Not complaining at all but as your hair gets longer...

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
Do you fear that you won't be able to handle it? My hair is now between shoulder and APL and i'm getting a little nervous. Besides the strange sensation of feeling hair on my back or down my shirt I get worried that I won't be able to handle it if it grows much longer.

Does anyone else have that fear? Have you decided to just stop at a certain length? I'm not complaining and I thank God for the strands of hair on my head, I guess it's just that I worry that taking care of my hair may become overwhelming.
All I want is unstretched APL hair, it's not that long, but I can see how it could be overwhelming (I have 4a/b hair). I'm more worried about how long my products are gonna last:scratchch
I do worry sometimes, especially with my particular hair :grin: but I'll be ok. It's a learning process, it's not like I'm going from neck length to WL overnight. It's a process that you adapt to gradually as your hair grows. :yep:
I'm not worried, I just don't want to mess up and have it all break off....that's what I'm worried about, it's not growing the length, but keeping it!
Raises hand... I worry. Mostly because I've never had hair longer than neck length. Also my hair had been cut in a short styles for 10 years before I made the decision to try and grow it out.

I don't know what to expect.
I want to get to full WL but I don't think I'll maintain it at that length for too long. Sometimes doing my hair is too much now. I like rollersets but it takes forever (I do ponytail sets now).

Once I get there, I might feel differently. But I think I might cut back to BSL/MBL. It just might be easier for me.
No I am not afraid, I just am not as motivated on hair day like I use to be. I do enjoy the feel of hair on my back, I just don't like when I am doing something and then it feels like something is crawling on my arm, but it' just my hair. I was gonna maintain at WSL once I get there (again), but from the last few HL pics I wouldn't mind being HL, so we shall see. I think you'll be just fine, you just may not do as much as you thought you would once you get there. I urge to flat iron more to skip out on roller setting, but haven't taken the plunge thanks to challenges that prevent direct heat.
Yes as my hair has gotten longer washing it is a chore. and I feel like it gets tangled more so I have to wash it more! But I am not complaining. You have to know what pain feels like to know what pleasure feels like.
I do worry sometimes, especially with my particular hair :grin: but I'll be ok. It's a learning process, it's not like I'm going from neck length to WL overnight. It's a process that you adapt to gradually as your hair grows. :yep:

Couldn't have said it better myself. :yep:
No because as my hair gets longer (and thicker), I learn how to handle it at the same time so it doesn't really seem to be much more trouble. It does take longer to air dry and I use a lot more conditioner and products in general but I don't mind:drunk:
No, BreBreFabulosityJeNeSaisQuoi :lachen:... I'm not afraid at all.

In fact, I look forward to having my natural hair reach MBL. I'll just adapt as it grows.
I don't fear it, but I have wondered about it. But I've praying and sticking to my routine for a while now, so I'm sure that when that time comes, I'll be ready.

I saw read a profile from a WL lady on here who said she goes to the salon bi-weekly now for her rollersets to give herself a break. I am prepared to do that too if it seems unmanageable.

I'm buying a Pibbs soon, so I hope that will help. Honestly, the only inconvenience is the dryer time.
I am a little apprehensive about having longer hair. I've been growing my hair out with sew-ins, so I am nervous about taking care of my own hair when the times comes. I hope I don't have a setback.
I think as you're hair gets longer you begin to adapt without even realizing that you are able to handle it
from APL to BLS was the hardest. I don't wear my hair down much which makes it even worse. Wearing it down is quite the challenge. I've slammed my hair in car doors (got stuck in my window of all things) it gets stuck on my lipstick too. Oh, and probably the worst of it all is my head gets super duper hot when I wear it down.

But you manage and move on. :yep: Its apart of the game so to speak.

I find that as it grow, you skills grow too. So no, I dont worry. Im BSB and I dont feel much of a difference from when I was APL or SL really. I just grow with my hair.
i do notice that ever since i've reached BSL it's harder for me to straighten it...i wont even attempt rollersetting.
Not nervous, but I'm going to have to learn how to get the fine toothed comb from my ends to my roots for rollersets once I am waistlength. LOL But, it is a gradual thing, so i'll figure it out as i go along. It's not like one day I just wont be able to reach all of the sudden. LOL

I'm also afraid that one day my head wont fit under the hood dryer w/larger rollers.