Not Sure of Hair Type Anymore....HELP!!!


New Member
Since joining the board: i have always assumed my hair is 4a but looking at other 4a's and reading their hair issues: i don't seem 2 have the same problem: my new growth is coily but it feels like white ppl hair: (below is an ex: of wat my coils look like real real extremely really close up) (2nd pic is wat I think my hair will look like if it was all natural)



TMI: this may be too much info for some: but my pubic hair is a straight up 1: it has no curl watsoever: nor my eyebrows or side burns: straight as a thong:) I doesn't feel nappy: that confuses me the most: they're really tight coils.. Please Help.
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YOu hair could be 4a but it looks like it is a fine texture. I have coarse type 4a mix something hair so it doesn't behave the same way as fine hair would. Just like you can have type 3ab or whatever but it can be coarse or fine in texture.
Hair texture and curl pattern are two different things, and that system mostly factors curl pattern. Your hair texture can be silky but your curls/coils very tight and you can still be a "4a." Or you can have a kinky or spongy texture with tight curls and still be a "3c." The "4a" and "3c" hair types are almost identical, save the relative tightness of the curl pattern.

IME the products I use for my hair are sometimes liked by mostly "2cs" or "4bs" or hated by "4as"--in other words, it's still trial and error for me, although I am, by this limited scale, a "4a."
thanks ladies that made perfect sense: i never really thought of it that way: thats why I love yall: did I ever tell yall that I love yall: well I Love Yall