Not complaining at all but as your hair gets longer...

Honestly not worried. I sometimes think it would be easier because I am NL/SL and can't really bun for protective styling. As the other ladies said you will adapt plus you have the LHCF ladies for support when things get rough...
Yes, I do. I have no patience at all for my hair. Idk how I manage now with my hair. I can't straighten it, it takes forever to twist, I can't braid... imagine me at longer lengths. I used to get mad at throw my brush at the mirror when I was relaxed. I love my hair but it's like a love-hate relationship. Some days I want WL some days it's BSL. Other days I'd say I'm cool with getting APL or heck even SL! :lachen:
I guess it's just me :giggle: I worry too much!

NO YOU ARE NOT ALONE.....the thought of doing my hair conastantly is not appealing......

I worry about doing alot of hair as I get older. I wonder if I will feel like doing all of this.

I AGREE Ariana

but as most people have said my hair care will probably progress as my hair gets longer.....\

IF it gets longer....i sometimes feel its a lost cause....sigh :ohwell:
Hair grows relatively slowly. You adjust along the way. If you can't or don't want to adjust you can always just cut it. Pretty simple. No worries, right? :)
I definitely have this fear:ohwell: It's already getting a little wacky...I also wonder how big can i get before I have to do something about it because my hair feels HUGE right now.
I thought so but the length adds weight which makes it easier to detangle because it takes a lot longer to curl up. I thought I would hate it but I detangle faster now than I did when I was sl. Q
I am getting nervous and I feel silly about it but my hair is finally a length where a lot of my old ways of doing things with it just don't work anymore.

I'm really seriously styling challenged so even my buns have gotten to be a bit of a labor of love. I am excited but nervous about having more hair to contend with.
Hair grows relatively slowly. You adjust along the way. If you can't or don't want to adjust you can always just cut it. Pretty simple. No worries, right? :)

I definitely have this fear:ohwell: It's already getting a little wacky...I also wonder how big can i get before I have to do something about it because my hair feels HUGE right now.

I thought so but the length adds weight which makes it easier to detangle because it takes a lot longer to curl up. I thought I would hate it but I detangle faster now than I did when I was sl. Q

I know I should not be scared if you guys aren't. Your hair is waaaaaaaaaay longer than mine
yes, sometimes. it's usually when i've taken down a set of braids & have to go through the process of combing 2-3 months of thicker, longer, shed hairs out of my head:perplexed -- the unbraiding, finger separating, wetting, detangling, deep-conditioning/no-pooing, styling -- can get overwhelming if i let it.:spinning:

i just have to stop, take a break, take my time, takes some breaths ... until i'm back in the right mindset -- & can be greatful for the hair on my head, & that it's growing. taking care of it is just part of the process. that's why i find keeping a pictoral or written journal so helpful -- so i can see how far i've come, and keep myself encouraged as i reach towards my goal.:yep:
I definitely have this fear:ohwell: It's already getting a little wacky...I also wonder how big can i get before I have to do something about it because my hair feels HUGE right now.

Ahhh...but it is gorgeous! Some of us actually aspire to what YOU have now.:yep:
Raises hand... I worry. Mostly because I've never had hair longer than neck length. Also my hair had been cut in a short styles for 10 years before I made the decision to try and grow it out.

I don't know what to expect.
ITA...! I have had short hair and am very use to the style and go. It has been a while since I have had longer hair. But I am keeping my hair about CBL(layered) so hopefully that won't be to much to handle.:yep:
Do you fear that you won't be able to handle it? My hair is now between shoulder and APL and i'm getting a little nervous. Besides the strange sensation of feeling hair on my back or down my shirt I get worried that I won't be able to handle it if it grows much longer.

Does anyone else have that fear? Have you decided to just stop at a certain length? I'm not complaining and I thank God for the strands of hair on my head, I guess it's just that I worry that taking care of my hair may become overwhelming.

I know what you mean. As I look as some of the WL and HL ladies on the board, I start thinking to myself...hhhheeeelllllll nnnnaaaawwww:nono:....there's no way I'm gonna be able to manage so much hair. I've made a conscious decision to stop at below-bra-strap length, and just keep trimming hair back to that length when it grows beyond. Maybe once I get there I'll reevaluate the situation. I would imagine if I can manage BSL, then there's no reason I cannot also manage longer. But I guess, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it...LOL!
Funny that I found this thread today because as I was doing my rollerset this morning, I realized that my arms get tired sooner and I can barely reach when doing certain areas of my head. I guess that's the reason while after reaching WL in the past, I've cut my hair to BSL... this time around I have gone 13 months without a trim and am planning on getting one in a couple of weeks. After that trim, will go on another personal challenge (18 months no trim)... I wonder how I'll be able to rollerset my hair then...:perplexed
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I wonder sometimes if I will be able to continue to manage it like I do now, which is already challenging like a mugg at times
you know I thought this too but as your hair grows, so does your adjustment to it. its really weird. I dont' feel this heavyness on my back I am aware I have longer hair and i am aware that it moves and all but its so normal. I am waiting for it to get heavier and I feel around my arms and shoulders. I fear when that does happen it will be the same affect. I will have gotten so use to it that its not really a shock I don't know. My hair is not that long but I am so looking forward to all the struggles of having long hair. thats why I decided that why not go for the max and the max in my case is hip length.
At APL and BSB my hair was more manageable than NL and SL. Buns were/are easier and I have a very simple regimen down. My goal is WL but when I noticed that I start eyeing TBL.

We'll see what happens when I'm natural.
I fear this too. I fear the detangling process mainly. That's why I'm not trying to reach the ultimate length ever to be obtained or anything like that, lol. Unstretched full SL (or somewhere between SL and APL) is fine with me.
i know for a fact that i won't be able to handle my hair past apl. i was really stuggling when i had bsl, so i don't plan to go past that point because i will go crazy.
I guess it's just me :giggle: I worry too much!
No, it's not just you.

OMG, I was going to make this thread last weekend.

I am relaxed (well, texlaxed) and APL. I am also a 4b/c. My hair is now the longest it has ever been in my life. So, I am 6 weeks post relaxer and I keep getting these really tiny knots in my hair. My hair has gotten so thick. My new growth is unmanageable on top of the relaxed ends. I am at a bind because my hair only thrives with stretching and low heat/low manipulation. So, now Im like really stuck and I feel like my hair is doing way too much. I have products that work for me, but no matter what these lil tangles keep popping up. After I blow dried, I saw hair hair everywhere. It is also so hard to dry!! I wanted waistlength but now, I think I am gonna go ahead and be content with BSL.
Don't be scurrred :eek2: !!! You will do just fine and adapt as it grows :grin:. Wait until you are closing your car door and your hair gets caught in the door !!! This caused me to re evalute my length for 2 I just make sure my hair is over my shoulder opposite the door(problem solved)!!
i fear not being able to wear an afro due to detangling my hair as it grows longer. I hate having to blowdry it now to obtain some managability.
i worry alittle. mostly b/c i am at that point where i have to relearn alot of things - its finally reaching that length where my arms arent long enough to rollet set from the ends, so you have to roller set from the middle. And also - when i have it out is ALL OVER THE PLACE and annoying b/c old breakage has me in unintentional layers. also, its getting to the point where soon i wont be able to brush my hair back. i will have to split it down the middle and brush a right side and then a left - same with washing. BUT i REALLY REALLY want long hair b/c i love the look and i've had long extensions before so i think i can, i think i can.. lol
I wouldn't say worried, I just wonder how long will it take to wash my hair if it were waist length. I guess we'll evolve as it gets longer...
Yes... :look: My goal is only APL because I'm sure it's going to be a monster to deal with any longer than that. Hopefully I'll reach that goal before the end of the year and then I'm done. I don't even like to comb my hair now.
Naw, I don't really worry about this. B/c of shrinkage I would need toe length hair before my hair seemed like too much. :spinning: I'm between BSL & MBL straight, but shrunken it's still above shoulder length.