New pics

Dang girl! Your hair got straight! Did she have any issues with your ends? This is the section of my hair that refuses to get straight.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
Dang girl! Your hair got straight! Did she have any issues with your ends? This is the section of my hair that refuses to get straight.

No, she didn't! I am TELLING YOU, their technique is very good (along with their products and tools). They HAVE to be-cuz my hair is VERY unruly. She DID tell me that she wanted to cut THREE INCHES off, though :eek: :eek: :eek: After I fussed and fretted about it and told her how I was growing my hair out we were able to compromise on ONE inch lol :lol:
elaine07 said:
Your hair is beautiful! r u sure that's only an inch growth? :look: looks like more to me...


I did get an inch cut off so I might have grown an actual 2 inches of hair. But I don't think I see more than one inch difference in the pics. I was looking really hard and it looks like my head is tilted back a little further in the newest pic, which is why I wouldn't think it was more than an extra one inch worth of growth ;)
zzirvingj said:

I did get an inch cut off so I might have grown an actual 2 inches of hair. But I don't think I see more than one inch difference in the pics. I was looking really hard and it looks like my head is tilted back a little further in the newest pic, which is why I wouldn't think it was more than an extra one inch worth of growth ;)

Well even after your trim, you've still made great progress. Congrats! Hopefully my hair will be that long and healthy one day...
:) Keep up the good work!
Your hair looks good. I bet you're glad you finally got off your tush and went. I love Too Groovy. My hair looks some fierce when I go to them plus my stylist caters to my needs! $95 is a bit much though! I only paid $125 for Robin who is/was a Master stylist and that included everything. Nowadays, I pay $65 for a wash/condition, hydration treatment, and trim!!!
WhipEffectz1 said:
Your hair looks good. I bet you're glad you finally got off your tush and went. I love Too Groovy. My hair looks some fierce when I go to them plus my stylist caters to my needs! $95 is a bit much though! I only paid $125 for Robin who is/was a Master stylist and that included everything. Nowadays, I pay $65 for a wash/condition, hydration treatment, and trim!!!

$65??????? And you're all natural, too??

What's up with that??????? :confused: LOL :scratchch

ETA: Who is your stylist now and @ which location?
zzirvingj said:
$65??????? And you're all natural, too??

What's up with that??????? :confused: LOL :scratchch

ETA: Who is your stylist now and @ which location?

I go to the Buckhead location and I use Kenya! I'm natural and I have some nappy arse hair in the back but the top and front part is much better but still.............. I've been going to them since I chopped off my relaxed ends so maybe its my veteran discount for being a loyal customer!
Ure hair looks amazing!!!! :D I love the fullness and body, and its sooo silky!!!! Gorgeous!!!!

Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!:grin:
zzirvingj said:
This was my first visit! I was verrrry pleased. If you do go please tell them you referred by "Jade". The stylist who did my hair was "Akelah", but there is a separate thread in the Salon forum that mentions other stylists to go to that are also good.

Yes, I'm natural. My last relaxer was summer of 01. I transitioned through end of December 01 and big chopped the last week of December 01. I got:

-Wash & deep condition
-Hydration treatment
-Blowdry & press

The total was SUPPOSED to be $95 but Akelah gave me a slight discount (it was a treat to me as a new client I guess).

The whole appointment was only 1 hour and 45 minutes long. The detanlging process felt sooo much better than how my old stylist used to do it-it hardly felt like she was detangling it. I came in with dry and tangled hair that had been in a bun and left with bouncy bouncy curls.

Thank you. I will be sure to tell them that you referred me!!! Do you think she is the type to try and convince you to get a cut rather than a trim. I want to go to someone who would trim, and not cut...even if it needed it!
Your pics made me depressed.

Translation: Absolutely beautiful. I only wish my hair was that length. With patience and a few years, it'll get there.
so so chic said:
Thank you. I will be sure to tell them that you referred me!!! Do you think she is the type to try and convince you to get a cut rather than a trim. I want to go to someone who would trim, and not cut...even if it needed it!

Well, I'll put it this way. She told me she wanted to TRIM three inches off, and I really don't see how 3 inches could EVER be a trim. I was going to get charged for a trim even if she did cut 3 inches because to her, that "would" be a trim.

But I tried my best to very politely explain that I did not want to do that. And she was okay with that. (She DID suggest that I come back 2 more times over the next few weeks to get the other 2 inches cut off and I said "ok"----but I'm not going to do that. I just don't see WHY I would need to.)

I really can't explain why she wanted me to trim off 2 more inches. I didn't have 3 inches worth of damaged hair (in my opinion). But to be honest, I've experienced this with other stylists. You just have to make it clear what you want/don't want. ;)
audacious1 said:
Your pics made me depressed.

Translation: Absolutely beautiful. I only wish my hair was that length. With patience and a few years, it'll get there.

Thanks! :D

Oh, and please don't be depressed! As I was posting the pics online and looking at the comparison I kept thinking "man my hair grows so slow"! I should be waistlength by now!

But I try to focus on how far I've COME, which keeps me going. So you're right-with patience and time, you will soon be on your way to achieving your hair length goals ;) HHG....