Not YET a PJ, I Like To Call It Product ENTHUSIAST!

What's your level of PJ-ism, if any?

  • LVL 1- I've got all my needed staples, don't care much for other products.

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • LVL 2- Just a Product Enthusiast, nothing more, I SWEAR!

    Votes: 17 39.5%
  • LVL 3- Blooming PJ that hopes it doesn't get too bad.

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • LVL 4- Help! I belong in PJ REHAB!

    Votes: 10 23.3%

  • Total voters


Active Member
:hiya:Hi, yes I AM A :newbie:. Like others I have been lurking since umm *counts on fingers*.....FOREVER. I am 16 and I'm trying to take care of my hair and get it thicker, longer and above all get healthier hair. I finally got my mom to pay for the subscription, and I'm SUPER excited!:yahoo: But lets get onto the topic:

I noticed that whenever I go to the BSS, I would be in there for a while (I'm talkin' sometimes 2 WHOLE HOURS), then leave with little to nothing. You're probably wondering what could she be doing that whole time? Surprisingly I'm wondering the saaaame thing:nono:. But I have concluded it's due to the fact that I like to check out all the products and read the labels/ingredients. I could as well be one of the employees there, i think I'm pretty qualified:yep:.

Since I don't really get EVERY product that is raved about , I do love hair products in their entirety(reading reviews, reading ingredients, smelling them <---okay I'm going too far:grin:), I won't consider myself a Product Junkie, more like a Product ENTHUSIAST. LOL doesn't it have a nice ring to it, hehe.

So my question is: What would you consider yourself? Take the poll!

P.S.- Don't call yourself a PE (product enthusiast) in an attempt to hide the severity or your PJ-ism.:lachen::lachen::lachen:
I like your enthusiasm....and good that you are starting to take care of your hair now instead of waiting into your 20/30s....I wish you luck with you hair journey.
:welcome: to the forum. I voted option one as I’m very happy to have found all my staples but.. I’m also still interested to know what other products are on the market :grin:
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I love it! :lachen: Product Enthusiast! That's me aka a recovering Product Junkie.

Welcome and a good thread indeed! :yep:
I am a product enthusiast. I go to stores just to gaze at hair products sometimes too. I have everything that I need, though, which is why I walk out empty-handed.

Welcome aboard!!!:yep:
This thread is too cute.

I find myself in BSS doing the same thing. I have my staples so I really don't leave with much. So Product Enthusiast it is...
Welcome!!! I hate to admit it but I can't leave a store without buying something.. But I will admit that I am not that bad because I don't go out often. I only bought 1 thing today.
Thank you for the welcome!(I wanted yo say thank you guys but felt weird cuz you all are my elders and of course you all are also females :lachen::lachen:)

welcome to the board! pure pj here. :grin::grin::grin: ... enthusiastically looking for my next product fix. :drunk::drunk::drunk: yes, i have my staples, but i always got my eye out for somethin' new. :afropick::afropick::afropick:
Welcome to the forum!!!
I am a certified PJ going into rehab. Unfortunately, I order most products online. I hate paying the shipping costs but I love trying new things.
Welcome to the forum :yep:. I am definitely a LVL2 PE. I have to stay focused though b/c it is tempting to try the different things mentioned here.

Welp, I'm a wallowing, filthy, dirty, snot nosed PJ and I love it! I've found my staples and I know what works, but I still like to buy thongs.
I think I've become more of an enthusiast as my knowledge of what actually works for me increased.
I enjoy being an enthusiast much more than a junkie. I hated the shakes, night-sweats, and the uncontrollable urge to sell my belongings just so I could get the newest installment of the Keracare line.
O.k. maybe it wasn't that serious but I did almost feel like I had little control over myself whenever a new (coveted) product was being raved about.

Being an enthusiast feels so much better. By the way, glad you're here. Welcome!
Because I'm so picky there's no way I'll ever be a pj. I only use natural products and I don't like to order online so I'm restricted on what I can buy. I am an enthusiast though because if a product meets my strict criteria I'll probably try it at least once. Like right now I want to try every AO conditioner they have, but I won't actually go out and buy them all like a pj would.