NO HAIRCUT, NO RELAXER.That is the salon's rule!??!


New Member

I'm new to this forum and I rarely post in here. But today I am pissed. I live in canada and I discovered that the phytospecific relaxer is sold no where and there is only 1 salon that uses phytospecific. A Toronto salon named David Mitchell.They use it but they dont sell it. So I thought ok, no big deal. Then, I called the salon to ask how long they have used it, is the person experience with it and is the person able to tell wheter i need index 1 or 2.

They confirmed they have been using it for over 3 years, exclusively on african americans. BUT, in order to get your hair relaxe you have to get a haicut! You have to get your hair reshaped cause you are getting a processed. :eek:

OK, I was like hmm:look:'am my hair is to my brastrap and I dont want no one cutting it. She was like that is for David mitchell to decide. If he feels you need 3 inches, a quarter inch or half an inch cut, its up to him.:eek:

Excuse my language, but :censored: !

OK, I have decided to by Index 1 online. I have never EVER self-relaxed my own hair. I read the self relaxed section and i need some help from those of you who self relax. I plan to use index 1 and my new growth is curlier than the rest of my hair.How in the world am I going to put on my relaxer:confused: ?Should i put it on my roots first and then do the rest of the hair and wait?

Okaaaay!!!! :eek: I have never heard of such an asinine rule! Im glad you said screw them, and didnt fall for the okey-doke. You may have walked out of that joker with an ear-length bob, derailing ALL your progress!!!! :mad:

*Okay, done venting*

With that being said..... hmmm, well Im personally not too keen on doing my own relaxers. I wonder if you can perhaps order the relaxer (whichever index you think is best for you)..... and then just bringing the relaxer to another salon, who will put it in for you? Im not sure if most salons will allow you to bring your own relaxer, but i dont see why not. You can then make sure to give them explicit directions (ie, not to overlap, or whatever), and that way a professional is still doing it. They may even charge you less money since you are bringing ure own supplies.

Ehh well, thats just a suggestion. The other alternative (that you've already suggested) is doing it yourself. If you feel comfortable doing so I say go for it! I know there are tons of ladies on the board who self-relax, who would be hapy to help you out with tips and such. Make sure to do a search for self-relaxing, Im sure you'll pull up loads of helpful info.

Good luck!!!!!!!!
You only have to apply it to your roots. DO NOT put it on your ends or your hair might come out. I'm not familiar with the phyto relaxer but if it doesn't come with one you'll need to buy a neutralizing shampoo. This is also to prevent any breakage. Other then that I would just follow the instructions exactly. And the moment you feel any burning wash it out.
I would find out if ALL (white and black) of their clients are bound to getting a haircut with a "process". If not, I would point out that it is VERY discriminatory to force black clients to cut and not white ones. (In fact, I would call posing as a white woman asking for a curly perm.)

Also, I would go in for the relaxer and ask to have the hair cut DRY- insist on it, due to length and "bad past hair cuts". Then LEAVE before they can snip anything.

:mad: I can't f*%#ing beleive they would have the balls to tell you that it's their decision to cut your hair. :mad:

I would also check with the licensing board to see if this is allowed at all.

This is why I do my own hair. I don't trust anyone to do EXACTLY what I want them to do. Too many hairdressers think they know better than you do, and many female hairdressers just hate, pure and simple.

There are threads and threads about self relaxing. Do some research before you attempt it, and maybe have a friend standing by to help you with the back.

Sorry you had to deal with this!
UmSumayyah said:
Roots ONLY. No overlapping.
I haven't use a relaxer on my hair since 1999. However , I had Flat ironed my hair 2 weeks ago. I used a ceramic flat iron. I'm waiting for the rest of my hair to curl back. It usually does so after a Couple of washes. But the hair seems to be fine and slightly curly.

So maybe, I should do the roots first and then wait a few days or weeks and do the rest of the hair?

* I am determine to be a specialist in Self relax. That is my new goal for 2006:lol:
Well, in 7 years it's quite possible that you have an all-new head of hair. If that's the case, you don't need to worry about getting the roots first. That's just for touchups.
The salon also claimed that they had to cut the hair cause everytime we relaxed our hair we get split ends.

:ohwell: I never heard of such a thing
I don't know. If you really want them to do your relaxer, maybe you could ask about a consultation and let "David Mitchell" or whomever evaluate your hair in person. They could also tell you which Phyto Index they would use and how much they think they should cut.

Otherwise, do you have someone that could help you do your relaxer at home? Friend, relative, SO? Especially if this is your first time out, it may be helpful to have an extra set of hands and eyes.

Good luck to you!
nadine1977canada said:
The salon also claimed that they had to cut the hair cause everytime we relaxed our hair we get split ends.

:ohwell: I never heard of such a thing

Put this in the "Stupid things your stylist told you" thread!!!!
I went to this David Mitchell's website with the intention of telling him what an idiot I think he is, but they had no method of contact.
I have been self relaxing for a year and I don't have split ends:mad: I also use Bigen permanent color. You have a choice of self relaxing or I liked telling them to cut it bone dry then LEAVE:) No one should force us to cut our hair. Last yr when I got a virgin relaxer at Hair Cuttery the cut was included. I kept saying "no cut". The stylist actually got mad and started to rough comb:eek:
Well I can't say they are being 100% unreasonable. I'm not sure of whether your hair is all natural and how you are going to have the relaxer applied, but when a virgin relaxer is done and has to be taken to the ends normally a bit of a trim is best to remove the damage the relaxer will do to the extremely vulnerable ends. Also, if your hair is all natural, after the hair is straightened there is no telling how uneven the length might be. It is not for them to decide how much THEY want to cut, but I do think they might not want someone to leave their salon without their hair looking its best...evenly cut and healthy. I agree with the poster who suggested you go there and do a consultation. Explain your goals of growing your hair and have them explain to you how much hair they would need to trim. You can then work something out.

I'm so sick and tired of these hairdressers trying to bully clients and control what goes on with our hair. I had this exact problem yesterday with a lady who insisted on trimming or reshaping my hair if she did a touch up for me. I left a message with her today and told her that since I'm paying her, then I should get what I want done to my hair and told her thanks but no thanks.

There's a lot of good self-relaxing tips on this board. Also, be advised that Phyto relaxers are very mild. I learned this the hard way by self-relaxing my fine 4A hair last month with Index 2. I mixed a table spoon and a half of extra virgin olive oil in with the relaxer, and my hair came out horribly under processed as a result. It felt more like it was texturized, and two weeks later, my hair had pretty much converted back, and like I said, this was with Index 2. So you definitely don't want to mix any oils in with Phyto.
How can you say that their policy is not unreasonable? (i'm not arguing, i'm just respectfully disagreeing) It is the most unreasonable thing i have ever heard. They are ASSUMING that she needs a cut... what if she flat-ironed her hair last week and it is already trimmed? then what? Or what if it's naturally uneven but thats just the way that she likes it? This policy is like a man going to a barbershop and the barber insisting on shaving a man's beard/goatee the way the barber wants. that is utterly ridiculous. Un-even ends is different for everyone. some people on this board desire razor even hair and get trims often, while some may be more lax and like the naturally uneven look. who is a stylist to say that he will do what he wants, and nevermind you. I would have flipped him the bird and kept on walkin....

redRiot said:
Well I can't say they are being 100% unreasonable. I'm not sure of whether your hair is all natural and how you are going to have the relaxer applied, but when a virgin relaxer is done and has to be taken to the ends normally a bit of a trim is best to remove the damage the relaxer will do to the extremely vulnerable ends. Also, if your hair is all natural, after the hair is straightened there is no telling how uneven the length might be. It is not for them to decide how much THEY want to cut, but I do think they might not want someone to leave their salon without their hair looking its best...evenly cut and healthy. I agree with the poster who suggested you go there and do a consultation. Explain your goals of growing your hair and have them explain to you how much hair they would need to trim. You can then work something out.
That is so outrageous. As well as illegal. If there is a local better business bureau I would call up and complain. No one has the right to do this. This is like you dentist saying he reserves the right to do a root canal when you come in for a cleaning. Even doctors need SOMEONE to approve an emergency surgery if you are incapacitated, then why should hair dressers be above that rule.
aileenadq said:
I would find out if ALL (white and black) of their clients are bound to getting a haircut with a "process". If not, I would point out that it is VERY discriminatory to force black clients to cut and not white ones. (In fact, I would call posing as a white woman asking for a curly perm.)

Well i visited their site and when they do the Japanese perm for the white / asian / spanish folks, they say that a cut / trim is required to get rid of the rough ends after the process. so the policy, although completely unreasonable, is not discriminatory...

my hairdresser recently did my perm and asked me if i wanted a trim, and i smiled and said "next time." she was very understanding, and said, "ahh, you want to enjoy your length." later, i felt the ends and considered trimming. but i am glad she didn't try to insist! hhg!
While suggesting a consultation at this salon is a great idea in a vacuum, I wouldn't trust them with my hair, even IF the consultation went well. I just feel that any salon with a seemingly sweeping policy of cutting all hair after a chemical process doesn't need to be foolin' with my strands - period! :naughty: I would hate to see our girl have to fight these people off while they're holding scissors in their hands, cuz you know we'd have to walk our happy arses up to Canada and deliver a smackdown! :lol: Anyways, I agree with whoever said she should order it online and find another salon to apply it. Better to start fresh with someone new than to work backwards from a policy you don't agree with - no telling how much other stuff they do in there that you may not like! :ohwell:

This is just my $0.11 though! :grin:
They are wack. Every head should be treated differently and accordingly. I wouldn't go to a stylist that doesn't listen to my individual hair needs and concerns. :perplexed
That's messed up right there. I for one would not want anyone foolin' with my hair with that kind of attitude. :nono:

After lurking for months on LHCF I was able to jump in and self relax. Definitely do a search, there's is lots of valuable information on here that will empower you and put you in total control of your haircare journey. ;)