(Non-cowashers) How often do you wash your hair?


Well-Known Member
I noticed that some people who don't wash their hair frequently--cowash frequently. During the summer, I washed my hair once a week but also cowashed once a week or more.

I'm not sure if I'll be returning to cowashing but I can't figure out how to tweak my regimen. I've been washing my hair 2x a week but worry about whether this will be too drying to my hair. I've been diluting my shampoo and trying to prepoo.

For people who do not cowash, how often do you shampoo your hair? If you wash it frequently, what are you doing to make it a non-issue? I guess I just want to feel like it's safe to wash my hair more 2 or more times a week. I have enough hair and scalp issues--I don't want to add to them but I need to have a clean scalp.
I only wash/shampoo 1x a week. If I feel my scalp needs more hydration or my style is done, I may cowash. Even when I cowashed daily, I only washed 1x a week. Just don't feel my scalp needs shampoo more than 1x a week. I know my hair doesn't like it.
I have no strict regimen for shampoo but when I use shampoo (sulfate free) its usually because my scalp is acting up. I just make sure to Pre-poo with an oil. Maybe the pre-pooing you are doing will help you combat any long term effects frequent shampooing might have on your hair.

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Once every 2 weeks in the winter, spring & fall and 1x a week in the summer. I spray my scalp with water almost daily. It works for me but it may not work for others.
In the summer I cowash pretty much exclusively and I do it frequently (2-4 times a week). During the spring and winter I shampoo exclusively and do it once a week. I find that I need to cowash more often in the summer to prevent dryness from the sun. I find that in the spring/winter I Moisturize with heavier products and use butters daily to seal my ends, so I have to shampoo regularly to prevent any excess buildup.
I poo wash once every 2 weeks minimum but it usually ends up being every 3 weeks or a month. I spray my hair with water and lightly reapply products if I feel it needs moisture. If need be i will cowash once a week or every other week to help reset my hair. My hair doesn't like shampoo no matter what I do. I find though that prepooing helps when I have to use it though.
usually once a week, in the summer sometimes more with the addtion of a co-wash here and there. i pre-poo, wash in sections and condish. i m/s 2-5 times a week cause its cold and dry here in the northeast:yep: finding a good sulfate free poo is akin to trying find a needle in a haystack, giovanni has worked best for me with no drying, stripping, and tangling. yet, my hair still feels clean:yep: like like the 50/50 and smooth as silk thus far.
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I generally use a cleansing conditioner once a week and cowash about 3-4 days later (washing every 3-4 days). I use a sulfate free shampoo about once every other week if I feel my hair needs more cleansing.

1x week: Cleansing conditioner
1x week: Cowash
1x every other week: Shampoo

I also deep condition once a week.
I wash my hair every Saturday or Sunday. I put everything on my hair that I will use for the entire week including the moisturizer and sealeant. Then I just moisturize and seal everyday after work. Nothing else. I really don't feel our hair needs all this washing and co washing 3 or 4 times a week. Build up doesn't happen that quickly in my opinion.
I wash my hair every Saturday or Sunday. I put everything on my hair that I will use for the entire week including the moisturizer and sealeant. Then I just moisturize and seal everyday after work. Nothing else. I really don't feel our hair needs all this washing and co washing 3 or 4 times a week. Build up doesn't happen that quickly in my opinion.

I think it depends on your lifestyle. I work out most days of the week and though I don't always wash my hair after, eventually my scalp starts giving me the blues. :lol: For me, doing any kind of washing or rinsing only once a week is a stretch.
I prefer co-washing and/or deep conditioning and will try to limit shampoo to once a month unless I have been using gel or other heavy products throughout the week.
1x week is the norm.

I will cowash mid-week on occassion if my hair is feeling dry. It's definitely not the norm.
I shampoo and DC once every week. I also refresh with a water spritz and creamy leave-in twice a week. For me, anything more than that is overkill and will lead to a setback.
I wash my hair every week to week and a half. I use black soap diluted in water. I may cowash in between if I have been sweating a lot or something like that.
Now that I work out every day I wash my hair at least twice a week (every other day if I'm not feeling too lazy) and follow up with a deep conditioner (under the dryer) every time. I usually dilute my shampoo and only wash the scalp, letting the suds traveling down my hair actually "wash" the hair. When I'm deep into my stretch (2 months plus), diluting the shampoo and using an applicator bottle to apply it directly to the scalp is the only way I can get my scalp clean, which is the primary purpose of shampooing for me. Deep conditioning is the only way I can get away with the frequent washing. Tried the pre-poo business, but it was way too much hassle and it didn't make much difference to the condition of my hair.
I shampoo my hair once a week, I don't dilute the shampoo. Afterwards, I use conditioner & dc my hair.

I can only co wash my hair if its in braids which I haven't done lately.
cream cleanser every 7 - 10 days
I "wash" my scalp with apple cider vinegar before

I try to use a shampoo bar at least once a month and always if Ive used a store brand (not all natural) gel or oyin pomade, which for me, seems to leave buildup on my hair
Once a week. My hair thrived with co washes. However when I was diagnosed with Scarring Alopecia a year ago,I cut it down to once a week. The only time I co-wash now is if i'm switching my hair style in the middle of the week, which rarely happens.