No Heat and Protective Styling Ladies: Does the feeling go away??


New Member
Hey All,

I am refering to the desperate want/need for heat. Or even the simply letting my hair down (for you protective stylers). I see other girls with their hair all flowing in the wind and I want that sometimes. Sometimes I want to crank of the blow dryer and let her rip!

Do you ever get over the "I want to wear my hair down or use heat" feeling?

How long did it take??

I think this is just detox for me right now. I want to get over the feeling.

(you can soooo tell all I think about is hair)
I know what you mean. A lot of time when I see a girl wth swinging hair, I think, I know my hair can do that too. :( But I have to resist and keep my crappy-looking bun.

I guess I get over it by actually planning the next time I will use it and counting it down. It's usually for a special event or relaxer. I'll mark it on the calendar on my phone, and for some reason I get very excited. I think about how people will be shocked to see that I do have nice healthy swinging hair too. I also think about how happy I'll be to see the new length. It's like the bun is hiding a pleasant suprise for me when I do wear it down. :grin:

secretdiamond said:
I know what you mean. A lot of time when I see a girl wth swinging hair, I think, I know my hair can do that too. :( But I have to resist and keep my crappy-looking bun.

I guess I get over it by actually planning the next time I will use it and counting it down. It's usually for a special event or relaxer. I'll mark it on the calendar on my phone, and for some reason I get very excited. I think about how people will be shocked to see that I do have nice healthy swinging hair too. I also think about how happy I'll be to see the new length. It's like the bun is hiding a pleasant suprise for me when I do wear it down. :grin:


OMG, I think like this too! I thought I was a weirdo. I guess not, or either we both are weirdos. How long have you been bunning?
That's funny that you post this because I went for a job interview last week (and got the job - YAY!!) and I had my 23-week stretch bun. My first day of work is May 30th. I know when I walk in there with my hair down, those people will probably say "oh lawd, that girl done went and got her some hair just for this job!!!

But whenever I see someone with long, flowing, beautiful hair, I just think to myself "I hope when I take mine out of this darn bun, it will be bouncin and behavin just like that!!:) "
Why yes of course I know what you mean! I post regularly regarding my undying need to set my hair free. Not only that, once I reached APL, I cut my hair to above shoulder length to get the layers out. This was in January. Now I am ~2 inches below shoulder, and I MUST wear the bun. I MUST wear the bun (I tell myself) because I have to get past this shoulder stage where the hair is constantly brushing against my shoulders. And now with Memorial Day weekend coming, HECK yeah I want to have my hair a whipping and flowing...yada yada yada. But I must wear the bun! So what, oh what will I do??? I'll tell you what Im'a do! Im'a go get me a fall that flows and whips and call it a day!
tthreat08 said:
Why yes of course I know what you mean! I post regularly regarding my undying need to set my hair free. Not only that, once I reached APL, I cut my hair to above shoulder length to get the layers out. This was in January. Now I am ~2 inches below shoulder, and I MUST wear the bun. I MUST wear the bun (I tell myself) because I have to get past this shoulder stage where the hair is constantly brushing against my shoulders. And now with Memorial Day weekend coming, HECK yeah I want to have my hair a whipping and flowing...yada yada yada. But I must wear the bun! So what, oh what will I do??? I'll tell you what Im'a do! Im'a go get me a fall that flows and whips and call it a day!

Hey hair twin!! I forgot that you had cut your hair!!! Girl set your hairs free for Memorial Day! If only for one day and then bun it back up if you must. :)
MizaniMami said:
Hey All,

I am refering to the desperate want/need for heat. Or even the simply letting my hair down (for you protective stylers). I see other girls with their hair all flowing in the wind and I want that sometimes. Sometimes I want to crank of the blow dryer and let her rip!

Do you ever get over the "I want to wear my hair down or use heat" feeling?

How long did it take??

I think this is just detox for me right now. I want to get over the feeling.

(you can soooo tell all I think about is hair)

I've gotten used to wearing my hair in protective styles most of the time, so I'm not aching to wear my hair down.
I hardly use heat, so that's not a big deal to me either.
I got over the feeling when my hair started to thrive from wearing protective styles, that's my motivation.
It's all mental really, eventually it will become a "good habit" for you.
Maybe you should get a ticker to count down the next you'll use heat.

Good Luck! :)
blackbarbie said:
That's funny that you post this because I went for a job interview last week (and got the job - YAY!!) and I had my 23-week stretch bun. My first day of work is May 30th. I know when I walk in there with my hair down, those people will probably say "oh lawd, that girl done went and got her some hair just for this job!!!
But whenever I see someone with long, flowing, beautiful hair, I just think to myself "I hope when I take mine out of this darn bun, it will be bouncin and behavin just like that!!:) "

:lachen: :grin: :lachen: Congratulations on your new job, Blackbarbie!!!
blackbarbie said:
That's funny that you post this because I went for a job interview last week (and got the job - YAY!!) and I had my 23-week stretch bun. My first day of work is May 30th. I know when I walk in there with my hair down, those people will probably say "oh lawd, that girl done went and got her some hair just for this job!!!

But whenever I see someone with long, flowing, beautiful hair, I just think to myself "I hope when I take mine out of this darn bun, it will be bouncin and behavin just like that!!:) "

Congratulations on the new job Blackbarbie! Good luck on the 30th.:D
tthreat08 said:
Why yes of course I know what you mean! I post regularly regarding my undying need to set my hair free. Not only that, once I reached APL, I cut my hair to above shoulder length to get the layers out. This was in January. Now I am ~2 inches below shoulder, and I MUST wear the bun. I MUST wear the bun (I tell myself) because I have to get past this shoulder stage where the hair is constantly brushing against my shoulders. And now with Memorial Day weekend coming, HECK yeah I want to have my hair a whipping and flowing...yada yada yada. But I must wear the bun! So what, oh what will I do??? I'll tell you what Im'a do! Im'a go get me a fall that flows and whips and call it a day!

We need to do t-shirts:

A lady with a bun in silhouette with the words "I MUST wear the bun" across the back!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Because I wear instant weaves all the time as my protective style, that affords me the "hair blowing in the wind" feeling and gives me something to comb. When I look at my roots (I've been stretching for 3 months and counting 13 weeks actually), yes I do wish I could use some heat to smooth them down but ah, well. I get over it.
I wear my hair straight and down most of the time, but I think the flat iron is taking its toil. I was thinking of doing braid outs, I dont like them as much but its funny, i get the most compliments from other ethnicity's because they are intrigued as to how I create the waves, I am trying to make myself like them so that I can give my hair a break from all the heat...
Y'all are so silly. :lol: :lol:

Anyway. Congrats on the new job!! And wear that hair down anytime you want to girlie!
I got over it when I really got committed to wanting my hair healthier and longer and to retain the most length! I started to freak out (internally) when my hair was down on my sweater or at the movie theatre. Then I just couldn't wait to get home to put it up again. I'm more moderate now but I still like my hair up as I continue to work on my journey back to waist length.
So far I don't have that feeling.

I used to wear my hair up everyday and then I got big headed and started wearing it out.

Now, my hair is having some trouble.

Back to airdrying, daily updos and protective styles and so far it is going well.
Even after a few weeks of it, I can tell a difference in my hair.

I have to just keep reminding myself of the benefits.

Besides, for me, I think it would be harder if my hair was longer. Right now, I know I need to keep the protectiv styles going to reach the level that some of you ladies have alread reached and passed.
I understand what you're going through MizaniMami...

I sometimes have that feeling...but it's gradually going away here's what helped.

  • When I got home from getting my last relaxer my father asked if I went and got myself another weave :lachen: . I didn't think my hair looked that much longer/thicker but to him it did.
  • The last time I went to visit my boyfriend, his mother was watching my style my hair in the mirror, she said to me "Is your hair getting longer" I acted dumb and said "I don't know, maybe." She says "Yes it is getting longer." Then she calls my boyfriend so he can see:D .
  • The last time I wore my hair out I had on a wooly shrug and I kept feeling my ends snagging in it :eek: :mad: . I was DYING to get home and get them into a baggie.
  • People have been complimenting me on my protective styles.
  • I have a goal of getting my longest layer to APL by the end of the year...and that is not going to happen with the constant use of heat and keeping it out and rubbing on my clothes.
  • I am using heat and wearing my hair down every once in while between now and the end of the year...just to see where I'm at and to quench my desires.
  • All of my AA friends with long hair wear their hair up and don't use heat this helps me to see where I could be if I continue.
I haven't used heat in a very long time, so I don't crave it. Occasionally I think of using a flat iron to see the length, but I always get over that quickly. I don't want to damage my hair. I guess that's what it all boils down to.

I don't have a problem wearing my hair up everyday because I focus on the benefits. Protective styling has done a lot for me, which motivates me to keep up with it. In fact, I just worry when my hair is down and almost always end up clipping it up again.

I imagine as my hair gets longer, it might be more tempting to let it free. Right now, I'm thinking long term and sticking to my plan. Perhaps it will work for you to keep reminding yourself of your goals and that you are doing what's best to reach them. More than that, though, time will probably lessen the desire to use heat. HTH.
I used to miss it, especially when I was on the "bun for a year" challenge. Then I decided that I would allow myself once a month or once every 2 months a day when I can wear it flat ironed. For me its not the blow dryer, its my maxiglide. I love the way my hair looks when I use it.

If you are on a challenge wear it out on the day you touch up and give yourself 48 hours to swing and toss your hair and then put it back up. That's usally enough time for me to get my fix. :)
blackbarbie said:
Hey hair twin!! I forgot that you had cut your hair!!! Girl set your hairs free for Memorial Day! If only for one day and then bun it back up if you must. :)

Hey TWIN! I think I will take your advice. I'm going to set my hair free for the weekend! These are the moments we live for right?? To look fabulous when it really counts?? What was I thinking?.....robbing myself of my own FABULOUSNESS!
OMG..This is so me too. ITA!

So I need one of those...I must BUN T-shirt also. lol

secretdiamond said:
I know what you mean. A lot of time when I see a girl wth swinging hair, I think, I know my hair can do that too. :( But I have to resist and keep my crappy-looking bun.

I guess I get over it by actually planning the next time I will use it and counting it down. It's usually for a special event or relaxer. I'll mark it on the calendar on my phone, and for some reason I get very excited. I think about how people will be shocked to see that I do have nice healthy swinging hair too. I also think about how happy I'll be to see the new length. It's like the bun is hiding a pleasant suprise for me when I do wear it down. :grin:

I would sometimes wonder what my hair would look like straight but I get over it as soon as I remember the broken hairs I used to get from using heat. When I wear my hair down (in a braidout as a protective style)), it swings just like any one who blow-dried or flat-ironed their hair, so that's never been an issue. I get compliments on my buns and other updos so I don't mind wearing them at all.
MizaniMami said:
OMG, I think like this too! I thought I was a weirdo. I guess not, or either we both are weirdos. How long have you been bunning?

:lol: We're not weirdos, we're just really smart women who want to have flowing, healthy, and LONG hair. :D :yep:

I have been bunning for.... gosh, wow I can't remember how long. But I do know that I became serious about not using heat and becoming really militant with the bunning since septmeber. I was approaching neck length (since my last BC to chin length in april/may of last year) and wanted to get over the shoulder length hump smoothly.
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you can still have the advantage of wearing your hair down even if your airdry! it took my hair about a year to "settle" down and grow long enough to hang over my shoulder airdried.

i only wear it out on special occasions, and mostly the 2nd day after washing when its still very moist.

you will soon RUN FROM HEAT and dipise it. I hate scrunchies and bands (never use em, only when baggying) and only opt for protective styles (95% of the time)
You ladies never suprise me.. I was having serious withdrawls yesturday. I looked at my hair while it was wet and thought in my mind I wonder what it looks like.:ohwell: Then reality set in and then the laziness set in. wearing a bun has become quick and easy..I can't get tired of my bun yet I have a long stretch.:look:
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