Suggestion Non-Christian section

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Well-Known Member

Would it be possible to have a non-Christian section on the forum?

It would nice too have a place where atheists, buddists, muslims and others could have a place to discuss. I tihnk it would be a great place to learn about other religions/beliefs.

A lot of members have made this suggestion a thread in Off topic.


i believe everyone should share their beliefs and i like learning about different religions but this is a Christian site. i think in the other section you can talk about whatever you want it just depends on if they are interested in your thread whether it will be a good thread
i am open to taking in anything because i don't claim any religion. i like certain beliefs from different religions but identify more with Buddhism
I think that this request has been made in the past...ain't gonna happen.

It is a good idea, though. :yep:


Would it be possible to have a non-Christian section on the forum?

It would nice too have a place where atheists, buddists, muslims and others could have a place to discuss. I tihnk it would be a great place to learn about other religions/beliefs.

A lot of members have made this suggestion a thread in Off topic.


It's not going to happen because this is a Christian site.

There are numerous threads about other religions though, and we are free to start more threads like that if we want...

I would personally like to see a section like that as well as a sex section, but none of those are going to happen :lol:
In the past when we have had Non-Christian threads , Christians have come into them bothering people and caused them to get locked. This question has been asked before and it was shutdown quickly. It will continue to be this way because this is a so called Christian forum..... I say so called cause there are themes/ concepts in terms of threads and sub-forums that are the complete opposite of that but they never are locked or go poof.
Ok. But so we can have "other religions" threads, but not an "other religions" section.

That makes no sense. Even Christians in the "survey" thread welcomed the idea of such section.
Yeah, how about a sex section too! We are (almost) all adults here and sex is a part of life. There's nothing shameful or crass about a sex section.
It's not going to happen because this is a Christian site.

I'm sure that's the rationale behind why there is only a Christian forum here, but I do not find it to be an adequate one. I went to a large Catholic university and we had Muslim, Protestant, and Jewish chaplains as well as various university-approved organizations for Humanists, Buddhists, Hindus, Mormons, and Sikh's. We also had a LGBT alliance.

This site could be open and welcoming to all. They just don't WANT to, and I find that to be problematic.
I'm sure that's the rationale behind why there is only a Christian forum here, but I do not find it to be an adequate one. I went to a large Catholic university and we had Muslim, Protestant, and Jewish chaplains as well as various university-approved organizations for Humanists, Buddhists, Hindus, Mormons, and Sikh's. We also had a LGBT alliance.

This site could be open and welcoming to all. They just don't WANT to, and I find that to be problematic.

Unfortunately, they will just tell you to just take your $6.50 elsewhere on the web where you can talk about it. :look:
I also don't agree with it, but that has been the response numerous times in the past.

What I really dislike about it is that it perpetuates an air of superiority within some of the Christians. Almost high school-ish.
I'm sorry but I agree. There are plenty of other sites that deal with both of those subjects. It's the owner's choice what they want in their forum and I appreciate the Christian bias even if it's not perfect. I am very grateful for this forum though and kind of hate discussing religious topics in places like this for the reason others have stated. Superiority. Or rather what people think is superiority. It seems like you can't discuss your own beliefs and respectfully disagree with others without people saying you are being this and that.
I had no idea this was a Christian forum. With the subject matter and some of the threads I see on here. . . I thought the Christian forum was here under the assumption that most members were Christian. I didn't think it meant anymore than that. Well, dang :ohwell:

I also support a Non-Christian forum. It's rude and prejudice to allow one group to come in and harass another without giving them a place where they know they belong. Just saying :look:
This being a women's website, especially for women of color, it fits neatly into the idea that black women should be pious and "well behaved."
I don't know why ppl don't just ignore the christians when they become disruptive. It's not like you have to respond to them. lol Let them vent. It's hilarious!
A sex section would be great. i was on another website and it was there for many years but got taken down. :(
I'm honestly dumbfounded by the Christians on this website. They are among the most intolerant group of Christians I've ever come across. This is certainly not how you win souls.
i really dont understand the need for all these sub forums even the Micheal and Whitney one just seems so extra to me they are entertainment and we all have a choice to view and comment on any thread around and a choice not to view them. we can also choose to search and to move on to pages 2-whatever in order to view other recent threads its just not that serious and where will the request end.
IIRC, the Whitney and Michael subs were created because at the time of their deaths--and long after that--the 1st two pages of ET were inundated with threads about them. It was just too darn much! In a way, we didn't have a choice but to view their threads. :lol:

IMO, there's nothing wrong with sub-sections: it's just that certain topics won't be entertained.

i really dont understand the need for all these sub forums even the Micheal and Whitney one just seems so extra to me they are entertainment and we all have a choice to view and comment on any thread around and a choice not to view them. we can also choose to search and to move on to pages 2-whatever in order to view other recent threads its just not that serious and where will the request end.
Christianity is a religion... correct? This is a hair site, no? Or is it a forum about religion?

It just confuses me when people say "this is a Christian site". Unless they change the rules and only allow Christians to join, it think it's disrespectful and alienating to call it a Christian forum. It also makes Christians believe that they need to defend and police anything that doesn't vibe with Christianity in threads that aren't even in the Christian forum.

...And even WITH the Christian label, that doesn't mean those with other religions and beliefs don't deserve a place to post.

Just like people call America a Christian country... other religions still have their places of worship in every state.
I'm sure that's the rationale behind why there is only a Christian forum here, but I do not find it to be an adequate one. I went to a large Catholic university and we had Muslim, Protestant, and Jewish chaplains as well as various university-approved organizations for Humanists, Buddhists, Hindus, Mormons, and Sikh's. We also had a LGBT alliance.

This site could be open and welcoming to all. They just don't WANT to, and I find that to be problematic.

Same, but high school. I may be late, but I didn't know this was a Christian board.:ohwell: But what I seen and heard from others from the other board, some weren't too friendly in some topics. I remember a few threads here and there. I find that a bit sad though, and wrong, but I don't want to say too much.
I highly suggest you all read the "Rules" of LHCF. I believe they have been changed slightly since I joined, but they are very telling of the mindset of those who created the site. Example:

"08. The owner of this forum is a believer of Christianity, and therefore this site does have elements that support the Christian faith."
^^^ I swear it wasn't worded exactly like this when I joined. From what I remember it basically said we weren't even allowed to discuss religions other than Christianity.

"43. Same-sex relationships are prohibited from being discussed on this forum."

The entire list of rules can be found at the top lefthand corner of your screen.

*I almost didn't join LHCF due to what I perceived to be an intolerance of religions other than Christianity, but I paid my $6.50 anyway because this site seemed more active than the other site I belonged to :look:
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^^ I don't mind that there are elements of Christianity on the forum, I don't see that being a problem at all. My problem is the sheer intolerance of a certain group on here and I don't know for sure that is really a reflection of the forum's owner and her beliefs.

It's very off putting. Instead of wanting to find out more about Christianity, I'm somewhat put off by it to be honest.
^^ I don't mind that there are elements of Christianity on the forum, I don't see that being a problem at all. My problem is the sheer intolerance of a certain group on here and I don't know for sure that is really a reflection of the forum's owner and her beliefs.

It's very off putting. Instead of wanting to find out more about Christianity, I'm somewhat put off by it to be honest.

My feelings exactly!
I don't believe LHCF would fall apart with a "Non-theist/Other Forum.

And it would not take away from the Idea that this is a Christian forum, no more than all the post about Kim kardashians Butt, Or somebody's latest "leaked" porn video, Or Crotch photo's of Miley Cyrus, Or stories about so and so sleeping with somebody else's partner.
Or the latest newest Hollywood baby mama

It maybe a "Christian" forum, but it's not hard to find a bunch of very Un-Christian Post within each forum.

But I guess as long as they keep saying it that makes it true, Even though most people had no idea it was a "Christian Forum" until someone said it was.
Because this is a Christian forum and Christian beliefs says anything not for it is against it. Or lukewarm. And with lukewarm Christ says he spit it out of his mouth.

Therefore any other religion is like ANTI-Christ or ANTI Christian.

I am a Christian so I wholeheartedly stand for Christian only religions being the focus of a Christian forum.
Because this is a Christian forum and Christian beliefs says anything not for it is against it. Or lukewarm. And with lukewarm Christ says he spit it out of his mouth.

Therefore any other religion is like ANTI-Christ or ANTI Christian.

I am a Christian so I wholeheartedly stand for Christian only religions being the focus of a Christian forum.

Well, consider this site luke warm, maybe even hot, and the anti-Crist because there are plenty of non-Christian topics and people :look: on it.
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