Nikos - Blogs in siggys

You're right and I agree. This is all new to me.

I frequent many, many forums and never have I seen a no advertising rule ~ a no spamming rule yes and a proper place to discuss your business and you are allowed to even have your business in your siggy but never this.

What if Facebook, MySpace etc implemented such a thing????

I know many of us mention LHCF on other forums thus driving traffic here and potentially paid subscribers. :perplexed

I dunno but anyway it's not my forum and we must follow the rules and be very careful about what we post and what we say.

and about the career forum that was a big thing when it started we could talk about our careers...which to many has differnt meanings - a job, a business etc etc which a "business" could have a differnt meaning as well, you start a store in the mall or a cart in the mall I start selling Tuppeware a business is a business is a business.....and pyramid schemes, geesh, not all "formal" business models are the way to wealth and prosperity...I am not one who believes that working for someone else is going to set me free................anyway let me get off of my soapbox. LOL.

See MzRhonda,

We both have been on this board for long enough to know how thing use to be. When you could have a link in your signature with no problem. You could even start a post about your business as long as you wasn't spamming anyone. This no advertising has just started very recently and I think that is the problem. Last year I was selling Avon and my link was in my signature. I agree with you completely. Not just because I have a side business but because I always want to suppose my own and here is considered my own. But it is what it is. What can be done about it.

I'm all about following the rules, the problem comes in that this new rule was just enforced this year. The fee for advertising was just created this year. For someone who just joined this year it may sound normal, but for those of us who remembers being able to advertise on here for free if nothing else but have your links in your signature this is all new and doesn't seem very fair at all. In fact when the career forum was created that was a big thing, being able to advertise without there being a problem. So when I posted my blog I didn't know that it was not allowed because we have always been able to let each other know what we have to offer. I guess no era, new rules. It is what it is. So is life.
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Can I say 12dailyPro :-)

It is what it is.

You're right and I agree. This is all new to me.

I frequent many, many forums and never have I seen a no advertising rule ~ a no spamming rule yes and a proper place to discuss your business and you are allowed to even have your business in your siggy but never this.

What if Facebook, MySpace etc implemented such a thing????

I know many of us mention LHCF on other forums thus driving traffic here and potentially paid subscribers. :perplexed

I dunno but anyway it's not my forum and we must follow the rules and be very careful about what we post and what we say.

and about the career forum that was a big thing when it started we could talk about our careers...which to many has differnt meanings - a job, a business etc etc which a "business" could have a differnt meaning as well, you start a store in the mall or a cart in the mall I start selling Tuppeware a business is a business is a business.....and pyramid schemes, geesh, not all "formal" business models are the way to wealth and prosperity...I am not one who believes that working for someone else is going to set me free................anyway let me get off of my soapbox. LOL.
^^^It is on the home page and it's called "Vender & Sellers Review." If it's something that you are considering, I imagine you would have to weigh the cost and benefits of advertising on LHCF and make a decision. Similar to what you would do with any other business investment, I'm sure.

If you had been here longer then you would understand. Looking at your date, I don't think so. Thanks!
I don't even recognize some posters now. It seems alot of people just removed everything from their siggy's avatars. It looks so boring around these parts. But I love my LHCF and I was tourted during my ban as well.

I was upset my MJ pic was removed but I see the same size one's even bigger. I will just keep my challenges I am in there now so I can remember. So Fotki's aren't allowed anymore either?
Just bumping for Nikos. :bump: Your announcement said your PMs are turned off so I really wanted to hear from you on this and started this thread as suggested by your post in your announcement. Thanks
I'm guessing that fotki's are allowed as long as you're not selling anything there as well as the blogs on this site.

I was one that got banned by accident as I had a link to my flickr. I don't sell anything there but it is what it is.

This was cleared up by Nikos and Bev since flickr is all about pictures and not about selling.

If someone was selling something through flickr it would absolutely be in violation. I'm not, so I would be ok. I'm doing a huge overhaul of the categories at the moment and don't want folks in there (my flikr is really ugly)

Nikos and Bev aren't anti link, but some people have taken advantage of a good thing (its the reason why we can't add tags anymore, remember?...though I admit I was guilty for putting in lawdhavemercy a few times...:look:)

If Nikos doesn't answer, ask Bev. I'm not selling anything on my blogs and I did ask when the announcement was made.

Nikos and Bev aren't anti link, but some people have taken advantage of a good thing (its the reason why we can't add tags anymore, remember?...though I admit I was guilty for putting in lawdhavemercy a few times...)

I agree. I was on someones fotki page the other day and it went against the rules. So no matter whats requested of us people will find a way to use it to their advantage.
If Nikos doesn't answer, ask Bev. I'm not selling anything on my blogs and I did ask when the announcement was made.

I agree. I was on someones fotki page the other day and it went against the rules. So no matter whats requested of us people will find a way to use it to their advantage.

I think this needs to be re-clarified because from my understanding, peoples blogs in their siggy's are getting removed and they aren't even selling anything.
I think this needs to be re-clarified because from my understanding, peoples blogs in their siggy's are getting removed and they aren't even selling anything.

because he said:

If it is the blog that you have (if you have) here in LHCF then it is fine. If the blog is outside this site no. We cannot check everyone's blog. Your blog might be fine but someone else (like one member in this topic pointed out) can have profit making material. This results to advertisement.

It is a grey area and it is kind of a harsh rule but this has been in the rules for years now - we let this to the discretion of the members but lately it has blown out of proportion.

Notable is a ticket I received from a banned member who had a 'HOW TO MAKE MORE MONEY' link in her signature, inquiring why she was banned...

Threads regarding links/blogs/pictures in siggys:

All members should pay attention to the announcement posted above

my signature was jacked
Bumping this because I still see posts to blogs and youtube threads that mods are posting in. I really would like to hear something from the higher ups.
I would really like an answer on this as well since I removed mine not to get banned.
If you're going to have rules, then they need to be enforced fairly across the board. I don't understand why certain posters get to be the exception to the rule. Actually I do understand, but it's still not fair.