
New Member
Your hair is Gawwjess!!! I don't know if you have been called out already or not, But I so love your hair! BUT what is up with the Fotki? All Folders is Empty?:sad: So you have to tell us your Reggie and all that good stuff!!!
Awww--thanks for the shout-out! *blush* Kccurly is right, all my pics are there--you just have to be logged into fotki to see. :)
I normally don't e-stalk people's hair because I find that to be an unhealthy practice but I cannot help but be mesmerized by your hair! Everytime I see your sig I die :drool:
Okay, NikStar, as long as we have you on the spot, can you answer a ??? for me, pretty please?

1-How often do you refresh the braid-n-curl? Do you re-braid every night? Or do you just bun it at night and restyle in the A.M?

We have similar hair types and mine goes limp after day 2. I am only washing every 7-10 days until Spring, so I'm trying to make it last.

Do you need a fotki account?


Okay, NikStar, as long as we have you on the spot, can you answer a ??? for me, pretty please?

1-How often do you refresh the braid-n-curl? Do you re-braid every night? Or do you just bun it at night and restyle in the A.M?

We have similar hair types and mine goes limp after day 2. I am only washing every 7-10 days until Spring, so I'm trying to make it last.


At night, I just grab big sections and put into about 6 big twists and cover with a satin bonnet. My braidouts can last over a week by doing this. I don't usually wear the same braidout for longer than 5 days though--I don't like it to get too tangled with shed hair.
Yes Nik's hair is all that. Nik what do you use to set your braid outs?

Thx! Do you mean products? I apply coconut oil to my hair (lightly) immediately after I get out of the shower and comb through. Then when I begin to do the braids for my braidouts, each section that I'm about to braid I put a dab of my shea butter/olive oil blend and then a dab of Fantasia IC gel, I then brush through with my denman and then braid. Sometimes I roll the ends, sometimes I don't. It just depends on the look I'm going for.
I agree. I cant believe you used to texturize back in the day :rolleyes: But we were all lusting over your hair then too :rofl: I heart your hair! :yep:
Phew, OK I thought is was just me staring at that hair. The support here at LHCF is truly awesome!
*sigh* my hair wants to grow up just like NikStar's hair. It's only been two weeks but a gal can dream!!!! LOL!!!