Non-Denominational vs. Denominational

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
Is anyone else apprehensive about non-denominational churches? Sometimes, I think it's good to have a history and be rooted in tradition. I grew up in a Church with hymns, a Bible reading, preaching from the Word. I've found that in denominational churches, instead there's praise and worship for most of the service then preaching. It seems less structured.

Has anyone else compared both kinds of Churches? I'm not trying to ask if one is better than the other per se, but what are your observations? Thanks.
I prefer non denominational. We only preach from the bible. Praise and Worship doesn't usually last all day, but I prefer it over tradition b/c that can get so religious that God can't move during the service. You couldn't pay me to go back to a traditional baptist church.
I like the idea of non-denominational because the focus is usually placed on worshipping God. I was raised Catholic, but I'm not really feeling most of the Catholic churches I go to. However, I refuse to go to another denomination of church that tells me that just because someone is Catholic, they are already doomed to hell.....and that covers most of the other churches I've visited (Baptist, Adventist, etc.) But the same thing happened to me in a non-denominational church as well though. I think that if a preacher is spending time talking about other denominations, he is taking time away from the focus of the service which is God.
I'm Adventist and we don't say Catholics are doomed to hell. Most of my family is Catholic (most Haitians are!) and I don't think they're necessarily going to hell. Everyone is responsible for the light they have received. You are doomed if you don't follow the Word of God that has been revealed to you. Adventists also believe the body of Christ is made up of some (not all) Adventists AND Non-Adventists (this includes non Christians as well). See the story of Rahab in the Old Testament.

Now, I wouldn't be surprised if an Adventist, a Baptist, or even if a Non-Denominationalist told you that. Individuals will always have their OWN opinions. That doesn't mean that is the official position of their church.

What you will find is that many Protestant faiths have views on Catholicism (this means the Vatican not the individual believers) and its role in end time prophecy. This interpretation of Revelation and Daniel and the Catholic Church is not unique to Adventists.

ETA: Official Church position on Catholics:

Blurb from above link:Thus, while we remain aware of the historical record and continue to hold our views regarding end-time events, we recognize some positive changes in recent Catholicism, and stress the conviction that many Roman Catholics are brothers and sisters in Christ.

nurseN98 said:
I like the idea of non-denominational because the focus is usually placed on worshipping God. I was raised Catholic, but I'm not really feeling most of the Catholic churches I go to. However, I refuse to go to another denomination of church that tells me that just because someone is Catholic, they are already doomed to hell.....and that covers most of the other churches I've visited (Baptist, Adventist, etc.) But the same thing happened to me in a non-denominational church as well though. I think that if a preacher is spending time talking about other denominations, he is taking time away from the focus of the service which is God.
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When I was younger, I grew up in baptist churches (2 of them) and in 2002, my family and I started going to this multi-cultural non-denominational church (because the baptist church we were attending was corrupted). At the non-denominational church, it seemed very liberal with no structure or rules per se. The pastor of that church left in 2004 and now my father is the pastor of it. Come to find out, it was always a baptist church but the previous pastor didn't want anyone in the church to know so he could draw more people to that church I guess.
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Honeyhips said:
I prefer non denominational. We only preach from the bible. Praise and Worship doesn't usually last all day, but I prefer it over tradition b/c that can get so religious that God can't move during the service.

Co-signing. I've never been as moved in any other church. My main focus for joining a church was preaching from the Bible & that's just what my Pastor does.
Agreeing with you MeccaMedinah and Honeyhips. My pastor teaches. And he can apply everyday situations as examples so the Bible becomes much clearer. I used to attend a Baptist church, I grew up Baptist. But I got tired of the same message "you don't believe, you're going to heyell!" and then everybody sweatin' and outdoing each other on the Holy Ghost dance. I leave not learning anything except heyell.:look:
natalied said:
Now, I wouldn't be surprised if an Adventist, a Baptist, or even if a Non-Denominationalist told you that. Individuals will always have their OWN opinions. That doesn't mean that is the official position of their church.

What you will find is that many Protestant faiths have views on Catholicism (this means the Vatican not the individual believers) and its role in end time prophecy. This interpretation of Revelation and Daniel and the Catholic Church is not unique to Adventists.

I didn't mean to offend, I don't mean to generalize either. What I should have said was that the churches of those denominations that I personally went to that made those kind of statements. I know that certain members from my father's congregation (Baptist) are always, ALWAYS asking my mother and I when we are going to convert because we are Catholic and not doing what is right before God. And yes, they've actually said this to us. I remember when I was younger (teenage) there was a friend of the family who was an Adventist pastor. He would invite us to service on Saturday and somewhere in the prayers would pray for the deliverance of ppl who caught in evil religion where idolotry is rampant, and other truly ignorant statements. And since we would be the only visiters, I'd assume he was talking about us because he was always inviting us weekly.

So while I did not mean to generalize that way, meeting ppl like this is not encouraging at all. And while I do understand that protestants are not demonizing Catholicism like they used to, I like the idea of a church I can go to that does not place a label on me. That is just my opinion.
I was raised in the Catholic church/school system from the time I was 2 until I was 19, then I went to this "new church" that my mom had started going to. It's non-denominational, and 5 yrs later I'm still attending. I felt out of place at the Catholic churches for some reason I couldn't understand what they taught. But my pastor preaches straight from the Bible and is too busy trying to get lifted his members to denounce other faiths :yep: I have never been moved like this before at church, I'm contemplating moving to another coast but I tell you the main thing holding me back is the fact that I don't want to leave my church home :p
nurseN98 said:
I didn't mean to offend, I don't mean to generalize either. What I should have said was that the churches of those denominations that I personally went to that made those kind of statements. I know that certain members from my father's congregation (Baptist) are always, ALWAYS asking my mother and I when we are going to convert because we are Catholic and not doing what is right before God. And yes, they've actually said this to us. I remember when I was younger (teenage) there was a friend of the family who was an Adventist pastor. He would invite us to service on Saturday and somewhere in the prayers would pray for the deliverance of ppl who caught in evil religion where idolotry is rampant, and other truly ignorant statements. And since we would be the only visiters, I'd assume he was talking about us because he was always inviting us weekly.

So while I did not mean to generalize that way, meeting ppl like this is not encouraging at all. And while I do understand that protestants are not demonizing Catholicism like they used to, I like the idea of a church I can go to that does not place a label on me. That is just my opinion.

I didn't take offense. I know there are some knuckleheads in my church. There are some in every church.
I go to a non-denominational church. Denominations are man made. Lutheran is following after the Martin Luthers traditions. Baptist named after John the baptist. Pentacosta, day of pentacost and so on. So I prefer plain old Christian Church with no denomination. I've never found one that has no structure though.
After spending years in a Baptist church, then a Pentacostal church, I now attend a non-denominational church, and I wouldn't change that for the world. :)
natalied said:
I didn't take offense. I know there are some knuckleheads in my church. There are some in every church.

For real, there's always somebody that makes everyone else just shake their heads. And BTW, I'm Haitian as know how some of us can be a tad bit :look: ..... less than tactful when it comes to discussing certain topics like religion, politics,etc... :)
after attending a baptist school and attending baptist church most of my life I am loving my non denominational church. I find my non denominational church more structured then my old baptist church. We have praise and worship or the choir sings and then the word and then while offereing is being done the announcements are read and then we are out. I've learned a lot more where I am now and there seems to be less pomp and circumstance and more face value.
You've all given me something to think about. I will try to not be prejudiced when I visit non-denominational churches in my quest to find a church home.
I read a book that was written by Susan B. Taylor of Essence Magazine, don't remember the name, She often mentioned Eric Butterworth in her book and the Unity Services. I went one day to the service in Manhattan, Avery Fisher Hall Lincoln Center - and I felt like I found home. I grew up in the CAtholic church as well and never felt comfortable - and I was searching for so long to fill a void in my heart. I have read many of his books and I can honesty say, "Okay I have felt that way".

reccommended reading - A God who looks like me
pebbles said:
After spending years in a Baptist church, then a Pentacostal church, I now attend a non-denominational church, and I wouldn't change that for the world. :)

I'm loving my church home. I jumped in and the Bishop asked me to be his secretary. I love God and all the blessings that have rained on me in the last 6 months.
Sometimes the Holy Spirit can come in and totally change everything around.
For instance, at my church you might have praise and worship, then the prophetic, a short message and we all go home. One Sunday we did a lot of praise and worship b/c that is where we were in the Spirit, followed by a short message. We've also had services where there was just a bunch of deliverance either before or following a message.
So if you are used to the choir singing a selection, offering, another selection, a group hymn, a sermon filled with a bunch of (what would you call that Baptist preacher call), but not a lot of explaining or teaching of the word, then you might not like it. :look:
I am in search of a church home and will pray for God to give me the answer to where I will find that place. I made a list of the qualities I would like in a church and wrote them down:

Women's Group-ministry
Bible Study
Gospel choir- or any choir to sing the praises of God
Community Outreach
Life Management

I guess I am looking for a church that will be like a community to praise the Lord and to encourage people to live the best lives according to the WORD.
God bless you all.
I grew up in the Baptist church and barely knew the difference between Easter and Christmas (as far as Jesus was concerned). Started going to a non-denominational church 8 years ago. I don't think that I could go back to a Baptist church again. I don't have time for the hooping and hollering.(disclaimer-not all Baptist churches, just the ones I am familliar with). I like to have a sermon that is Biblically inspired so that I can apply it to my life.
wow. i'm really going to consider attending a non-denominational service now.

It would probably be something like one of Joel Osteen's services, i can imagine.
I am so feeling those who love their NON Denominational churches. I started going to one in March and it has totally changed my life, I love it. And like others, we do have alot of praise and worship and for me that has made all the difference, PRAISE has really made GOD move in my life. Another important thing is my pastor teaches everything out of the bible and as a result of this I have learned so much. I am just so thankful!
I never really thought about whether I would or wouldn't go to a certain denomination church. I just recently moved about 3 months ago, and I just feverently prayed that I be placed where God wants me. And God placed me in an Assembles of God Church (which is concedered a fellowship versus a denomination) I came from a Baptist church, and prior ot that a non-denominational church. I never thought about the differences attributing to the difference in denomination, but then again I don't care for labels (not just with denominations, but in general). I believe that as long as you are where God wants you, it doesn't matter what label you are under. I don't think that God cares...I think he is just concerned with our heart and if we believe in him, and if that is in the right place that's all that matters. I truly think that when some people get to Heaven they are suprised by what "denominations" are all chillin together :lachen:
fivefoursweetie said:
. I truly think that when some people get to Heaven they are suprised by what "denominations" are all chillin together :lachen:
very true. I don't know why there needs to be a seperation. But I wouldn't say one was better than the other.