No lye relaxer and no heat styles


Well-Known Member
This is my experience........

I was getting a bit frustrated with my hair ( I relax with no-lye relaxer, Phyto1); I wash and DC every 3 days and sometimes condition wash in between but ever since I began the no heat challenge 1 month ago, I only rollersetting or do the scalf method followed by the caruso setting the next day. My hair has a lot of body and feels healthy BUT…the dryness of my hair is unbearably frustrating!! My hair would be fed all it needs ( all kinds of oils, including shea butter), Keracare Moisturizer, overnight baggie but the next day, it would be very dry which is strange because when I used lye relaxer, I only felt the need to moisturize 2 X per week. I was getting really angry at the way my hair would suck up the moisturizer one day and the next be completely dry. I started to seriously contemplate switching back to lye relaxer but the thought of going back to thin, lifeless hair (my experience) makes it harder for me to switch. Anyway, 4 days ago, I did a wash and DC with a dominican conditioner and my hair felt great; I did my usual leave ins, rollerset and went under the dryer. Hair dried nicely and I followed up with my usual moisturizer. The next day at work my coworker and I went to lunch and my eyes caught my hair in the mirror – the glare of the sun was bright – and I was shocked to see how badly my hair looked. I instantly felt dejected because the phyto1 I relaxed with gave my hair an underprocessed look and I didn’t realize that rollersetting showed up the underprocessed hair so badly. I guess I never saw the result so glaringly in the sun – it looked so bad! I was determined there and then to rock a flat iron! I could not wait to get home to do it. The joy of the story is, it is now 3 days later - wash day - and my hair is unbelievably gorgeous! It is straight, soft, shiny and bouncy, I have never felt it so beautiful before, and the icing on the cake is that I moisturized 3 days ago and my hair is not dry at all. I used the pin curl method (which never would work if I rollerset only) and my hair is still so nice, even people at my office is commenting me on how beautiful my hair looks. I am now elated because there is no need for me to switch from using Phyto. The only negative is that I will not continue on the no heat challenge – my hair, based on the no lye and underprocessed texture, does not respond very well to it – it seems worst off I rollerset only (no direct heat) - WAY too dry. My technique will be to incorporate the airdrying method (scalf or rollerset) but I will have to blow out or flat iron; I think the flat ironing is what I will do 1-2X per week. I don’t think that is so bad – Cathy Howse used to flat iron her hair almost everyday and she has beautiful hair. I wanted to share my experience and was wondering if any other 4a no lye relaxed heads out their had any similar experience they wanted share about their experience with no heat challenge and hair dryness.
Hi, I feel like I have this "problem" too. I'm sure my hair LOVES heat. It looks so shiny and glossy wen I straighten it, even if I blow dry it first. I've just started a no heat challenge - i use affirm no-lye (sensitive scalp) - and my new growth looks so dry, I've never seen such a distinction between the textures before. I think I'm gonna try for a while longer, but if this dullness keeps up, I'm jumping straight back on my straightener wagon.

Wen I wash, airdry then blow dry and straighten it I only need to oil it that one day in the week and it looks great, now from reading the forum I got the idea that that means its not getting enough moisture, so I backed off the heat totally and started wetting/leave-in spraying it everyday. I dont know how well it's working out but I'm praying I wont need a trim next relaxer.