No wonder men are getting lazier and lazier by the minute !!!


I am scared that this will one day become the norm. Any woman that does this is out of her ****** mind.
that's why these pics make me angry when they come out. The young generation are so impressionable and such followers. They think this type of stuff is cute and ok. So many men already dragging out proposing for 100 years now they gonna get in their head that the woman will do it if she wants it. Fix it Jesus.
I saw a video floating around on Facebook this week with yet another Black woman proposing. I prefer men as the pursuer. I suspect the women who are in these situations totally change the dynamic of their relationship and end up being the providers.
If it's a leap year, then traditionally it's okay to ask a man's hand in marriage. To my knowledge it isn't, and I know of at least one incident where the woman did ask. I guess some women are not prepared to wait forever. They might have been living together for sometime. Maybe she got tired of shacking up for forever and a day and realised if she doesn't ask, she doesn't get.....
most of the time a woman will just give the man a date and time to show up to the wedding! Lol or demand he marry her, or she is leaving! But getting on her knees asking to be someone's wife is insane. The other way is just stupid.
I saw a video floating around on Facebook this week with yet another Black woman proposing. I prefer men as the pursuer. I suspect the women who are in these situations totally change the dynamic of their relationship and end up being the providers.

i just saw this too! i was afraid to read the comments but nearly every one was against it. the only person saying it was fine was a black man.:look:
I saw a video floating around on Facebook this week with yet another Black woman proposing. I prefer men as the pursuer. I suspect the women who are in these situations totally change the dynamic of their relationship and end up being the providers.

So this is a thing? Nope I don't believe it.
There's no way on God's green earth.... :nono: :nono:

I'd rather be single for life...

Looks like she asked to be his BEARD, and I'm sure he'll be hers.

Look at the wrists.....
I was thinking the EXACT same thing.

I saw a video floating around on Facebook this week with yet another Black woman proposing. I prefer men as the pursuer. I suspect the women who are in these situations totally change the dynamic of their relationship and end up being the providers.

THANK YOU!! There's NO way I'm proposing to a man or even asking a man out on the first date. No way! I feel like it sets the "tone" of the relationship forever.... :perplexed