Suggestion Non-Christian section

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Well, consider this site luke warm, maybe even hot, and the anti-Crist because there are plenty of non-Christian topics and people :look: on it.

"Game of thrones on HBO" (a show with lots of explicit scenes and extreme violence)
"Sex tape of Love & Hip hop star Mimi Faust set for release"

"How to be a successful golddigger"

So those are acceptable threads? :nono:

But we can't have an "other religions" section cause it goes against Christian values? Can the powers that be come and give us and answer & explanation? I would really appreciate it.
Wow I had no idea this was a christian forum and discussing other religions/beliefs was not allowed.:look: Let me go check out these rules.
There is nothing stopping those who are atheist Muslim, Buddhists, etc to start their own blog or create a similar website. I just don't get what the argument is? The owners site, the owners rules.
Just because someone is not a christian or "anti christian" doesn't automatically make them nonbelievers in God/"Anti God" if that's what the root of the problem is. I don't see why other beliefs/religions wouldn't be welcomed but it's not my site so eh.
Are people hinting at an intolerance of atheists on this board?? Because from some of the comments I've read presently and a while ago, I can see why...:look::look: Still there should be someplace for other religions on this board.:yep:
I am a Christian but honestly, I do not go even into the Christian forums on here. Not for any reason but certain things are not up for discussion with me and religion is one of those topics. Personally, it really doesn't matter to me what sub-forums are here because there are just some forums, I do not go into. Not for any reason in particular, I am just simply not interested in what people have to say in certain areas, whether good or bad.

However, I see that other people are interested. I guess the whole matter could go around and around in circles but at the end of the day if the forum owners are not willing to do so, with owning this whole operation, they have that choice to include what they choose to or not, whether people agree or not or whether their decision is deemed 'fair'.

The choice now for the members who strongly disagree with the position of the owners is accepting the stance or moving on. If enough members leave (which I highly doubt) then perhaps the owners will reconsider or maybe they stand so firm that they will not be moved by a loss of membership.
I am a Christian but honestly, I do not go even into the Christian forums on here. Not for any reason but certain things are not up for discussion with me and religion is one of those topics. Personally, it really doesn't matter to me what sub-forums are here because there are just some forums, I do not go into. Not for any reason in particular, I am just simply not interested in what people have to say in certain areas, whether good or bad.

However, I see that other people are interested. I guess the whole matter could go around and around in circles but at the end of the day if the forum owners are not willing to do so, with owning this whole operation, they have that choice to include what they choose to or not, whether people agree or not or whether their decision is deemed 'fair'.

The choice now for the members who strongly disagree with the position of the owners is accepting the stance or moving on. If enough members leave (which I highly doubt) then perhaps the owners will reconsider or maybe they stand so firm that they will not be moved by a loss of membership.

I don't think a "boycott" is necessary, but as you pointed out you go into the forums you find interest in. the ones you don't have an interest in, you don't use. I haven't been in the Hair forum for about a year :lol:

I think instead of a non-theist forum, or Others forum
it could be a Freedom Lounge, Perhaps make it 18 and older Lounge. And just be a place to allow all topics and open discussions without the post getting deleted or locked. Just one area of LHCF with less stringent rules.
I mean if people began insulting one another yes close the thread.

But let a conversation go to it's natural matter what the topic is. last week we had a great thread going about a study done that showed 18-29 year olds found the bible skeptical.
we had over 300 comments and over 8,000 views.
Not everyone agreed with one another but for the most part it was civil, And I appreciated that the thread was allowed to find it's own conclusion.

Today I posted a photo of an Ad for a female Pastor and Her wife and their church, the conversation was going just find, then it got snatched off the site. :nono:

Anyway, I think the Adults on this board can handle a little more freedom in all topics
There is nothing stopping those who are atheist Muslim, Buddhists, etc to start their own blog or create a similar website. I just don't get what the argument is? The owners site, the owners rules.

You are currently in the Suggestions, Request Q and A forum
that the Owners Obviously deemed a necessary addition to their site.

Therefore the OP is well within her right to post any Suggestion, Request, Or Question she may have about this site.

To Say "The owners site, the owners rules" is an unfair statement that completely negates this entire forum. It would also Negate any Suggestions, request or questions, you yourself my have one day.:nono:
"Game of thrones on HBO" (a show with lots of explicit scenes and extreme violence)
"Sex tape of Love & Hip hop star Mimi Faust set for release"

"How to be a successful golddigger"

So those are acceptable threads? :nono:

But we can't have an "other religions" section cause it goes against Christian values? Can the powers that be come and give us and answer & explanation? I would really appreciate it.

If you owned a Forum a non-Christian forum would you accommodate Christians with a section of their own? Would you allow them to feel free to pray and honor God and the Lord Jesus Christ?

Christians owe their their honor to God First. Christians are not obligated to appease the whims of this world who only show disregard and disrespect for whom God is and will always be, which is God.

Why on earth would a Christian site further accommodate a spirit of full blown anti-God, let alone anti-Christ? Who gets the better value.

The threats of those leaving thinking that it will 'force' a Christian owner to succomb to their demands will only fail for it is promised to those who are Christians that those who serve and honor God will be blessed no matter what. The Word of God is clear, 'What does it profit a man to gain the world (approval of man) and lose their soul?

Those who oppose don't have the power to bless, heal, save nor deliver; neither do they answer prayer. So what does it matter if they choose to leave? Jesus made it plain and kept it moving, that if folks don't accept you, shake the dust off your feet and move on. God said that He would bless those who bless us and curse those who curse us.

This is an ugly turned up society in which we live and the Internet is filled with more than enough opposition to God, let alone disrespect for Him. God is looking for those who will stand firm and publicly, without shame, fear, nor compromise, to uphold His principles, His standards, His Holy Name and to fear not the rebuttals, nor the rebukes of those who wish to take them down.

This forum was not given to it's owner to worship satan, but to serve as a place that God can preserve and bless. Whatever stands for God shall stand, whatever, whoever does not, shall fall. This forum shall stand. Plain and simple.
If you owned a Forum a non-Christian forum would you accommodate Christians with a section of their own? Would you allow them to feel free to pray and honor God and the Lord Jesus Christ? Christians owe their their honor to God First. Christians are not obligated to appease the whims of this world who only show disregard and disrespect for whom God is and will always be, which is God. Why on earth would a Christian site further accommodate a spirit of full blown anti-God, let alone anti-Christ? Who gets the better value. The threats of those leaving thinking that it will 'force' a Christian owner to succomb to their demands will only fail for it is promised to those who are Christians that those who serve and honor God will be blessed no matter what. The Word of God is clear, 'What does it profit a man to gain the world (approval of man) and lose their soul? Those who oppose don't have the power to bless, heal, save nor deliver; neither do they answer prayer. So what does it matter if they choose to leave? Jesus made it plain and kept it moving, that if folks don't accept you, shake the dust off your feet and move on. God said that He would bless those who bless us and curse those who curse us. This is an ugly turned up society in which we live and the Internet is filled with more than enough opposition to God, let alone disrespect for Him. God is looking for those who will stand firm and publicly, without shame, fear, nor compromise, to uphold His principles, His standards, His Holy Name and to fear not the rebuttals, nor the rebukes of those who wish to take them down. This forum was not given to it's owner to worship satan, but to serve as a place that God can preserve and bless. Whatever stands for God shall stand, whatever, whoever does not, shall fall. This forum shall stand. Plain and simple.

Re: First question. Stop assuming that because Christians discriminate that everyone else does too.

Lol at the rest of this preachy post. This is the kind of stuff that makes you all very hard to take seriously. There's no intellectualism in that post. Just a whole bunch of preaching that doesn't get the point across to someone that does not believe.
Re: First question. Stop assuming that because Christians discriminate that everyone else does too.

Lol at the rest of this preachy post. This is the kind of stuff that makes you all very hard to take seriously. There's no intellectualism in that post. Just a whole bunch of preaching that doesn't get the point across to someone that does not believe.

Blaming me for your decisions in life is not going to cut it. You choose to be anti-Christ because it's what you want to do. If I have that much power over your life decisions I'll sell you a forum of your very own for a dime.

YOU are the reason and no one else that you have chosen to not be a Christian. YOU. It's your choice and no one made you do it. Otherwise that makes you a truly weakened individual, which I doubt that you are.

God has given you 'free will' and no one can make you do anything except you. So don't put the blame on me nor anyone else for your choices in life.
If you owned a Forum a non-Christian forum would you accommodate Christians with a section of their own? Would you allow them to feel free to pray and honor God and the Lord Jesus Christ?

Short answer: Yes, I would. Especially if there was a subforum for another religion and I knew there were plenty of Christians on the site.

Quick questions... it's becoming obvious that the managers of this forum have no intentions of accommodating other beliefs. This thread has been dormant for a while... So why bump it? Did you think you could change minds? Or did you want to pointlessly argue a battle that has already been won?
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Short answer: Yes, I would. Especially if there was a subforum for another religion and I knew there were plenty of Christians on the site.

Quick questions... it's becoming obvious that the managers of this forum have no intentions of accommodating other beliefs. This thread has been dormant for a while... So why bump it? Did you think you could change minds? Or did you want to pointlessly argue a battle that has already been won?

The answer is no, I didn't bump this thread for an argument. I was in this section of the forum for another reason when I noticed this.

Do you believe Santa Claus is a real person?
Did you CHOOSE not to believe he is a real person?
If it is just a choice, can you choose to believe he exist?
If you refuse to choose to believe in Santa Claus, then you must be Anti-Santa.

People who don't believe a god exist are not Anti-god, no more than you are anti-santa for not believing Santa is Real.
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