Not all of us will be able to fulfill their hair goals...


Well-Known Member
I don't think that everyone that comes here will be able to fulfill their hair goals BUT
I don't think because 4a/b hair or even type 3 hair is destined to NL hair.

First of all most newbies set unrealistic time frames and don't take into account that they might have to let go of their damaged ends.
Yes many people stay at a certain length when they first start out but their hair might be much healthier and fuller.
Instead of a over processed SL head of hair with no life the ends are thick and healthy it has sheen to it and so on.

Also I said it before I will say it again as long as your hair goal is between APL and MBL I'm 100% sure you CAN reach your hair goal.
Let me rephrase that, I'm 100% you can reach your hair goal as long as you try to get to know your hair and LISTEN to it.
Don't follow every band wagon just because but make sure that you *feed* your hair the right nutrients and pamper it with a good reggie that is made for YOUR head of hair and not xy's.

Many of us here are scissor happy and therefore it might take us a little longer to get where we want to be but I think it's all good.

Now I really don't believe that we ALL can reach our length goal(notice how I did not say hair goal, yes that is two different things) simply because some people have a reggie that works fine for XY but it doesn't work for their hair... again listen to YOUR hair and go from there.
Other people want a blunt perfect cut and constantly trimming your hair is not helping you reach your length goal unless you take into account that it will take you a lot longer to get there.
Most MBL and longer heads I've seen just dust their hair or are completely anti-trim.

However the gist of what I'm saying is:
It is IMO up to YOU if you will reach your length goal or not.
If you are able to listen to your hair and to sort your priorities... is length more important to you then the perfect blunt cut?
Do you have realistic goals?
Now I do think that all of us or at least 90% should be able to achieve a healthy MBL without major problems if we follow those basic hair rules.
I think everything beyond that is up to genetics and how much TLC you are willing to invest into your hair:)
Again I didn't say genetics are the end to all... you will never know what your limit is unless you try.

So please don't be discouraged.
I think some valid questions have been asked and this is MY take on it.
ITA with everything you said. I mean i'm "meant" to be growing my hair, im4a/b (Its over an inch just being a lil past 2months growing - so i know it grows the average 6 inches a year). I stopped the vitamins a good minute ago because i didn't do a full cleanse and im bogged up, so i thought whats the point?! And even though its growing well im dying to cut it! It's annoying me, i miss my fade and waves. I 1st cut it march 7th 06, and never stopped, and i don't think i want to for now, even though i say i want long hair. Im focusing on myself as a whole right now. I do not want to feel pretty/confident because of my long hair. I want to feel that way with and without hair. So im going to focus on myself more e.g my self esteem issues, insecurities and most importantly my spirituality. Hair will come last, so basically it would probably take me 5 years to get my hair to my goal of MBL simply because i keep putting it off!
Crissi said:
ITA with everything you said. I mean i'm "meant" to be growing my hair, im4a/b (Its over an inch just being a lil past 2months growing - so i know it grows the average 6 inches a year). I stopped the vitamins a good minute ago because i didn't do a full cleanse and im bogged up, so i thought whats the point?! And even though its growing well im dying to cut it! It's annoying me, i miss my fade and waves. I 1st cut it march 7th 06, and never stopped, and i don't think i want to for now, even though i say i want long hair. Im focusing on myself as a whole right now. I do not want to feel pretty/confident because of my long hair. I want to feel that way with and without hair. So im going to focus on myself more e.g my self esteem issues, insecurities and most importantly my spirituality. Hair will come last, so basically it would probably take me 5 years to get my hair to my goal of MBL simply because i keep putting it off!
Yes that is a great viewpoint.:)
I know a hair stylist and she's been doing hair for like 15 yrs. she told me, everyone just cant have long hair.

Now , everyone doesnt take good care of it, but i agree, for various reasons , everyone wont reach waist length.

Not to discourage, because their are plenty other lengths, stages of healthiness and thickness that is gorgeous !

Of all the ppl you know in real time who's hair is beautiful, how many really have wl hair ? My point ? Do your best and your optimal goal will be reached.
not everyone WANTS wsl hair
I on the hand, WANTS and WILL get to mbl UNSTRETCHED natural hair regardless of what anyone of "yall" says :P
ella said:
I don't think that everyone that comes here will be able to fulfill their hair goals BUT
I don't think because 4a/b hair or even type 3 hair is destined to NL hair.

First of all most newbies set unrealistic time frames and don't take into account that they might have to let go of their damaged ends.
Yes many people stay at a certain length when they first start out but their hair might be much healthier and fuller.
Instead of a over processed SL head of hair with no life the ends are thick and healthy it has sheen to it and so on.

Also I said it before I will say it again as long as your hair goal is between APL and MBL I'm 100% sure you CAN reach your hair goal.
Let me rephrase that, I'm 100% you can reach your hair goal as long as you try to get to know your hair and LISTEN to it.
Don't follow every band wagon just because but make sure that you *feed* your hair the right nutrients and pamper it with a good reggie that is made for YOUR head of hair and not xy's.

Many of us here are scissor happy and therefore it might take us a little longer to get where we want to be but I think it's all good.

Now I really don't believe that we ALL can reach our length goal(notice how I did not say hair goal, yes that is two different things) simply because some people have a reggie that works fine for XY but it doesn't work for their hair... again listen to YOUR hair and go from there.
Other people want a blunt perfect cut and constantly trimming your hair is not helping you reach your length goal unless you take into account that it will take you a lot longer to get there.
Most MBL and longer heads I've seen just dust their hair or are completely anti-trim.

However the gist of what I'm saying is:
It is IMO up to YOU if you will reach your length goal or not.
If you are able to listen to your hair and to sort your priorities... is length more important to you then the perfect blunt cut?
Do you have realistic goals?
Now I do think that all of us or at least 90% should be able to achieve a healthy MBL without major problems if we follow those basic hair rules.
I think everything beyond that is up to genetics and how much TLC you are willing to invest into your hair:)
Again I didn't say genetics are the end to all... you will never know what your limit is unless you try.

So please don't be discouraged.
I think some valid questions have been asked and this is MY take on it.
I agree with this statement as well but its not because they aren't able to or because they aren't genetically prone to. Its because going from earlength to tailbone in 2 months is unrealistic. Some goals that are set aren't realistic ones for ANYONE to reach. Your goals have to be realistic for your hair and need to take into consideration lifestyle changes and disturbances. Its moreso the person that doesn't allow their hair to grow properly vs. the hair not growing.

Once again I agree with your statement. Due to terminal hair length and other factors I don't believe that everyone is going to get that WL hair. However, if that is your goal then don't allow someone else to tell you you can't do it just because they couldn't. I am a firm believer that you won't know until you have tried.

Couldn't have said it better myself......Great post! Informative and very positive as well!

silvergirl said:
not everyone WANTS wsl hair
I on the hand, WANTS and WILL get to mbl UNSTRETCHED natural hair regardless of what anyone of "yall" says :P

You tell 'em girl LOL:D But honestly for those that are going for longer lengths. I am going to have waist length stretched hair, one day...we have to be firm in our beliefs and be patient. We can't jump on every bandwagon that comes along and not be easily suaded by those that don't believe we can achieve these great lengths......
Thanks Ella. I think that you made some very good points. We are the ones who limit the extent to which our hair can grow, aside from genetics/terminal length etc. I am just enjoying learning what my hair is capable of doing and trying not to sweat it, but when I first joined this board I did indeed have unrealistic goals (two inches in one month, you know the drill :D).
Blackoutzangel05 said:
I agree with this statement as well but its not because they aren't able to or because they aren't genetically prone to. Its because going from earlength to tailbone in 2 months is unrealistic.[/U
Someone should have told me that when i started out,lol

Some goals that are set aren't realistic ones for ANYONE to reach. Your goals have to be realistic for your hair and need to take into consideration lifestyle changes and disturbances. Its moreso the person that doesn't allow their hair to grow properly vs. the hair not growing.

That's what I'm saying

Once again I agree with your statement. Due to terminal hair length and other factors I don't believe that everyone is going to get that WL hair. However, if that is your goal then don't allow someone else to tell you you can't do it just because they couldn't. I am a firm believer that you won't know until you have tried.
I completly agree.
The nike slogan comes to mind... just do it:)

Couldn't have said it better myself......Great post! Informative and very positive as well!

We all had our share of unrealistic goals:lol:
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I wish you didn't say it, whether its true or not, everyone should have hope and have no one shatter it. I am feeling some kind of way. its really hard to get to the next level for me and for others its pretty easy and for people like me who never ever had long hair its hard to keep pushing forward and believing you can achieve it. I am pass shoulder length very close to Armpit but my hair is very thin. I am hoping to get to my goal of waist length but I will be content and happy to be at midback forever. But this message I can't see the purpose in it. Forgive me I see your point but I can't figure out why make it. Its very upsetting and discouraging to those who have dreamed for many years to have long hair. or better me. I feel like giving up, maybe I am that one that won't ever have long hair and why keep trying.
I wish you didn't say it, whether its true or not, everyone should have hope and have no one shatter it. I am feeling some kind of way. its really hard to get to the next level for me and for others its pretty easy and for people like me who never ever had long hair its hard to keep pushing forward and believing you can achieve it. I am pass shoulder length very close to Armpit but my hair is very thin. I am hoping to get to my goal of waist length but I will be content and happy to be at midback forever. But this message I can't see the purpose in it. Forgive me I see your point but I can't figure out why make it. Its very upsetting and discouraging to those who have dreamed for many years to have long hair. or better me. I feel like giving up, maybe I am that one that won't ever have long hair and why keep trying.
Um.... kay.
Did you REALLy read my post?
I said you should have no problem getting to your goal hun if you listen to your hair and have a realistic timeframe.
Sorry if that somehow shattered your hopes:perplexed
Genetically I dunno if I will reach bsl hair but I will still try for it. I think for me it's just gonna take a LOT of attention and time. Most ppl should be able to reach at least APL hair tho.
I think that the point is to realize that while it CAN be done - it takes many years, and a couple of setbacks, and it's a reminder to stick to YOUR goals and do what YOUR hair needs, in order to get what you want.

Hair grows. That's what it does, on a healthy head. It grows. How long your hair is is almost TOTALLY in your hands, and the longer you stick with it, the more you will accumulate. Might not be Dec 2008, but if it takes til Dec 2010, is that a bad thing? Three years from now, we can either have long and lovely hair, or we can have hair that's just the same as it is RIGHT NOW - how many people are willing to be that determined, with the protective styles and avoidance of heat and scalp massages, and treating their hair like antique lace for three/four/five years straight? I betcha they are the same women we look up to because their hair is BANGING.
I think that the point is to realize that while it CAN be done - it takes many years, and a couple of setbacks, and it's a reminder to stick to YOUR goals and do what YOUR hair needs, in order to get what you want.

Hair grows. That's what it does, on a healthy head. It grows. How long your hair is is almost TOTALLY in your hands, and the longer you stick with it, the more you will accumulate. Might not be Dec 2008, but if it takes til Dec 2010, is that a bad thing? Three years from now, we can either have long and lovely hair, or we can have hair that's just the same as it is RIGHT NOW - how many people are willing to be that determined, with the protective styles and avoidance of heat and scalp massages, and treating their hair like antique lace for three/four/five years straight? I betcha they are the same women we look up to because their hair is BANGING.
ITA with you!
For clarification my thread was a response to bloss' thread

Alot of ppl were very upset and discouraged after this thread... this was MY response to it
Um.... kay.
Did you REALLy read my post?
I said you should have no problem getting to your goal hun if you listen to your hair and have a realistic timeframe.
Sorry if that somehow shattered your hopes:perplexed

I think it's your title that's confusing people. Reading the title had me like :perplexed until I actually read the post.

What I got out of the post was that people don't hit their goals b/c they jump on every band-wagon, expect their hair to grow 1in/month, continue damaging practices, keep cutting to get *perfect* ends, etc. I think we are all ABLE to reach the goals, it's just that some won't b/c they don't put in the necessary care, motivation, & effort to get there.

IMO, IF one has the correct reggie, consistency, & patience (and you're not scissor-happy), anybody can achieve their length goals.... unless it's something insane like ankle-length :look:. I do think WSL is perfectly achievable for just about anyone, but it requires effort and motivation.
I think it's your title that's confusing people. Reading the title had me like :perplexed until I actually read the post.

What I got out of the post was that people don't hit their goals b/c they jump on every band-wagon, expect their hair to grow 1in/month, continue damaging practices, keep cutting to get *perfect* ends, etc. I think we are all ABLE to reach the goals, it's just that some won't b/c they don't put in the necessary care, motivation, & effort to get there.

IMO, IF one has the correct reggie, consistency, & patience (and you're not scissor-happy), anybody can achieve their length goals.... unless it's something insane like ankle-length :look:. I do think WSL is perfectly achievable for just about anyone, but it requires effort and motivation.
ITA w/ everything you said. when i read the title i was like :rolleyes: cause that's all i heard in my everyday life. Ella, you made some valid points though.
ITA w/ everything you said. when i read the title i was like :rolleyes: cause that's all i heard in my everyday life. Ella, you made some valid points though.
I hear you two :yep:but if you read my post and not just the title it becomes very clear what I it did to both of you.That's why I'm confused why someone would be offended what I have to say. And as to the title of my thread this is an oooolllld thread in response to another thread.I provided the link in my last post.
I think that the point is to realize that while it CAN be done - it takes many years, and a couple of setbacks, and it's a reminder to stick to YOUR goals and do what YOUR hair needs, in order to get what you want.

Hair grows. That's what it does, on a healthy head. It grows. How long your hair is is almost TOTALLY in your hands, and the longer you stick with it, the more you will accumulate. Might not be Dec 2008, but if it takes til Dec 2010, is that a bad thing? Three years from now, we can either have long and lovely hair, or we can have hair that's just the same as it is RIGHT NOW - how many people are willing to be that determined, with the protective styles and avoidance of heat and scalp massages, and treating their hair like antique lace for three/four/five years straight? I betcha they are the same women we look up to because their hair is BANGING.

This is an excellent post and expresses my thoughts on the subject better than I could.

If you are willing to discover what your hair needs and stick with it over time, you will get results and most likely reach your goal. Determination and patience are at the top of the list.
I think it's your title that's confusing people. Reading the title had me like :perplexed until I actually read the post.

What I got out of the post was that people don't hit their goals b/c they jump on every band-wagon, expect their hair to grow 1in/month, continue damaging practices, keep cutting to get *perfect* ends, etc. I think we are all ABLE to reach the goals, it's just that some won't b/c they don't put in the necessary care, motivation, & effort to get there.

IMO, IF one has the correct reggie, consistency, & patience (and you're not scissor-happy), anybody can achieve their length goals.... unless it's something insane like ankle-length :look:. I do think WSL is perfectly achievable for just about anyone, but it requires effort and motivation.

Right! That's exactly what I got :yep:
I think her message is very pertinent, it's just the title that throws people off.
This is an excellent post and expresses my thoughts on the subject better than I could.

If you are willing to discover what your hair needs and stick with it over time, you will get results and most likely reach your goal. Determination and patience are at the top of the list.

this is true. unfortunately setbacks happen.and you have to get rid of damaged hair first before length comes. this is the case with me.

ella i agree goals do have to be realistic. i dont really consider genetics because no one in my family knows how to take care of their hair anyway.
I feel that anything is possible if you hang in there and have faith. Life is too short for me not to follow my dreams, including hair.

now the long lengths such as waist and tailbone, I dunno. I wouldnt want my hair that long anyway. just give me thick APL and i'll be good. well at the absolute longest BSL.

ive been through hell and back with this hair of mine but im not giving up. there have been sooo many members here who have reached their goals. if they can do it, so can I.

Ella I wanted to tell you, your hair's really progressed!:yep:
ITA with you!
For clarification my thread was a response to bloss' thread

Alot of ppl were very upset and discouraged after this thread... this was MY response to it

Okay at first I was like, what the hell was the purpose of this post. But you stated that this is a response to the infamous Bloss thread.

It's like your bringing up an old thread that had a valid respone but to somebody who is new or maybe do not know that this was a response to a previous thread, they might feel discouraged.

Also, another that threw me off was the typo you had in the beginning. I think you meant WL but you typed NL.
Okay at first I was like, what the hell was the purpose of this post. But you stated that this is a response to the infamous Bloss thread.

It's like your bringing up an old thread that had a valid respone but to somebody who is new or maybe do not know that this was a response to a previous thread, they might feel discouraged.

Also, another that threw me off was the typo you had in the beginning. I think you meant WL but you typed NL.
I know what you mean but again... if you read the entire thread you should see what I'm saying:yep:

No I mean NL... I said I don't believe that type 3 or 4 hair is destined to be NL:nono:
I know what you mean but again... if you read the entire thread you should see what I'm saying:yep:

No I mean NL... I said I don't believe that type 3 or 4 hair is destined to be NL:nono:

Okay I apologize for the misread of the NL. But I did read the entire thread and Bloss' thread.

It still is discouraging to somebody who is reading it for the first time. I see where you are coming from, however, I saw you point in a lot less sentences that you wrote.
Okay I apologize for the misread of the NL. But I did read the entire thread and Bloss' thread.

It still is discouraging to somebody who is reading it for the first time. I see where you are coming from, however, I saw you point in a lot less sentences that you wrote.
I gotcha Ava:yep: but I have to say I just disagree with you.
If a newbie comes here expecting to go from nl to anklelength in a year by jumping on every bandwagon then yes this thread might be discouraging but then LHCF might be ain't the place to be:nono:
Yes We Can!

What a negative sounding post. I hear you and what your main point is, but sheesh what a downer this title is!

IMO We will ALL be able to fulfill our hair goals as long as we are mindful to be realistic and take care with our hair.
Re: Yes We Can!

What a negative sounding post. I hear you and what your main point is, but sheesh what a downer this title is!

IMO We will ALL be able to fulfill our hair goals as long as we are mindful to be realistic and take care with our hair.
I wonder why this old thread was bumped. I think it is important to take it in its original and true context. IMO remembering that this is a response to another OLD thread
should help one to put it in the proper perspective. I too was like WTF!!! when I read the title, but when I looked at the date and remembered the context, I wondered what was the motivation for bumping this. " As a man thinketh in his heart, so shall he be." If you remember this, and act accords with what you want it definitely can be yours!

Once again I agree with your statement. Due to terminal hair length and other factors I don't believe that everyone is going to get that WL hair. However, if that is your goal then don't allow someone else to tell you you can't do it just because they couldn't. I am a firm believer that you won't know until you have tried.

I agree - one never know what the possibilities are just because of not trying. I raised my daughter bu telling her that wont and cant and were buried in the cemetery on the day she was born. She had beautiful waist length 4b hair since she was 3! Imma post a picture in my FOTKI tonight. Her hair was difficult to work with (like mine) but a good regimine and babying your hair like you would your own child seems to have positive outcomes. On the other hand Long hair with raggedy see through edges in NOT attractive unless that person chooses to wear it in a ponytail every day. I cut off two inches because I had fried ends and I like my hair to be LUSH. I say try your best-make a commitment and execute and remember why you are doing it in the first place. You cannot fail. (This is not for just hair) JMHO