No-Lye Relaxers & Flaky Scalps?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone else experienced this?

I started a thread about switching to no-lye and loving it, but ever since my scalp has flaked like there is no tomorrow. :eek: I clarified 2x in one day b/c I thought it was due to build-up. I scratched my scalp while washing over & over, but when I got out & my hair dried, the crazy itchies came and so did the monstrous flakes!!! They're huge!! So the next day I hopped back into the shower to clarify with another poo, but the itchies and flakes kept coming.

Then I figured that after I applied MTG it would subside b/c I NEVER get flakes or dandruff. But that didn't help either. I've been scratching my head non-stop for days! The flakes just get bigger & bigger. The only thing I've done recently is switch from lye to no-lye relaxers. I loved the way my hair turned out for once, but my scalp is having like an allergic rxn or something! My scalp is sore from all the scratching. :(

Anyone get this after switching from lye to no-lye? Sadly, I think I may have to switch back.
It reads as if you clarified with shampoo each time, which will only worsen the problem. Clarifying with an apple cider vinegar rinse would have probably been better.
another tip: try washing with Nizarol (drug store brands work just as good) a few times. I use this in the winter when dandruff/dry scalp creeps up on me and make sure you're moisturizing the scalp.
Thanks ladies.

I was experiencing the flakes & itching before clarifying. That's why I clarified. And I always followed with a moisturizng poo and DC'ed overnight. I never had this sort of problem before.

I'm so upset about this. I feel like I haven't even washed my hair at all & lke's it's dirty. & I'm all up in public scratching like mad.