No He Didn't Bust on my Messy Bun!! (PICS)

Your bun looked very cute. I am just starting to experiment with buns so I will definitely try this one out! :grin:

I guess his mama never taught him that "if you don't t have anything good to say, don't say anything at all!" :nono:
You should have told him I wear it like this to get attention.......I see it worked ......and then walk away......
More guys try to talk to me when I have my hair in a bun than when I have it down...but my boyfriend likes it down.

Your hair looks cute, but I don't care for messy buns as a style for me.
I see nothing wrong with your bun but some people (especially men) see ponytails and buns as not being done. My dad is that way. My mom never wears her hair in a ponytail or bun for that reason. IDK why but some people feel like the hair isn't styled. It's just pulled back because you needed your hair done and couldn't do anything else with it. Sometimes that is the case but I see nothing wrong with a neat bun or pony. IMO, it is a style.
Your bun looks very nice!

May I ask if the "gentleman" was very trendy or seemed to be a fashion oracle himself? Something tells me he wasn't.

I think he just wanted to talk to you, you know how some guys in school used to tease the girls they really liked?

I agree!!! he just wanted to say something-anything to the cute chick at the gas station LOL :look:

The bun is cute, but men don't always *get* some of our (women) trends/likes/etc (messy? on purpose? haha). So us girls at times look cute to EACH OTHER, while the men are like WTH. lol

I TOTALLY agree! hey we like the messy bun look LOL :yep:
I see nothing wrong with your bun but some people (especially men) see ponytails and buns as not being done. My dad is that way. My mom never wears her hair in a ponytail or bun for that reason. IDK why but some people feel like the hair isn't styled. It's just pulled back because you needed your hair done and couldn't do anything else with it. Sometimes that is the case but I see nothing wrong with a neat bun or pony. IMO, it is a style.

That's a good point about how they think it's not done. I know they want to think that you spent time making yourself cute for them. So I didn't think of it as them thinking it's a lazy style. I also noticed that when you wrap or flat-iron your hair and just wear it kinda straight they think it's not done either but a lot of work goes into getting it straight like that too. I think they only understand when they see curls.
Men just don't get it sometimes. I like vintagey looking jeans with little rips in the knee. I buy them like that. My SO looked at me and said "sweetie your jeans are old now its time to get a new pair...they're falling apart!" :look: :lol:

Your bun is pretty.
I was so in a different place with the title of this thread, I thought you were crazy.:lachen:

Your bun looks nice.
Men just don't get it sometimes. I like vintagey looking jeans with little rips in the knee. I buy them like that. My SO looked at me and said "sweetie your jeans are old now its time to get a new pair...they're falling apart!" :look: :lol:

Your bun is pretty.

Thanks! And no your SO didn't say that. That's too funny!!!
I was so in a different place with the title of this thread, I thought you were crazy.:lachen:

Your bun looks nice.

OMG! You just gave me a good laugh because I had to re-read my title a few times before I got it!! LOL.. Girl, WHERE is your mind today??!!! :lachen:
That's a pretty bun. It's not the tightly pulled, brushed, and slicked back look that the guy is probably used to.
Some people just don't know what to let out of their mouths. He might've just been trying to strike up a conversation and it backfired on him.
MEN!!! Aaargh!! :wallbash: Yesterday I wore my hair in a messy bun. I put it in a loose ponytail and wrapped track hair around it as I always do. The track is a pretty good match too. Well it was really windy and I was getting out the car to go pay for my gas. There was a guy in line behind me and I could feel him staring at me, my hair especially. Don't ask me how I know but I have really good peripheral vision. :yep: I was thinking, why is he all up in my hair like that? I was thinking, did my track come loose or something? :blush:

So he says to me, are you having a bad day? I said no, why do you ask? He said it looks like you've been running or something. I said huh? Why do you say that? He said because your hair is all over the place or something like that. I said that's my style, it's called wild and free and I like it like that. So then he tried to clean it up and say, wild and free huh, it looks nice on you though. I just said thanks and hurried and got back in the car to make sure nothing was hanging off and it was perfectly fine!!

Here I am thinking I'm all cute and all and to me, the more messy the bun the better. But what in the world is it with men and them not understanding that a bun can be a classy or cute style??? :perplexed My BF isn't crazy about buns either and I brought that up on here several times and even mentioned that King of Queens episode LOL. But it just seems like what we think is cute is TOTALLY different from what they think.

Here are some pics of my hair today. Now this is exactly how I had it yesterday but the wind might have allowed a few more pieces to fall. But to me, the more pieces that fall the better it looks.

Look at the attached pics and tell me I'm not crazy because I think it looks fine.

LOL, I love King of Queens, and I remember that episode. I remember while watching it I asked my BF what was wrong with the bun -- I also like buns, especially a messy bun. He said its just a guy thing, and just as you said, what guys think is cute/sexy is diff from what women think.

Ahh well, I'm all for the messy bun! And that guy... I bet he just wanted a reason to talk to you :yep:
Girl, before I saw the picture I thought maybe part of the track hair fell loose and you could see it really wasn't your hair.

And for the way to pick up a woman....Wow, just Wow!!!!!!!!

You are good, KIM. You got nothing to worry about. Unless someone is going to pay for your hair to be done their opinion means SQUAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like it! Don't change it or make it neater for anyone, when people come to me with that stuff I just turn the situation around and act like its the new style everyone's trying to get lol
That's a good point about how they think it's not done. I know they want to think that you spent time making yourself cute for them. So I didn't think of it as them thinking it's a lazy style. I also noticed that when you wrap or flat-iron your hair and just wear it kinda straight they think it's not done either but a lot of work goes into getting it straight like that too. I think they only understand when they see curls.

Men just don't get it sometimes. I like vintagey looking jeans with little rips in the knee. I buy them like that. My SO looked at me and said "sweetie your jeans are old now its time to get a new pair...they're falling apart!" :look: :lol:

Your bun is pretty.

Same thing my S/O thinks when i put my hair in a bun. He tells me all the time that "women put their hair like that when they don't wanna do nothing with it" :ohwell:

Yea but what they DON'T KNOW is too much manipulation can affect the growth of your hair and then they goin be like, " well why you never grow your hair out" or "why you keep cuttin it?"

I keep cuttin it because you want it styled all the time how you want it cuz fa some reason you think that this is a photoshoot or some sh$t

I was so in a different place with the title of this thread, I thought you were crazy.:lachen:

Your bun looks nice.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I mean, i ain't wanna say nothing but i thought it! I saw the title and thought back to this thread
No it looks okay, maybe the wind did real damage because there is nothing wrong with your hair. It is perfect! You go girl!
I think your hair looked fine...he probably was trying to find a way to speak to you and that's all that he could come up with...sad...