No Daily Styling= Healthier/Longer Hair?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I just wanted to share something that I have been thinking about. Whenever I used to have my hair in styles that required daily styling, I felt that I lost more hair than necessary. For example, protective styles like buns may have to be created everyday/every few days in that you need to comb and brush the hair in order to acheive this. My protective style of pin curls (and cainrows in the past) means that I dont subject my hair to daily styling and thus avoid breakage and increased hair loss from the stresses daily styling can cause. Therefore the only time I comb my hair is when I wash it to do my roller sets, I often look at the amount of hair lost when I comb with the rat tail comb, it isnt that much but I think that its unnessary to loose any more by doing a doobie or styling everyday. Utimately, for me, I feel that protective styles that dont allow for combing have helped me in my quest for healthier longer hair. What are your thoughts on this?
Definitely, less is better. I think that most women prefer the bun because they don't have to use heat to make a cute curly style that rests on their shoulders and gets eaten by their cotton shirts. But as long as something is being dont to protect the hair, I'm sure its much better than having to do something with heat or combing and manipluation each day
(My 2 cents)
I agree that less is better too. I wrap my hair each night, shake it out in the morning and don't touch it at all during the day, meaning no combing until evening. I've had this regiment for years and my hair seemed to be fuller, healthier and less stressed as a result.

I have always worn my hair down, never noticed any difference from back when I used to wear it up all of the time. In fact, it seemed that I had more length from wearing it down, but the lack of handling definitely, without doubt, made a significant, positive change.
im trying to see how a no combing regimen will work on my hair. I plan to onlu comb while im in the shower about twice a month, the other times I will finger comb. Since my hair is short, i wont have to worry about tangles.
Maybe...I try to only redo my braidouts every other day. I just pin them up at night to give myself relief from recombing them. The most I'll do on a daily basis is gently comb the scalp hair (not the length) to smooth into my ponytail. I lose very little hair doing this.
I agree with you! When I was doing my daily conditioner washes I noticed I had a lot of hair in my comb. But since I do braid outs now, I've seen less hair in my comb. I wash and braid my hair on Sunday and for the rest of the week it's left alone. Another thing I've noticed with braid outs is that it's so much easier to detangle my hair. Or maybe it's because I have a K-cutter.
Blue, I wonder if you were seeing alot of hair from daily co washes, due to product buildup, which actually attracts dirt.
You're probably right, webby. I don't see a lot of hair now, so I'm happy. Though I do remember seeing more hair than usual when I was using Surge last year.
Blue, I think some routines work for some ppl and not for others. I've heard a lot of ppl rave of co washes, and others report that they have lots of shedding.

I personally only wash my hair when I HAVE to, as to minimize any handling. Not to say that I walk around with dirty hair, but my hair just does not respond well to over handling.
Thank you hairlove!!

I'm just trying to get my length back. It used to be well past my brastrap.
hairlove said:
webby - you have beautiful thick hair! OMG

[/ QUOTE ]

OT - I second that... ur hair is uber thick

I beginning to agree with the original poster. I've noticed that daily styling (protective bun) leads to unnecessary hair combing so I'm going to wear my hair out more and see which is better.
Thanks CH!

I cannot tell you ladies what a difference I saw in my hair when I stopped fussing with it. I used to wear it up all of the time, but as soon as I just left it alone I noticed a huge difference.
Sherry, I was just about to comment to you that you have a beautiful head of hair. Do you do your own roller sets or do you go to a Dom salon on a reg basis?
I haven't lost hair while wearing protective styles (mostly, buns), but each person is different. If anything, I think I was able to keep the length and gain more. I do exactly what hair love does. I use a mini comb to smooth down the roots, not the entire strands of hair, and don't use a comb again, until God knows when. I actually can't remember the last time I used a comb to comb my hair!
I think if you are wearing a reasonably tight bonnet/scarf at night that you minimize the need to re-do the bun. When I see stray hairs I wet my hands and run them over the style to make it look neat again.
If I go too many days without combing my hair I am pretty much asking for trouble. However, I do believe less manipulation the less hair lost. I also think that taking your time and not ripping through your hair, is important too.