Nipping PJism in the Bud!


Well-Known Member
So I finally went through my bathroom cabinet and hair stash and got rid of all of the products I know are just overwhelmingly bad for my hair (the ones with drying alcohols, for example). While I was doing this, I figured, why not use up what I have now of the stuff that I decided to keep, and then only replace as needed? I saw the thread about Use 1, Buy 1, but I decided to take a step further (because I know me, and I know I will hop on a new bandwagon every time it comes around because I was a full-blown PJ even before I knew what an HHJ was) and created an inventory. I made multiple categories (ie. shampoo, co-wash conditioner, detangling conditioner, styling) and selected 2 or 3 of my favorite products in each category. I put them into an Excel document and decided that those are going to be the only products I should have in my bathroom for the remainder of my transition. After the transition, I have a whole new set of products, most of which will be homemade, but for now, I am going to go with what I know works on my two textures. When I run out of something, I will highlight it in the Excel sheet and then go get a fresh supply. That way, I am maintaining control of exactly what is in my bathroom at all times, and will always be sure what I have and what I need more of, and won't go on a crazy buying tangent.
I am hoping this will save me $$$ and space since I am moving into my own place next year and won't have a storage room to house my crazy habit.
Of course I will try something new every now and then (hoping I can try most in a sample size to start with), and if I like it enough, I will replace an old product for the new one. But I never want to have a cluttered cabinet again, or spend ridiculous amounts of money for no reason.
Just a morning thought. I feel so free now with less clutter, and the prospect of breaking free of my PJism.
Now if only I could tackle my shoes... :)
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Now if only I could tackle my shoes...

Most of us PJ's will admit to having other types of bad habits. I have a thing for shoes, MAC make-up, hats, expensive purses, and God knows what else. When I went cold turkey on my hair PJism a few months ago, I found myself shopping for other things. I guess it was substituting one vice for another one LOL

I remember being all happy because I didn't buy any hair products in February. I did, however, spend $210 on sunglasses and $450 at Ikea that same month. See where I'm going with this? LOL I'm a compulsive shopper and proud!

Good luck!
:lol: its just seems so much easier to just be a PJ!

:lachen:It definitely is easier to mindlessly shop, but I need to start saving some money and space!

Most of us PJ's will admit to having other types of bad habits. I have a thing for shoes, MAC make-up, hats, expensive purses, and God knows what else. When I went cold turkey on my hair PJism a few months ago, I found myself shopping for other things. I guess it was substituting one vice for another one LOL

I remember being all happy because I didn't buy any hair products in February. I did, however, spend $210 on sunglasses and $450 at Ikea that same month. See where I'm going with this? LOL I'm a compulsive shopper and proud!

Good luck!

LOL! Don't even get me STARTED on that. I am addicted to all of those things, too, except mine is mostly shoes, clothes, and make-up. (But I have been lusting after a leather Yves St. Laurent bag... I'm excusing it as a grad school gift! Everyone needs a new bag when they start grad school, right? Lol. Say yes...)
I have a shopping habit/addiction period. I can easily spend $1000 a month, so I figured, why not take some baby steps. I know next year, I will have less space and most of the products I had were from when I was relaxed and weren't helping my hair anyway. So since I have been so organized in planning every stage of my transition, I figured I would just do this too, and make it easier for me! Hopefully, this will help me to be a little more careful about spending overall!
Lol...I'm glad that this worked for you...seems like a lot.

It's actually not that bad. I basically just have a checksheet that I will update when I need to buy new stuff or whatever. I will end up having no more than 30 bottles/jars at one time. :)

If you want to be free, do not go into the Use 1 Buy 1 thread.

Leave while you can!!! :cowgirl:

I haven't really read the thread. I just thought it was a way to help because you aren't allowed to buy something until you use something up. Maybe I got the wrong impression? Lol. I don't know. I don't plan on reading any product reviews or going into the product exchange for a while though!
I just did the same thing last night. I have 2 large containers that are going to a Women's & Children's shelter.
I've nipped it - I've finally stopped buying stuff - it's only taken 18 months or so. :rolleyes:

I'm on to clothes now though, I spent so much money today!
Well I guess great minds think alike b/c I did the same thing! I put all the things on my counter like sprays and leave ins and such on my counter so I don't have so many options. I just grab the things on my counter and am only going to use that until most is used up. When something is used up I will be putting something from below my counter on top to replace it.

Shampoo and condish, thats in my shower..but I only put a shampoo, a protein and moisturizing condish, and a cleansing condish in my shower to use when washing my hair. Everything else is again under the cabinet..once those are used up I will replace. I'm hoping this can eventually help get me down to only a clarifying shampoo, a cleansing condish, a moisture condish, and a protein condish in my shower. I only want a couple leave ins and some type of heat protectant that can also double as a glosser or shine.
I just did the same thing last night. I have 2 large containers that are going to a Women's & Children's shelter.

That's really nice! I didn't think to do that. I always give away clothes and shoes and stuff. I never thought they would take hair stuff. I wish I hadn't thrown mine away now. :wallbash:
Well, those products I was using were so bad anyway... maybe it's best I wasn't able to pass them on to anyone!
Most of us PJ's will admit to having other types of bad habits. I have a thing for shoes, MAC make-up, hats, expensive purses, and God knows what else. When I went cold turkey on my hair PJism a few months ago, I found myself shopping for other things. I guess it was substituting one vice for another one LOL

I remember being all happy because I didn't buy any hair products in February. I did, however, spend $210 on sunglasses and $450 at Ikea that same month. See where I'm going with this? LOL I'm a compulsive shopper and proud!

Good luck!

This is me... my vices (other than hair products) are clothes... actually it's just clothes lol
Kudos to you OP!

I just give all of my products from my former pj days to my daughters. I hate clutter, or just even having a lot of stuff around me, and having all of that stuff bothered me.

My family have compusive shoppers, eaters, etc. all through it. But I try to fight it. I don't need to be going broke.:look: