Naturals: Was your hair type what you expected?

*Not 100% natural yet, but I kind of get the sense of how my natural texture will be. When I was younger my hair was blowdried each and every time I got my hair washed, so I never saw it with waves/curls. I didn't know how to manage my hair back then so I got a relaxer.

Now that I know how to care for my natural hair, I won't yearn for a relaxer again. The texture that I was born with is just perfect for ME - I like it, even if the world at large doesn't like or accept.

So...I love my natural texture. Its more than what I expected and I am extremely happy (of course ill be happier once I can be 100% natural with healthy hair). :-)
Overall, my hair type was pretty much as I expected. I didn't expect to have such a variety of types/textures.
I was surprised at the different textures :perplexed ....I too thought that my hair would be the same texture all over.....NOT. Like my husband, my hair gets on my nerves sometimes but I deal with it. :lol:
I'm a 4a...lots of coils...definitely not what I expected...but I'm happy none the less. I love love love my napptural hair.
I really didn't know what to expect when I started transitioning, but, from what I can tell I've at least 2 different hair textures. I'll have a better idea once, I BC.:grin:
Honestly I have NO CLUE what my hair type is. Can somebody tell me??


I had no idea what my hair would look like natural but I was expecting to see some serious nappy napps up there! :lol:
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naturallady said:
Honestly I have NO CLUE what my hair type is. Can somebody tell me??


I had no idea what my hair would look like natural but I was expecting to see some serious nappy napps up there! :lol:

oooh a very pretty 4a.

My hair has been natural but I didn't really pay attention to the type or know anything about it because my hair was always pressed. When I found LHCF and laid off the heat for a while I was suprised to see that I did have some kind of 4a curls/coils. But now I have heat damage :ohwell: so the last few inches are straight. I can't wait until it all grows out. But the back for some reason has no heat damage, the curls are so pretty, I wish it was all like that.
My hair has always been natural except for 2 years of my life. When I started to grow out my hair, I realised that it was multi-textured. Back then I thought I had 3 main curl patterns, now I've realised I've got 5. I'm still learning a lot about my hair, been frustrated at at times, but I don't intend to put a relaxer or texturiser in my hair ever again.
naturallady said:
Honestly I have NO CLUE what my hair type is. Can somebody tell me??


I had no idea what my hair would look like natural but I was expecting to see some serious nappy napps up there! :lol:
OT: We are SOOOOOO hair cousins!!! I consider mySelf a 4a/3c/4b. I've got em all! Your hair is gawjus!!!

On-Topic: Like everyone else, I didn't realize I'd have so many different textures. It iritated the heck outta me the first time I went natural, then I got used to it and realized it just had "personality" just like me. :)
yeah it was my newgrowth comes in tiny spirals and so i expected 4a but my hair closer to the front and top of my hair comes in in tiny spirals but grows out to more of a straighter 4b
naturallady said:
Honestly I have NO CLUE what my hair type is. Can somebody tell me??


I had no idea what my hair would look like natural but I was expecting to see some serious nappy napps up there! :lol:

3c is what i'm thinking
No..I thought it would be curly like the nape, but's all corkscrewy.. My twist look awful and wash n go's ain't to sharp either.

I'm giving my natural hair another year to do what it do..before I decide to texturize it. Nah..I like my natural hair, it's just that I'm not comfortable with the length. It's 8 inches, but looks like 3. :look:
Oh, I had/have expections...expectations of being all natural...:lol:, no but really looking in so many wonderful albums tend to give us newbies illusions and unrealistic expectations. Some of the albums that are kind enough to document the entire journey from start to finish, give a more realistic view of how hair can start off looking one way and totally change as one tranistions! Wow...some differences are very dramatic! Other albums start documenting well into the journey and you don't see as much of the true transition. Either way I have yet to see a natural who was not FIERCE! I really love all of the ladies who experiment and share their advice, secrets and progress with dealing with their hair.

Not sure what the heck is going on with my hair but either way I am going to hang in there and am loving the journey so far...though the answer to the question is NO, my hair type is not quite what I expected, though I really did not know what to expect...guess it was a more of what I was hoping for...LOL!!! :perplexed

Be blessed ladies...enjoy the journey!
i didnt have any expectations because ive never really seen or dealt with my natural hair b4, ive was relxed since i was 4 yrs old.

im still not 100% sure what my natural hair will be like cause i have some relaxed ends left and it seems every time i wash it , i get a different texture lol
silvergirl said:
i didnt have any expectations because ive never really seen or dealt with my natural hair b4, ive was relxed since i was 4 yrs old.

im still not 100% sure what my natural hair will be like cause i have some relaxed ends left and it seems every time i wash it , i get a different texture lol

Your hair is very pretty.

I wasn't sure what hairtype I was because my hair was pressed for all of my childhood. It was only in it's natural state on wash day for a few hours. Then I got a relaxer when I was 13. Hairdressers always told me I had different hair textures but I didn't really know what that meant. Initially my crown was all waves but now it is curly and has cute corkscrew type curls. The rest of my hair is a mixture of 4a/b. Initially I was very frustrated with the different textures but now that I'm approaching my one year anniversary, my hair is getting easier to handle/manage. I don't think I'll really know what hairtype I am until I am natural for 2 or 3 years because it seems a little different every few months.
I have been natural all my life except for around 4 months with relaxed hair.

My hair still surprises me every now and then!

As a child my mother put NO hair products except for shampoo in my hair, which made my hair pretty dry and frizzy, but still soft with a low sheen.

As a teenager I started experimenting with conditioners and mousses, and my hair improved a little, but it was still dry.

In my 20's I discovered Pink Oil, which made my hair LOOK better, but it felt like crap - greasy and sticky.

My hair was also crazy thick in my teens and my 20's, now it's thinning out a little. Or maybe it's because my hair is always quenched in moisture nowadays it doesn't get as big and frizzy.

I love my hair in all its stages! :)
I still have no idea what my hair type is and I really didn't know what I expected. It is curlier than I thought it would be. I thought I would have a lot looser curls of a 3A type because I was thinking of how my hair would barely curl with a relaxer, but I think I have 3C on the edges and 3B throughout the rest...sometimes I think I have 4A, because my hair seems so course, but everyone is quick to tell me that isn't the case

I have weave in right now so i only see the edges of my hair and when the weave is out I only have about 7 inches of hair so I'm sure my perception of my hair will change as I reach my BSL goal
naturallady said:
Honestly I have NO CLUE what my hair type is. Can somebody tell me??


I had no idea what my hair would look like natural but I was expecting to see some serious nappy napps up there! :lol:

I don't know but it is beautiful!

If my natural hair grew DONE (like yours seem to) and not up, I would have been gone natural. For some reason I think it would be easier to handle.
bmoreflyygirl said:
No it wasn't. Even though I only relaxed 4 times a year and I got familiar with my texture I didnt truly see it until after I chopped the relaxed ends. I had no idea that it would have a curl pattern. I was also suprised that it's so thin. I thought by going natural my hair would be thicker (it was thin as a relaxed head and was part of the reason for my transition) but it's not.

That's what I am wondering, if my natural hair will be thicker than my relaxed hair. I really can't tell yet, but I am hoping that it is!
I'm confused again!!! I had been looking at my hair from the front all the time and not so much from the back. Now that I see those back shots, I am all confused. Somebody help me!!! lol
bump bump...any new thoughts ladies???

I am realizing that I am not partially 4a, I think I am totally 4a. All that time with a relaxer...who woulda thought all these ringlets would be all over?
LilChocolateMa said:
bump bump...any new thoughts ladies???

I am realizing that I am not partially 4a, I think I am totally 4a. All that time with a relaxer...who woulda thought all these ringlets would be all over?

I felt the same way.
I transitioned for awhile, so I thought that I knew how my hair would be a 4a/ 4b very tight z's. the front is pretty soft 4a but the back is 3c it's loose spirals and s's sometimes. I wish it was all over, but I was defintely surprised. Also that my hair would hold so many styles so easily.
When I was permed I couldn't even hold a braid no matter how far down I would go. Now my hair not only holds a twist, but it curls around itself at the end, which I think is the cutest quality about my hair :)(we all gotta find something to love about our hair). It also lays flater now like when I'm doing a puff or bun then it ever did when I was permed.:ohwell:who would've thunk it?
One more thing the longer your hair gets the more it aill stretch those curls. The longer my hair has gotten the curls get weighed down and are more defined. So stay in there new naturals! There are benefits
Yes and no. I knew I had curly hair, but since I'd had relaxers and constantly struggled to have straight hair, I didn't realize just how curly it could be. I must say that I was quite thrilled with my true hair type.

You can check out my fotki to see a few pics.