Non-stop Bunners, Breakage Question


Instagram: adaybyjay
I've been bunning 6 out of 7 days for about 3 months. I square dance with my bun but every night when I take my hair down, I notice the indentations in my hair seem to always be in the same place. I assume this would mean that the tension is placed in the same place daily although I square dance with my buns. I don't have any signs of damage, breakage or thinning occurring where the indents are at but just wanted to see if you all find the same thing to be true and has it ever caused you any issues (with having the tension in the same place daily). TIA!
I've never gotten breakage from bunning and I've been doing so since middle school because I'm lazy. I do have those indentations but I don't think that necessarily damages MY hair. But try moving your ponytail around so you don't have the tension in the same place all the time. But I normally wear my bun in the same place everyday because it's easier and less time consuming.
I dip my scrunchi in JBCO before I tie my ponytail and I make sure my ends are sturated with a good butter when I took my sides in. Then I also place the bun is a slightly different place each to decrease my breakage, hope this info helps.
I think that's what "square dance" means, she moves the bun to a different place.

I have not had any issues with keeping my bun in the same place. I have been bunning almost consistently for the past 2-3 months. If you're not noticing any thinning or breakage, what is the problem you are trying to address?
I move my bun around daily too, but I have noticed that my curl pattern on the sides has become much looser. I have been bunning daily for months. I massage my whole head and temples with jojoba or castor oil 4-5 times a week. I give my hair breaks whenever I can. I have not seen any damage.
I usually do not get breakage when I bun, so I can't advise on that.. However make sure your buns aren't too tight and your hair is has lots of moisture... HTH...
this is kinda funny because I really thought she meant actual dancing. I take my buns down at night, but I alternate buns with other styles.

I started this thread to answer some questions I had about bunning, including breakage: Share Your Bunning Regimen

ETA: Oh, I see you already posted in that thread, OP!
I think that's what "square dance" means, she moves the bun to a different place.

I have not had any issues with keeping my bun in the same place. I have been bunning almost consistently for the past 2-3 months. If you're not noticing any thinning or breakage, what is the problem you are trying to address?
Exactly -- it was on LHCF that I learned the term 'square dancing' which means you move the bun around to different locations such as -- low right side bun, low middle bun, low left side bun, high right side bun, high middle bun, high left side bun.

What am I trying to address you ask? Just trying to ensure that having the indentations (the marks in your hair after you take your bun) in my hair in the same place daily won't eventually lead to a set back or breakage. I assumed having the indentations in the same place everyday meant the tension was being placed in the same place daily although I'm unsure if this is a true indication of where the tension is being placed because I move the bun around daily. Sorry if I confused you guys.

To the other ladies --- you are funny -- did you actually think I was square dancing? wow, funny. :lachen:

Sorry to have confused any of you -- Let me further explain that I'm not having any issues at the moment...I've never in my life bunned non-stop. As a matter fact, I've always been brainwashed to believe buns break your hair so I've always avoided them totally. My thread was only trying to ensure I prevent any issues. Btw, I use a cut up pantyhose for my ponytails and I slather it in scurl or some type of moisture before making my ponytails.
I try to not wrap my pont tail holders too tight. I LOVE LOVE LOVE goody spin pins! They absolutely work like a charm, I got mine from CVS for like $8.00.
I try to not wrap my pont tail holders too tight. I LOVE LOVE LOVE goody spin pins! They absolutely work like a charm, I got mine from CVS for like $8.00.
I love them too but I don't like how my bun looks anorexic with them because I have to twist the bun tighter to ensure the pins hold the hair in place. I also use sticks and other hair candy to mix it up.