"Game of thrones on HBO" (a show with lots of explicit scenes and extreme violence)
"Sex tape of Love & Hip hop star Mimi Faust set for release"
"How to be a successful golddigger"
So those are acceptable threads?
But we can't have an "other religions" section cause it goes against Christian values? Can the powers that be come and give us and answer & explanation? I would really appreciate it.
If you owned a Forum a non-Christian forum would you accommodate Christians with a section of their own? Would you allow them to feel free to pray and honor God and the Lord Jesus Christ?
Christians owe their their honor to God First. Christians are not obligated to appease the whims of this world who only show disregard and disrespect for whom God is and will always be, which is God.
Why on earth would a Christian site further accommodate a spirit of full blown anti-God, let alone anti-Christ? Who gets the better value.
The threats of those leaving thinking that it will 'force' a Christian owner to succomb to their demands will only fail for it is promised to those who are Christians that those who serve and honor God will be blessed no matter what. The Word of God is clear, 'What does it profit a man to gain the world (approval of man) and lose their soul?
Those who oppose don't have the power to bless, heal, save nor deliver; neither do they answer prayer. So what does it matter if they choose to leave? Jesus made it plain and kept it moving, that if folks don't accept you, shake the dust off your feet and move on. God said that He would bless those who bless us and curse those who curse us.
This is an ugly turned up society in which we live and the Internet is filled with more than enough opposition to God, let alone disrespect for Him. God is looking for those who will stand firm and publicly, without shame, fear, nor compromise, to uphold His principles, His standards, His Holy Name and to fear not the rebuttals, nor the rebukes of those who wish to take them down.
This forum was not given to it's owner to worship satan, but to serve as a place that God can preserve and bless. Whatever stands for God shall stand, whatever, whoever does not, shall fall. This forum shall stand. Plain and simple.