NO I don't want to be member of your CHURCH


Well-Known Member
Warning this is a rant....

Traditional church gets on my nerves, after 20 years of being a part of a church I have no desire to be a church member ANYMORE. I can visit (in order to not forsake the gathering...) but I have NO desire to place my membership ANYwhere in MANS house.

What are your thoughts?
Warning this is a rant....

Traditional church gets on my nerves, after 20 years of being a part of a church I have no desire to be a church member ANYMORE. I can visit (in order to not forsake the gathering...) but I have NO desire to place my membership ANYwhere in MANS house.

What are your thoughts?

You sound like me once upon a time. People would upfront tell me to my face I was "doomed to heyl" for worshipping with me catholic friends and that I should be in their church. Then it was me Jewish family and friends...all bad. Then it was me evangelical friends...heyl-bound. And on and on and on. I eventually found my own peace and place.

The nerve-tapping part? When they continually ask you about it, push it right up your tuchis as though you need a religious enema with their brand name on it...accuse of you whichever...all of which happened to me throughout the years, esp. as an undergrad in college. That time was so :perplexed and my next-door neighbor in the dorms had something to say about errthang!!! The spaghetti strap dress I wore, the various guys I hung out with, non-evangelical friends. LOL. She eventually married a dood from her church that ended up beating the crap out of her. How's that for religion.

Years later, I was not part of nobody's anything. Then I had this thing with my dad and I called this minister up...a place we went to from time to Lenexa, KS...yes, the one where the great pastor left his congregation for a floosy at the church, they went to another state...he returned a little later with his tail in between his legs. But this was before. He told me on the phone that he could not help me because I wasn't involved in a church (for prayer???) and that if I wanted his prayers, I'd better get with his Church. He was mean as hell!

In a nutshell, I hear you loud and clear. Find your peace and do not allow anybody to stamp on it like I did. You will find where you belong. And it might not be in a formal church. Have you explored small prayer/worship groups?
Warning this is a rant....

Traditional church gets on my nerves, after 20 years of being a part of a church I have no desire to be a church member ANYMORE. I can visit (in order to not forsake the gathering...) but I have NO desire to place my membership ANYwhere in MANS house.

What are your thoughts?

I can understand how you feel. I must say that whether you join a church or not, you'll still encounter the same personalities. Unfortunately, you will lack the benefit of fellowship and the revelations received only from God's messengers. There have been so many times where I will pray about something and receive confirmation through Bishop's sermons.

When traditional church gets on your nerves, just think about it like going to a hospital. When you go to the hospital/doctor for healing/treatment, someone hacking and coughing might really work your nerves, but you know you're there for YOUR healing.
Sorry you have had such a bad experience, because I know that hurt people, hurt people. You have to do what you have to do. I only hope that you hear from the Holy Spirit as to what direction you need to go from here.


Thanks Wavy, my experience was not all bad in the 20 years I was there..My feelings are not hurt, so therefore I am not a "hurt person"...

However I am offended by the mentally of a lot of churches in general...claiming to serve an almighty GOD.

GOD has been directing me prior to my decision to stop going to my old church... I am not on a quest for anyones membership...

I am on a mission to do GODs work...
i feel u woman...
i almost don't want to "go to this forum" at times LOL


In a nutshell, I hear you loud and clear. Find your peace and do not allow anybody to stamp on it like I did. You will find where you belong. And it might not be in a formal church. Have you explored small prayer/worship groups?

My husband is my only ministry partner and group...LOL.

I can understand how you feel. I must say that whether you join a church or not, you'll still encounter the same personalities. Unfortunately, you will lack the benefit of fellowship and the revelations received only from God's messengers. There have been so many times where I will pray about something and receive confirmation through Bishop's sermons.

When traditional church gets on your nerves, just think about it like going to a hospital. When you go to the hospital/doctor for healing/treatment, someone hacking and coughing might really work your nerves, but you know you're there for YOUR healing.

Thanks for your viewpoint Auth, but I do not agree with the bolded. I am Gods messenger and I can smell a false one a mile away. Gods messengers are everywhere and in places were "church folks" would least expect IMO. Confrimation can come from other sources too outside of the church..again I am not saying that I won't go to chruch...I am saying I don't want to be a member..

I agree that the chruch is the hospital...but my healing does not need to take place in a building persay.

Again, thanks for your views!

My husband is my only ministry partner and group...LOL.

Thanks for your viewpoint Auth, but I do not agree with the bolded. I am Gods messenger and I can smell a false one a mile away. Gods messengers are everywhere and in places were "church folks" would least expect IMO. Confrimation can come from other sources too outside of the church..again I am not saying that I won't go to chruch...I am saying I don't want to be a member..

I agree that the chruch is the hospital...but my healing does not need to take place in a building persay.

Again, thanks for your views!

ITA, healing and confirmation can be received anywhere. BTW when I said God's messenger, I was referring to pastors,prophets, etc.
Praying that God guides you as you go.

Off topic comments:
Love your hair in your siggy pic.
Something I noticed (for myself) - you gotta have thick skin in the Christian forum. Lol!!
Praying that God guides you as you go.

Off topic comments:
Love your hair in your siggy pic.
Something I noticed (for myself) - you gotta have thick skin in the Christian forum. Lol!!


To bolded...

Yes, and this this is mainly due to arrogence and refusing to look beyond religious rhetoric-these are two problems with many "believers" IMO...
I understand what you're saying, I had to get HURT to leave my church. I'm not going back either. Most churches are a crock of shishipoopoo anyway.
One thing I've learned is that churches FIND you and it's ok to go, it's just what you'll see when you get
My thoughts...

I love the church, with all of its many faults. Sometimes people in the church let us down but it's important to remember that the church isn't perfect. It's full of people that the Lord wants to save.

I do pray that the Lord be with you in your walk...:bighug:
My thoughts...

I love the church, with all of its many faults. Sometimes people in the church let us down but it's important to remember that the church isn't perfect. It's full of people that the Lord wants to save.

I do pray that the Lord be with you in your walk...:bighug:

Thanks Diva!
My thoughts...

I love the church, with all of its many faults. Sometimes people in the church let us down but it's important to remember that the church isn't perfect. It's full of people that the Lord wants to save.

I do pray that the Lord be with you in your walk...:bighug:

I agree. But at the same time, I wish people had the "faith" to apologize for their attacks. The most hurtful thing for me in the church body is when one cannot comprehend another and judges them as unsaved, ungodly, confused etc. because they are not though they themselves were never unsaved, ungodly, confused...and that might not be the case for the person they are judging. And now they are on the right path, they forget humility because Christ's sacrifice placed them in righteousness. Judging others, could be the way they reason, speak, dress, where they live, what they drive, what they do as vocations etc. but this rudeness is abounding in the Church. And congregants are oblivious to the arrogant message they are sending to the world around them.

It's the hypocritical attitudes, the backbiting, the constant patting oneself on the back because they perceive their circumstances are perfect and thus evidence of favor, the inability to look outside of themselves in this pluralistic world of which they are a part and the arrogance to consider themselves superior ...and the absolute, unrelenting audacity to believe that if life is continually hard, then that person isn't right with G-d. I have seen a lot of this over the years. This perception of greatness couldn't be further from the truth. The greatest gift anyone can receive from Jesus is the gift of SUFFERING. He uses it for His own glory. It unites with His own suffering sacrifice. I know of those who proclaim that those who suffer tragedies are simply not G-d's people. Just awful. There are countries of poor, righteous people who love G-d, even in Jesus Christ...and they starve daily. We lack knowledge to comprehend the scriptures.

These lofty, self-righteous attitudes are what drives people away from formalized religion. It drove the Reformation and every single "reformation" following it. :nono: We get to a point in our relationship with G-d that we think we're the absolute best side-kick...thinking our throne (what a laugh) will be next to His in heaven. :blush: Christ called us to serve and follow His example. And some of the pastors have let down the congregation with their abuses...behaviors trickling down to the they then abuse each other. :ohwell: It's a serious problem and many of us are not listening.

Edit: greatest gift for those that are christians...I'm not putting suffering above the gift of salvation
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Warning this is a rant....

Traditional church gets on my nerves, after 20 years of being a part of a church I have no desire to be a church member ANYMORE. I can visit (in order to not forsake the gathering...) but I have NO desire to place my membership ANYwhere in MANS house.

What are your thoughts?

I'm glad that you're open to visiting churches not to forsake gathering. I work full time at a church so believe me when I say that I KNOW no church is perfect! :lachen: However, I do think church membership is important/beneficial. I think having a church family is like having an extra support system aside from your family and friends. For example, a member of my church housed 13 of her family members from Hurricane Katrina. We took up a special offering to help her family and had a special clothing/food drive for them. Maybe one day God will lead you to a church that you'll want to join. God Bless
I agree. But at the same time, I wish people had the "faith" to apologize for their attacks. The most hurtful thing for me in the church body is when one cannot comprehend another and judges them as unsaved, ungodly, confused etc. because they are not though they themselves were never unsaved, ungodly, confused...and that might not be the case for the person they are judging. And now they are on the right path, they forget humility because Christ's sacrifice placed them in righteousness. Judging others, could be the way they reason, speak, dress, where they live, what they drive, what they do as vocations etc. but this rudeness is abounding in the Church. And congregants are oblivious to the arrogant message they are sending to the world around them.

It's the hypocritical attitudes, the backbiting, the constant patting oneself on the back because they perceive their circumstances are perfect and thus evidence of favor, the inability to look outside of themselves in this pluralistic world of which they are a part and the arrogance to consider themselves superior ...and the absolute, unrelenting audacity to believe that if life is continually hard, then that person isn't right with G-d. I have seen a lot of this over the years. This perception of greatness couldn't be further from the truth. The greatest gift anyone can receive from Jesus is the gift of SUFFERING. He uses it for His own glory. It unites with His own suffering sacrifice. I know of those who proclaim that those who suffer tragedies are simply not G-d's people. Just awful. There are countries of poor, righteous people who love G-d, even in Jesus Christ...and they starve daily. We lack knowledge to comprehend the scriptures.

These lofty, self-righteous attitudes are what drives people away from formalized religion. It drove the Reformation and every single "reformation" following it. :nono: We get to a point in our relationship with G-d that we think we're the absolute best side-kick...thinking our throne (what a laugh) will be next to His in heaven. :blush: Christ called us to serve and follow His example. And some of the pastors have let down the congregation with their abuses...behaviors trickling down to the they then abuse each other. :ohwell: It's a serious problem and many of us are not listening.

That is the truth!
Netta, forgive me for posting so much from my own experiences...but this is the way I can communicate with you and others that I comprehend from my own. I had a dear friend, cradle catholic, who's mother decided the Roman Catholic Church was "evil" so she left. Her daughter, naturally, followed...still at home living with family. I wasn't she would frequently invite me to her evangelical church. I enjoyed the services but I began to notice that the mother talked incessantly about her husband's faults since he never left the RCC. Why would he? That wasn't his conviction. He was tried and true, quiet, allowing his wife to find her peace...all the while taking her religious abuses.

Then those condemnations began to spread. She began to talk about such and such, so and so, and how they needed to learn to pray more, believe more, do more...this and that. She was so very judgemental...even against her older daughter and I saw firsthand how this hurt her. I was beginning to get so uncomfortable in her presence in the car after services because she immediately began to talk about folks and what they needed to do was nauseating. I then wondered if these people were talking about me behind my back, especially since I never ever spoke in tongues...and don't desire to, ever. Simply put. I don't desire that. I have other outlets. But they thought they were the big shazaam. I got away, little by little because an abrupt break would have gotten me talked about badly, you know, like I was a pagn or something.

I was newly married...and now, years later, still finding out what kind of sociopath my ex was...and adulterous to the core. But this lady called me once (I told her younger daughter, my friend, about our relationship and she must have mentioned it to her mother) and told me that Jesus told her that I was in the spirit of witchcraft. I was like, what??? Um, excuse me ma'am, but Jesus don't need your lips to tell me something. I then looked up what the heck she was trying to get at and it's because we were arguing. I was supposed to be quiet when the money was spent on stupid things and we had a new baby and he orchestrated a lot of other stupidities. For being a strong woman. Sigh.

Um, this very lady caused her own husband hell on earth. But I was supposedly wicked and in the spirit of witchcraft. See, this is why I do not believe everybody to be a prophet of G-d. It was b.s. She had a mess of a marriage...and telling me to stand still when that bus of a husband was about to splatter me into jello.:nono: I don't know about her, but my upbringing was "move outta the way, push even, if it'll save your life.":ohwell:

This made me very bitter against the church...very bitter. Who was this woman to judge not only me, but a host of other people just because she prayed she could pick up a shofar and blow it to please G-d. She was probably better off in the RCC because they do not proselytize. Oy...rolling eyes.
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I agree. But at the same time, I wish people had the "faith" to apologize for their attacks. The most hurtful thing for me in the church body is when one cannot comprehend another and judges them as unsaved, ungodly, confused etc. because they are not though they themselves were never unsaved, ungodly, confused...and that might not be the case for the person they are judging. And now they are on the right path, they forget humility because Christ's sacrifice placed them in righteousness. Judging others, could be the way they reason, speak, dress, where they live, what they drive, what they do as vocations etc. but this rudeness is abounding in the Church. And congregants are oblivious to the arrogant message they are sending to the world around them.

It's the hypocritical attitudes, the backbiting, the constant patting oneself on the back because they perceive their circumstances are perfect and thus evidence of favor, the inability to look outside of themselves in this pluralistic world of which they are a part and the arrogance to consider themselves superior ...and the absolute, unrelenting audacity to believe that if life is continually hard, then that person isn't right with G-d. I have seen a lot of this over the years. This perception of greatness couldn't be further from the truth. The greatest gift anyone can receive from Jesus is the gift of SUFFERING. He uses it for His own glory. It unites with His own suffering sacrifice. I know of those who proclaim that those who suffer tragedies are simply not G-d's people. Just awful. There are countries of poor, righteous people who love G-d, even in Jesus Christ...and they starve daily. We lack knowledge to comprehend the scriptures.

These lofty, self-righteous attitudes are what drives people away from formalized religion. It drove the Reformation and every single "reformation" following it. :nono: We get to a point in our relationship with G-d that we think we're the absolute best side-kick...thinking our throne (what a laugh) will be next to His in heaven. :blush: Christ called us to serve and follow His example. And some of the pastors have let down the congregation with their abuses...behaviors trickling down to the they then abuse each other. :ohwell: It's a serious problem and many of us are not listening.

I completely agree. It's a sad state of affairs, but that is why we must do our best to look to Christ as our only example of perfection. Of course, that can be a challenge. But membership in a church doesn't mean a person is a practicing Christian or that they have already overcome many of the issues that you mention. Often when certain Christians are so extremely critical of others, it is because they have serious issues with their personal lives. In actuality, we as people fool ourselves if we think we are on right path but lack humility. The love of Christ has not truly taken hold. When we really understand Christ's love for us, then we can really strive to love others...
I agree. But at the same time, I wish people had the "faith" to apologize for their attacks. The most hurtful thing for me in the church body is when one cannot comprehend another and judges them as unsaved, ungodly, confused etc. because they are not though they themselves were never unsaved, ungodly, confused...and that might not be the case for the person they are judging. And now they are on the right path, they forget humility because Christ's sacrifice placed them in righteousness. Judging others, could be the way they reason, speak, dress, where they live, what they drive, what they do as vocations etc. but this rudeness is abounding in the Church. And congregants are oblivious to the arrogant message they are sending to the world around them.

It's the hypocritical attitudes, the backbiting, the constant patting oneself on the back because they perceive their circumstances are perfect and thus evidence of favor, the inability to look outside of themselves in this pluralistic world of which they are a part and the arrogance to consider themselves superior ...and the absolute, unrelenting audacity to believe that if life is continually hard, then that person isn't right with G-d. I have seen a lot of this over the years. This perception of greatness couldn't be further from the truth. The greatest gift anyone can receive from Jesus is the gift of SUFFERING. He uses it for His own glory. It unites with His own suffering sacrifice. I know of those who proclaim that those who suffer tragedies are simply not G-d's people. Just awful. There are countries of poor, righteous people who love G-d, even in Jesus Christ...and they starve daily. We lack knowledge to comprehend the scriptures.

These lofty, self-righteous attitudes are what drives people away from formalized religion. It drove the Reformation and every single "reformation" following it. :nono: We get to a point in our relationship with G-d that we think we're the absolute best side-kick...thinking our throne (what a laugh) will be next to His in heaven. :blush: Christ called us to serve and follow His example. And some of the pastors have let down the congregation with their abuses...behaviors trickling down to the they then abuse each other. :ohwell: It's a serious problem and many of us are not listening.

Edit: greatest gift for those that are christians...I'm not putting suffering above the gift of salvation


I'm glad that you're open to visiting churches not to forsake gathering. I work full time at a church so believe me when I say that I KNOW no church is perfect! :lachen: However, I do think church membership is important/beneficial. I think having a church family is like having an extra support system aside from your family and friends. For example, a member of my church housed 13 of her family members from Hurricane Katrina. We took up a special offering to help her family and had a special clothing/food drive for them. Maybe one day God will lead you to a church that you'll want to join. God Bless

Its sounds like you can a really nice church home-which is rare these days. I like to here stories of churches who give back to the communities they're in.

Netta, forgive me for posting so much from my own experiences...but this is the way I can communicate with you and others that I comprehend from my own.

Girl, I've enjoyed what I have read of your on :kiss:

I completely agree. It's a sad state of affairs, but that is why we must do our best to look to Christ as our only example of perfection. Of course, that can be a challenge. But membership in a church doesn't mean a person is a practicing Christian or that they have already overcome many of the issues that you mention. Often when certain Christians are so extremely critical of others, it is because they have serious issues with their personal lives. In actuality, we as people fool ourselves if we think we are on right path but lack humility. The love of Christ has not truly taken hold. When we really understand Christ's love for us, then we can really strive to love others...

Yes to the bolded...humility IS important...
My thoughts...

I love the church, with all of its many faults. Sometimes people in the church let us down but it's important to remember that the church isn't perfect. It's full of people that the Lord wants to save.

I do pray that the Lord be with you in your walk...:bighug:
I agree, I love the church now. I do however, get so mad because I can see that they need some urgency in them but so many of the people are sincere and so loving and I love it. I'll be that urgency, thats alright with me. I have such a good time at the fellowship that I try to stay until they close the door. I have learned so much. I think that we need one another to make it. I really truly don't think you can do it on your own. God wants you to fellowship with other beleivers and be a help to others in the service. We are all apart of the body, everyone that professes Christ is needed.
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Warning this is a rant....

Traditional church gets on my nerves, after 20 years of being a part of a church I have no desire to be a church member ANYMORE. I can visit (in order to not forsake the gathering...) but I have NO desire to place my membership ANYwhere in MANS house.

What are your thoughts?

I think we can all relate to how you feel. It's good to be able to vent sometimes. :yep: I am not in favor of 'traditional' church either :perplexed. I am all for praying and allowing God to direct us in every area (Prov 3:6) including where he would have us attend church. You keep seeking him... Remember this though, the wheat and the tares grow together for a designated time (Matt 13:24-30). Also not everyone who says 'I'm a christian' (Matt 7:21-23) is the real thing. At first it may be hard to tell the difference between these types of people but God will not be mocked. So, these imposters are exposed when they continue in their erroneous ways. Everytime. ;)
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If you don't feel you need to join a church right now, there's nothing wrong with what you're doing (visiting other churches). I love going to church and worshipping with other Believers, tithing and sowing seed toward the church's mission. God said to not forsake the gathering of ourselves together. He also said where two and three are gathered in his name, he is in the midst. You and your husband can worship at home, but I don't know if you'll ever be satisfied with that. I've been there and it's not satisfying. That said, any church will have a mixture of different levels of spirituality, so of course not everyone there will be there for the right reason. And not everyone who is a member is necessarily saved or living righteously. At least some of them are trying to do the right thing. :yep:

There are times I'm in service, and I close my eyes and it's just me and God ..and I feel like I'm in my living room by myself.

I just pray for anyone who thinks they don't need to be in the company of other people to worship God. If say we love God, we will love people and want to be around them, it's that simple.

I'm glad that you do go to church. But try not to focus on "CHURCH" so much and maybe you will see past man's weaknesses and failures and enjoy true fellowship with God. In the end, we all individually are held accountable to God for what we did on this Earth, not for anyone else.

If you are on a mission for God, the Holy Spirit will guide you in what you need to do to fortify your spiritual life. No church by itself can do that for you...

Warning this is a rant....

Traditional church gets on my nerves, after 20 years of being a part of a church I have no desire to be a church member ANYMORE. I can visit (in order to not forsake the gathering...) but I have NO desire to place my membership ANYwhere in MANS house.

What are your thoughts?
I use to have the EXACT same sentiment. And it wasn't until I learned that every church isn't for every person. I asked God to send me to the church he wanted me at. not the one with most family/friends. not the one with any certain type of reputation, but where he wanted to put me under leadership for teaching. And voila!! my prayer was answered. God showed me that he has an order of things and it took quite a bit of studying and asking him questions before I could gather exactly WHY he wanted me in a church house which I felt at the time that all of them were corrupt and that there was no possible way a man could tell me something that I couldn't hear directly from God himself.

You're on the right track with your understanding that we were made to fellowship and visiting churches is a great way to still get the Word from someone whom God has appointed to teach it and it is a great way to learn more about why we are to fellowship.

Pray on it, you never know what God may have for you.
Warning this is a rant....

Traditional church gets on my nerves, after 20 years of being a part of a church I have no desire to be a church member ANYMORE. I can visit (in order to not forsake the gathering...) but I have NO desire to place my membership ANYwhere in MANS house.

What are your thoughts?

Netta1, what are your reasons for not wanting to be part of any congregation and also, have you prayed about this?

One analogy that I can give is that you aren't going to find any church that is perfect, and if you do...don't join cause' you'll mess it up!:lachen:

But seriously, you have to ask yourself some questions.

1.) What is it that I don't like about this particular church?

2.) Am I doing all that I need to do as a member to grow with what the church if offering?

3.) How am I seeking God on the "in between" time of church and life itself?

4.) Am I able to speak to the leading pastor/bishop/minister about my lack of desire?

5.) Why does Lord Jesus take the time to speak about churches throught the new testament and especially, the seven churches in Revelations if he thought a church was not necessary?

Also, the church does not belong to man. Where you go to worship, if it is a Christian church is a sanctuary for God to come amongst you all and dwell.
I understand what you're saying, I had to get HURT to leave my church. I'm not going back either. Most churches are a crock of shishipoopoo anyway.
One thing I've learned is that churches FIND you and it's ok to go, it's just what you'll see when you get

Yes, people in "church" is really not the body of Christ either. Also, we have to remember that the church is a hospital. I think what helped me from becoming angry at people in church not living up to perfection is the fact that I am not perfect myself.

The Holy Spirit had to remind me that there was a point in my life, where I was in teh same condition as the person sitting next to me? So, who are we to judged in a condeming way that someone else isn't where God wants them to be? The best thing we can do is to be led by The Holy Spirit when helping each otehr grow and pray for them. The church is not perfect just like the world isn't either and we'd have to end up leaving the earth to not be around people.
Yes, people in "church" is really not the body of Christ either. Also, we have to remember that the church is a hospital. I think what helped me from becoming angry at people in church not living up to perfection is the fact that I am not perfect myself.

The Holy Spirit had to remind me that there was a point in my life, where I was in teh same condition as the person sitting next to me? So, who are we to judged in a condeming way that someone else isn't where God wants them to be? The best thing we can do is to be led by The Holy Spirit when helping each otehr grow and pray for them. The church is not perfect just like the world isn't either and we'd have to end up leaving the earth to not be around people.

I was thinking the same thing. I have been from traditional, to nondenominational to no church back to traditional. I'm happy where I am right now.

For me, it was all about our focus. Focusing on our relationship with God is most important.

If the person beside me has attitude, or is down- I pray for them. If they haven't gotten to a place where they can apologize- pray for them and be sympathetic. That is a person who needs your prayers most because they have forgiveness issues. We all know that the Lord will forgive us only as we have forgiven others.

I've gotten to the point where when a person in the hospital/church is showing symptoms to an illness/spiritual issue which God has blessed me to overcome I make a point to act as nurse/prayer partner to help them do the same.

Peace and blessings
I think we can all relate to how you feel. It's good to be able to vent sometimes. :yep: I am not in favor of 'traditional' church either :perplexed.I am all for praying and allowing God to direct us in every area (Prov 3:6) including where he would have us attend church. You keep seeking him... Remember this though, the wheat and the tares grow together for a designated time (Matt 13:24-30). Also not everyone who says 'I'm a christian' (Matt 7:21-23) is the real thing. At first it may be hard to tell the difference between these types of people but God will not be mocked. So, these imposters are exposed when they continue in their erroneous ways. Everytime. ;)

You betta PREACH LOL. Thanks for your post! Yes I continue to pray Gods direction and so far so good. I have no burden to join, but I still go.

Netta1, what are your reasons for not wanting to be part of any congregation and also, have you prayed about this?

One analogy that I can give is that you aren't going to find any church that is perfect, and if you do...don't join cause' you'll mess it up!:lachen:

But seriously, you have to ask yourself some questions.

1.) What is it that I don't like about this particular church?

2.) Am I doing all that I need to do as a member to grow with what the church if offering?

3.) How am I seeking God on the "in between" time of church and life itself?

4.) Am I able to speak to the leading pastor/bishop/minister about my lack of desire?

5.) Why does Lord Jesus take the time to speak about churches throught the new testament and especially, the seven churches in Revelations if he thought a church was not necessary?

Also, the church does not belong to man. Where you go to worship, if it is a Christian church is a sanctuary for God to come amongst you all and dwell.

Good question.

Concerning my old church:
I was told by God in service. I was told by God in dreams (from the Lord). It was just time to leave this particular place I was a member at. I have not offically terminated my membership there but after I got married (not that long ago) I knew that time was ticking...

Its part of the burden of the calling (which I will explain) via PM, if you are interested and at Gods discretion. I was speaking with my mother in-law about this over the weekend, turns out my feelings are actually normal; all things considering, I would have to agree.

So what am I doing in the meantime? My plan is to go deeper in the spirit and study those things that GOD would reveal. I still visit churches so...thats what I've been doing....

I also believe that church needs to break out of its traditional four corners (a tad) and it will. I'll be part of that revolution, LOL. No but really, I think people in general are sick of the "church" because of the compromise within the church-they (the people who are fed up) may opt an alternative to the insanity..I have ministered in Starbucks :0) I think that GODs spirit will "rest" where he chooses.

I mean I know church is a "hospital," but God is still holy. My real issue is not with people, my issues are with spirits that are not of GOD (within the house especially) who are not checking into the ER-but are seeking to destroy and defile the things of GOD.

Thanks for your post!
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You betta PREACH LOL. Thanks for your post! Yes I continue to pray Gods direction and so far so good. I have no burden to join, but I still go.

Good question.

Concerning my old church:
I was told by God in service. I was told by God in dreams (from the Lord). It was just time to leave this particular place I was a member at. I have not offically terminated my membership there but after I got married (not that long ago) I knew that time was ticking...

Its part of the burden of the calling (which I will explain) via PM, if you are interested and at Gods discretion. I was speaking with my mother in-law about this over the weekend, turns out my feelings are actually normal; all things considering, I would have to agree.

So what am I doing in the meantime? My plan is to go deeper in the spirit and study those things that GOD would reveal. I still visit churches so...thats what I've been doing....

I also believe that church needs to break out of its traditional four corners (a tad) and it will. I'll be part of that revolution, LOL. No but really, I think people in general are sick of the "church" because of the compromise within the church-they (the people who are fed up) may opt an alternative to the insanity..I have ministered in Starbucks :0) I think that GODs spirit will "rest" where he chooses.

I mean I know church is a "hospital," but God is still holy. My real issue is not with people, my issues are with spirits that are not of GOD (within the house especially) who are not checking into the ER-but are seeking to destroy and defile the things of GOD.

Thanks for your post!

Great Plan! "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

Yes it is, I am happy to be a part of a church family who is breaking away from tradition for the sake of tradition. "But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?"

The great thing is that you recognize and acknowledge that it is a spiritual battle for the Church and not with people over the church house, for the Word says. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."