No Shortage Of Church Brothers That Are Ex _____

Would you consider a brother that has a history of ex drug, felon, on s-x registry? In one local fellowship I have seen no shortage but they have given their life over to GOd and now are living a saved life, meaning they have repented, and done an about face and are now living a righteous life? Would they be considered marriageable??

I can hear the Holy Spirit and I would have to definitely know that they are delivered. I would have to have God speak to me about this because alot of people are dealing with spirits and don't know it. So, they are letting a certain spirit whisper or effect their thoughts and emotions and think it's them. That's the big deception out here. Most people need spiritual deliverance but are accepting the thoughts/attitudes of a spirit as themself.

Yes, I would need to know they are delivered because once you are in covenant with someone, everything they have spiritually is inherited by the spouse or shared.

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