Niko Rejection???


Okay ladies.

I saw a woman on the train today. She had what seemed like bra-strap length hair, up in a clip. I was looking really hard, trying to see if it was a lacefront/wig/something! :lol:

I believe it was her natural hair! I wanted SO BADLY to say "are you niko's cousin?", but I thought her answer would be 'Ummmmm......No....' and I would look like a fool.:nuts:

Is anyone else afraid of "Niko rejection"???
"Are you Nikko's cousin?" is the secret phrase to ask women in the real world if they are on LHCF. If they aren't, it seems like an innocent question, so it's not as creepy as asking about LHCF directly.:cool:

I got Nikko rejected last weekend. I work at a zoo and this woman who had the most gorgeous sock/donut bun came to my window to buy ride tickets. She started to tell me how many she wanted, but I blurted out "ARE YOU NIKKO'S COUSIN!?". I was really excited thinking I had just met another LHCFer, but she just smiled politely, said "no":confused: and continued to purchase her tickets. Yeah, I felt kind of crunchy. I still think she visits hair boards though, maybe BHM.
aurora3140 said:
, I felt kind of crunchy.

Like a bag of Doritos???? Haven't heard that one in a while!:grin::grin::grin:

bravenewgirl87 said:

Sheesh, :newbie:, do we have to explain EVERYTHING to you?

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: :lachen:

Its our code for "Are you apart of LHCF?" I believe Nikos is the site manager.

I remember before I became an official LHCF member when I was a lurker, I use to wonder who IS this Nikos??!!:lachen:

Now, I'm proud to say I am Nikos cousin.:grin:
well you dont have to just bust out with "Are you Niko's cousin?" out of no where.

You can do a...."hey, you look familiar, are you Niko's cousin?"

The second just flows better and doesn't seem so out the blue.
aurora3140 said:
"Are you Nikko's cousin?" is the secret phrase to ask women in the real world if they are on LHCF. If they aren't, it seems like an innocent question, so it's not as creepy as asking about LHCF directly.:cool:

I got Nikko rejected last weekend. I work at a zoo and this woman who had the most gorgeous sock/donut bun came to my window to buy ride tickets. She started to tell me how many she wanted, but I blurted out "ARE YOU NIKKO'S COUSIN!?". I was really excited thinking I had just met another LHCFer, but she just smiled politely, said "no":confused: and continued to purchase her tickets. Yeah, I felt kind of crunchy. I still think she visits hair boards though, maybe BHM.

Oh wow - I'm so glad I saw this thread! :) I saw a woman in an Indian shop that I go to just hanging out in the beauty products aisle near the shikakai and amla oil, etc., etc. And her hair looked pretty healthy. I thought she might be a member but this was before I was a member myself so I didn't like to ask.
aurora3140 said:
"Are you Nikko's cousin?" is the secret phrase to ask women in the real world if they are on LHCF. If they aren't, it seems like an innocent question, so it's not as creepy as asking about LHCF directly.:cool:

I got Nikko rejected last weekend. I work at a zoo and this woman who had the most gorgeous sock/donut bun came to my window to buy ride tickets. She started to tell me how many she wanted, but I blurted out "ARE YOU NIKKO'S COUSIN!?". I was really excited thinking I had just met another LHCFer, but she just smiled politely, said "no":confused: and continued to purchase her tickets. Yeah, I felt kind of crunchy. I still think she visits hair boards though, maybe BHM.


I was in Boston last weekend with my hubby and we went to this club. There were a few ladies there with nice healthy hair but I didn't want to do the 'Nikko' thing, all up in their ear over the music. :lol:
Yeah, it always seems like a weird time to ask...I dunno know.....

When I was on the train, it was kinda quiet, so I felt that if I asked the 'Niko' question, she may have gotten 'Loud' on know how people can be......


Poca1229 said:
Yeah, it always seems like a weird time to ask...I dunno know.....

When I was on the train, it was kinda quiet, so I felt that if I asked the 'Niko' question, she may have gotten 'Loud' on know how people can be......



Exactly! :lachen:

I'm about leave now and catch the train.....We'll see if the same girl is on the train (or another LHCF'er lookalike).....I will try to be brave.....:lol:
YES, I am afraid of NCR (Nikko's cousin Rejection) :lol:

I have definitely been tempted to ask a couple of folks over the past couple of months, but I can't bring myself to do it.

I nudged BF the other day in the store and was like, "Look at her hair...I bet she's on LHCF." He said, "Yeah, go ask her if she's Nebo's cousin." :lachen: I said, "No babe, it's not's Nikko." He was like, "It's all the same, just say are you on the long hair don't care board?" :rofl: Too much.

I'm gonna do it one of these days...:look:
Divine Inspiration said:
YES, I am afraid of NCR (Nikko's cousin Rejection) :lol:

I have definitely been tempted to ask a couple of folks over the past couple of months, but I can't bring myself to do it.

I nudged BF the other day in the store and was like, "Look at her hair...I bet she's on LHCF." He said, "Yeah, go ask her if she's Nebo's cousin." :lachen: I said, "No babe, it's not's Nikko." He was like, "It's all the same, just say are you on the long hair don't care board?" :rofl: Too much.

I'm gonna do it one of these days...:look:

BWAAAA...LMAO at Nebo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Girl, that's cute like he KNOW what's goin' on up in heya...LOL :)
I saw a girl the other day and kept thinking about asking her but kept chickening out. Then I was like, if she pass me one more time I'm gonna ask her. And of coure she did. So I was like, "Excuse me. Do you have a cousin named Niko?" She stopped and thought about it. I got all excited. :eek: Then she was like I think I know her. Does she wear her hair really puffed out? :lachen: I was like, "Naw. I don't think so." :lachen: Then she said, "Does she make clothes?" I was like, Lawd! If she don't cut it out. :lol:
mzhotniz86 said:
oh ok , my bad yall :) yeh u know u gotta break it down for me . Im new AND slow lmao

Thanks GOODNESS someone had the nerve to ask! YOu know all this time I've noticed that saying and I really though y'all were talking about one of the sisters that own Curve Salon...geesh I'm slow
lol I had someone ask if I was nikkos cousin on livejournal the other day. I was like,"WHO?."

Then they werelike,"arent you on lhcf?."
I was like Oh yesss

I Didnt know nikos cousin meant are you a member of lhcf
Mocha5 said:
I saw a girl the other day and kept thinking about asking her but kept chickening out. Then I was like, if she pass me one more time I'm gonna ask her. And of coure she did. So I was like, "Excuse me. Do you have a cousin named Niko?" She stopped and thought about it. I got all excited. :eek: Then she was like I think I know her. Does she wear her hair really puffed out? :lachen: I was like, "Naw. I don't think so." :lachen: Then she said, "Does she make clothes?" I was like, Lawd! If she don't cut it out. :lol:

I was just wondering what if they really do know a Niko for real and say "yes! How do you know them? Niko's my mamma/sister/cousin/friend?" What do you do then???
Mocha5 said:
I saw a girl the other day and kept thinking about asking her but kept chickening out. Then I was like, if she pass me one more time I'm gonna ask her. And of coure she did. So I was like, "Excuse me. Do you have a cousin named Niko?" She stopped and thought about it. I got all excited. :eek: Then she was like I think I know her. Does she wear her hair really puffed out? :lachen: I was like, "Naw. I don't think so." :lachen: Then she said, "Does she make clothes?" I was like, Lawd! If she don't cut it out. :lol:

OMG!!!! That was toooo funny!!!!!:lachen: