"Nobody wants NAPPY hair"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
And this statement came from a Black Mans mouth! :sad:

I'm telling you right now LHCFers most/all of ya'll are NOT going to like what he is saying!



I think he is brainwashed, i don't know whats wrong with him! He is a broken/defective male and needs to be recalled back to the 'Male Factory' from which he was made. Cause he is foul!
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sooooo basically...

-no body wants nappy hair
-long hair is gorgeous
-long hair is better than short hair
-he's just being honest
-nappy hair is unattractive
-and once again nobody wants nappy hair...

all this sh!t coulda been said in under 30seconds. i dont see why he needed all of 4 min. to say that. so really he's being a bit redundant in this whole vid, to say the least.

i mean i just :rolleyes: thru out this whole thing. he can't speak for everyone. he's only one man. and i mean...if "nobody wanted nappy hair" you wouldn't see so many women going natural. the whole video was really dumb to me. but...thanks for posting
I'm not even going to waste my time watching. What's the point? It's something we probably have all heard before, and something we really don't need to hear again.
My IQ just dropped a few points.

Coonery and buffoonery, I should've never clicked on that I usually dont watch videos like that for the same reason I dont watch most blacksploitation music videos just negativity I really don't need in my life but it was just too tempting.

He's an idiot for many reasons but he clearly associates coily hair with short hair (TYPICAL) and being unkempt or uncombed (TYPICAL), this fool is sitting here like oh I have african american hair but as soon as the texture shows I cut it and I brush my hair so it doesn't look nappy. What a walkin talking stereotype.

He should just start every sentence with "massa say" and call it a frickin day smh......its my own fault for clicking it....
I think he is brainwashed, i don't know whats wrong with him! He is a broken/defective male and needs to be recalled back to the 'Male Factory' from which he was made. Cause he is foul!

I don't think he's defective, he's actually pretty average. He's just saying what a lot of black men think (and have been taught).
well i wont watch the video. it really bothers me that people wont just love what they have. these are the same people who think God dont make mistakes. but then you think your hair is ugly? you need help. i love everything about me.
I don't think he's defective, he's actually pretty average. He's just saying what a lot of black men think (and have been taught).
AVERAGE? Average?!?!? Thats FAR below average. I think this has to do with the circles you run in. If the average BLack man in your sphere has thinking thats even adjacent to this then I would definitely strongly consider revamping my circle.

No Black man has ever been suicidal enough to come at me with that mess.....he woulda got his feelins hurt.
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My IQ just dropped a few points.

Coonery and buffoonery, I should've never clicked on that I usually dont watch videos like that for the same reason I dont watch most blacksploitation music videos just negativity I really don't need in my life but it was just too tempting.

He's an idiot for many reasons but he clearly associates coily hair with short hair (TYPICAL) and being unkempt or uncombed (TYPICAL), this fool is sitting here like oh I have african american hair but as soon as the texture shows I cut it and I brush my hair so it doesn't look nappy. What a walkin talking stereotype.

He should just start every sentence with "massa say" and call it a frickin day smh......its my own fault for clicking it....

offtopic: I love your hair in your siggy its so purrty!!!
AVERAGE? Average?!?!? Thats FAR below average. I think this has to do with the circles you run in. If the average BLack man in your sphere has thinking thats even adjacent to this then I would definitely strongly consider revamping my circle.

No Black man has ever been suicidal enough to come at me with that mess.....he woulda got his feelins hurt.

I believe most black men think the same, they just don't say it. In that way, he's average. How could they not? They're taught the same things black women are...and then they have black male idols/role models who perpetuate those beliefs.
AVERAGE? Average?!?!? Thats FAR below average.

His thought processes are absolutely archaic and below average; however it is the actual mindset that seems to be pervasive in our community. He is in the average as in there are many, many Black men who think in this manner.:nono:

ETA: I didn't bother to watch the clip
Nobody is too absolute for me to take that rant seriously.

If he doesn't like it, he should just say HE doesn't like it and KIM.
His thought processes are absolutely archaic and below average; however it is the actual mindset that seems to be pervasive in our community. He is in the average as in there are many, many Black men who think in this manner.:nono:

ETA: I didn't bother to watch the clip

ITA...I didn't watch the clip; didn't need to, not when I have folk IRL that subscribe to the same speak. But you are right, many black men, as well as women, think this way.
I don't think he's defective, he's actually pretty average. He's just saying what a lot of black men think (and have been taught).

If a lot of blackmen think like he does, then forget me having a blackman because those type of hair connotation demonstrates hate for your race and hate for yourself and if you don't love and respect yourself how can you respect and love me or our nappy head children:ohwell:
If a lot of blackmen think like he does, then forget me having a blackman because those type of hair connotation demonstrates hate for your race and hate for yourself and if you don't love and respect yourself how can you respect and love me or our nappy head children:ohwell:

I think, just like a lot of black women, black men can be retaught. Our programming as black people is just messed up when it comes to hair but if black women can learn to love their natural hair, then so can black men.

The problem is, people keep falling for the lie that "black men don't care" about our hair. And if people think they don't care, then they won't learn to love and appreciate natural hair.
Well average, no...but a typical man who thinks he has a right to dictate to women how they should look, even if they ain't his woman! Oy vey. How many of your average men would waste time doing something like this YT vid?

Anyway, I didn't even watch it, but he can't be saying something new or interesting.
sooooo basically...

-no body wants nappy hair
-long hair is gorgeous
-long hair is better than short hair
-he's just being honest
-nappy hair is unattractive
-and once again nobody wants nappy hair...

all this sh!t coulda been said in under 30seconds. i dont see why he needed all of 4 min. to say that. so really he's being a bit redundant in this whole vid, to say the least.

i mean i just :rolleyes: thru out this whole thing. he can't speak for everyone. he's only one man. and i mean...if "nobody wanted nappy hair" you wouldn't see so many women going natural. the whole video was really dumb to me. but...thanks for posting
This is something that I like seeing, because despite the paranoia and negativity that can surround natural hair, seems like a lot of women are seeing benefit in taking the leap. Wonder why that is?
I don't think kinky hair is unattractive. I think it's beautiful, and I'm thinking of going natural and maybe flat ironing. I really think that we should be proud of the way that God us.
I think, just like a lot of black women, black men can be retaught. Our programming as black people is just messed up when it comes to hair but if black women can learn to love their natural hair, then so can black men.

The problem is, people keep falling for the lie that "black men don't care" about our hair. And if people think they don't care, then they won't learn to love and appreciate natural hair.

Yup - seems like the main influence in getting black men to appreciate natural hair is to simply see a variety of attractive black women wearing natural hair flattering styles. Most black men see enough about natural hair to have valid opinions - they're usually railing against some image in their head - a twa or 70s era afro, or memories of their little sis crying while getting her hair combed... they really don't know what it is they supposedly dislike so much.

It's no coincidence that in places like NYC, DC, Atlanta, etc where there are a ton of naturals out and about more black men appreciate natural hair.
Couldn't help myself - I watched. Then I couldn't help myself - I left a comment with a video link to beautiful, nappy hair. I nearly clicked to see his profile and more but didn't as I'd have stooped too low.....
I could only get thru half of that vid - he just knows he's breakin it down lol.

I got confused after he said "My hair's not nappy"... couldn't really process the rest of his argument.
Nicca, long hair can be nappy too.

I think a lot of people are using "nappy" as a synonym for "bad" or "unattractive." They've completely forgone texture.
Nicca, long hair can be nappy too.

I think a lot of people are using "nappy" as a synonym for "bad" or "unattractive." They've completely forgone texture.

Yea, I guess we use the term nappy so much on hair boards that we forget what most people think of when they hear that term.
am i the only one who though black men liked natural hair?
i mean sure they may love long straight hair as well but i know plenty of men from ages 20-35 that hate weaves. they dont so much hate relaxed hair and may not LOVE natural hair but they dont turn up their face and go ewww at it either. all the guys i know are smart enough to know that its the same hair they have growing out of their own scalps. they may not like the natural styles like braids but i've never heard them say they hate natural hair. and this is before i bc'd.