No new pics but childhood pics


Well-Known Member
Hey guys...I wanted to upload pictures of my hair after my latest touchup but my bf didn't take it to my satisfaction, so oh well. Anyways, I found some pictures of me when I was around 8-10 years old and I've been dying to share them. I think in some pictures I was relaxed and some I was natural and may have been pressed but I can't really be sure. I'm not sure of when the pics were taken relative to my first relaxer so that is why I don't know. is the link

Ummm...don't pay any mind to my flared nostrils....
Daviine, I love those pics. You were such a little DOLL!! And your hair was sooo thick and pretty.
Maybe the sun was in my eyes...but I try not to get upset around people because I think I flare my nostrils when I'm mad. In the back of my head, when I get upset, I tell msyelf "Keep nostrils in check!"
You should have flared away though with Marvin

I think its cute. I used to do that but more as a mischeavious thing. Ahhh the days of growing up
Hey Cutie Pie!

I would love to see an updated pix Missy! You always had that thick hair. I know you have been complaining that it is much thinner, but the pix you posted doesn't look thin to me!

Thank you ladies. I actually have fine hair but it looks like I had thick hair becasue I had so much of it.

If only my mama hadn't relaxed my hair.....oh well. Too late now.

But I'm over it. I just really like to look at those pics though---they're my fave!