming along. Congrats on the growth and perhaps more importantly finding a good stylist. That way you will be much more likely to keep it!
Your hair is beautiful, and still very lengthy. As I was reading the post and pasting the past to present pics I was so afraid to look at picture # 3, I thought you let him go scissor crazy, LOL, all in all good stylist and great cut.
Starian, the hair is off the chain!! It's funny that when I was visiting ATL a couple of years ago, getting ready to move here, I met that guy that did your hair in a jazz club. He was working the room and passing out his business cards. I figured I would hold on to his card in the event that my brother went crazy and lost his mind. I actually still have his card, so it was good to hear that he hooked you up in the event I have to resort to use him.