No lye causing my dry scalp/dandruff?


New Member
I have braids right now, but after my last relaxer (ORS no lye) in early December, I had a very itchy, flaky scalp. I assumed that it was just from the calcium build up so I bought the ORS Aloe rid shampoo. That didn't help much. I also tried clarifying with NTM and Suave (at 2 different times) and that didn't help either. That only got rid of the flakes that were in my hair, not on the scalp. When my SO's sister styled my hair in late December, she mentioned my dry flaky scalp. She mentioned it again when she was braiding my hair. Now that I have braids, I can really tell that it is NOT buildup, and that my actual scalp is VERY dry and flaking! It is not affecting my growth or growth retention, it just itches mildly. Should I go to the doctor or are there products that could help me before taking that (expensive) step? Was it the no lye relaxer that caused the dry scalp since I haven't been using it that long (last 2 relaxers)?
no-lye relaxers were the only kind i've ever used... in fact it was the dreaded Dark 'N Lovely :eek: and YES, it made my scalp flaky and gross. so i would certainly blame that although i can't tell you for sure...

mine went away after i went natural, so i have no good advice for you... :perplexed i never could find anything to soothe the itchiness. i hope someone posts some good inexpensive products but if all else fails, a doctor would be your best bet.

wishing you the best of luck... ;)
no lye tends to be very drying for some. The only thing I can say that willl help it is a few ACV rinses and keeping the scalp moisturized.
No-lye did this to my scalp too when I was relaxed. Like the person above said, when I went natural it really helped a lot. It turned out though that I did end up going to the dr and he gave me a medicated oil for my scalp when flaking starts up. I used it once and haven't had a problem since then.

Sulfur eight worked for me before I went to the doctor. But the problem just crept back again. Oh and washing more often did help with maintaining moisture on my scalp. I'm not sure if that's an option for you.

The best thing that I'm using to date is B&B Scalp Ointment. I just put it on the affected areas. It works!
angie10 said:
I use to have dry scalp with No lye also, do you put anything on your scalp at all?

Thanks for the advice ladies.

Angie10, I used to use grease but all that did was making the itching even worse. My mom would always tell me that it was all in my head. Before my LHCF enlightenment, I would get really bad scalp burns when I got a relaxer from using grease a couple of days before my relaxer. That's when I finally discovered that I can only base my scalp right before a relaxer. Conditioner makes my scalp itch, too. I think I'll try that B&B oil and switch back to the Revlon relaxer, since I never had any problems with it.
I would give dry scalp the one, two punch. I would take a supplement like flax seed oil and then use a light oil. Maybe coconut or jojoba.​
simplycee said:
I would give dry scalp the one, two punch. I would take a supplement like flax seed oil and then use a light oil. Maybe coconut or jojoba.​

Well, I'll go for flax seed oil and coconut oil after work. It's worth a try! Thanks simplycee!:)
I don't know if this will help. I use to have a dry scalp, but using sulfur 8 on my scalp after each wash got rid of it. Now that I use MTG, I don't have a problem at all. Also, I wash my hair more often with conditioner and use shampoo once or twice a month.:)