Nightly Hair Maintenance?


What are the best methods for putting up your hair at night?

Rollers? What kind
French Braid?

What about covering?
Scarf? What material? Silk/Satin/Nylon
Hair Net?

What about keeping the sweat away at night?

I hear that the Satin pillows causes sweating which kinks up pressed hair?

Any thoughts?
I just wear a satin bonnet or sleep on a satin pillowcase. I only sweat when I use too many blankets or have the windows open in the summer.
I dont have problems with sweat at night so...
but I either do the baggie method and cover my hair with a cap,scarf, and bonnet.. or wrap it and do the same.
So you just put on a satin bonnet without wrapping and it stay fine?

Do you have problems in the morning with not having enough curl.

I find 2 things -

either a. I wrap at night with a Hair Net and if I do this all the time, the ends don't have any bump which leads to the desire to flatiron or curl ends


b. I use rollers the plastic with the clamps, or the stick pin rollers, but it comes out to curly or the clamps leave a clamp mark on my hair, the stick pin kind of rollers tend to come out.
I usually wrap my hair, it helps keeps my hair moisturized and in tact until my next wash.
i moisterize my hair comb it and do a ponytail at the nape of my neck and braid the ends and then put a scaf on my head. i also have satin pillows so when my scaf comes off my hair won't been too messed up.
Now that I have my satin sponge rollers I use that and cover with a satin scarf, or I just let sleep on my silk pillowcase without doing anything to it.

I never sweat at night so can't help with that one.
I was going to post a thread like this a while back. I think this thread will be very helpful to newbies. But these are the ways I wear my hair or have worn my hair at night...

Wrapped w/ satin scarf
Magnetic Rollers w/ satin bonnet
Ponytail with a satin scarf
Freely w/ no protection

Bun w/ silk scarf
piled up on crown of head with one large RED or PURPLE magnetic roller and wrap with satin scarf. I can sleep on sides and back with no problems and in the morning, take out roller and figure comb and go.
Tlmack- you say that when you wrap it at night you have no curl, not even a bend? How long is your hair? Do you put heavy products in your hair that might weigh it down? Your hair should at the very LEAST have a bend to it after wrapping if you curl it tight enough and have the right prods.

Oh, wait a minute... are you natural? If so, do your press and curl your hair before wrapping?
Yes, I'm natural, and I don't press and curl it before wrapping. My hair is a little past my shoulders. It has a bend for a few days maybe even a week after getting it done, but the second week - forget it.

What do you think?

After being on this website, I'm trying not to retouch my edges or run my comb through it to prevent heat damage to my ends.
What I do depends on how I'm wearing it.

If I've had a rollerset or a blow out, I wrap it, secure it down w/ satin and then put my satin bonnet on.
If I'm doing a wash n go, I'll put a piece of satin around my hairline, put on a plastic cap and then cover that with my satin bonnet.
If I'm bunning it, then it's in a ponytail w/ the satin around the hairline and then my satin bonnet. I rewrap my buns in the morning. I don't generally sleep with them in.