'Nice Guys'


Well-Known Member
So the thread about the gf duties mentioned self proclaimed nice guys. Those and who wonder why women don't like them or think that being nice is enough.
So I was wondering if any of you ladies know men like this or have dated one? Any other thoughts.

Anyway here two rant/essay on 'nice guys'. It's a bit long but interesting imo (I've had some friends/acquaintances that fit these descriptions perfectly. :\ )
The Holy Drive-Thru of Lurve - No More Mr. Nice Guy
A genuinely 'nice guy' doesn't proclaim to be one. He lets his actions demonstrate that he's a nice guy. Part of being a nice guy is humility. Self-proclaimed 'nice guys' aren't humble from my experience.

I read the first link you posted and it reminded me of what happened with my ex-roommate who according to my mom and our landlady (his BFF) developed feelings for me. My mom pressured me to date him (even though he never made a move) and was always talking about how nice he was. He was genuinely nice but I only liked him as a friend. At one point I told my mom I'm not about to date a guy because he's nice and her response was "Why not?":perplexed IMO being nice is what gets you through the door, a necessary but not sufficient factor on its own. When I decided to move home after an internship that took me out of the country for 2 months he ended all contact with me although he did e-mail my mom a couple times.:perplexed:perplexed He was my first real guy-friend so it kinda hurt to lose the friendship. IMO it's contradictory for a 'Nice Guy' to become a jerk when he doesn't get the girl he likes because it poses the question if he was being genuinely nice or to get something out of it?
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^^^IDK about the whole "friendship after rejection" bit. Sometimes friendships just need to change. If it's clear that someone has feelings for someone else and they're not returned, it might be best to just move on so that there's no messiness or false hope. Unless there's a strong pre-existing friendship, I think it's understandable for someone to feel like they don't want to be close anymore. And even if there's a strong friendship, the romantic feelings might go really deep and be such that they don't want to keep being around that person.
In my experience, women mistake the "quiet guy" for a nice guy and that's not always the truth. Just cause he doesn't put all his business out there doesn't mean he's honorable. He could just be sneaky. :yep:
The second link didn't work but the first link...I think she ran into manipulative guys NOT nice guys. The whole " if you dump him you can start fuc*&ng me" thing...uhm not something a nice guy will say. I think she's meeting more wolves in sheeps clothing. I also think it depends on someone's definition of nice. I love nice guys but they are guys who are not bitter, or accomodating, or jerks in disguise. And of course they have to have other qualities: ethics, intelligence, humor, an alpha dog (in that he will stand up for his family if necessary, and knows how to deal with the world without slinking or apologizing and then scurrying off), etc

I feel like sometime guys put on fascades and I chip away until I can see the truth. Like for instance mr. I love my mom and I love to bake cookies....really? I mean GTFOOHWTBS...(that's like lightening striking. Two points for if he adds "chocolate cookies" to his speal :lachen: )andhow many guys proclaim to love their moms but promptly mistreat their woman. It's usually the guys proclaimingit to the rooftop.

So I think that's the difference. The guy whose all "I'm NICE! I'm NICE!" Or "I LOVE my mom so I'm a GOOD guy" really they're just following a "script" so to speak of what gets them "in" with some women. Because if you are nice, your actions will show it, just as your actions will show how you feel about your family.
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There are plenty of "nice guys," but how many of them are genuinely kind. I find that these "nice guys" who get stepped on are really passive aggressive men with low self esteem. They tend to put the women they are interested in on a pedestal and worship her, rather than take the time to truly get to know her. And then they get mad when she chooses the man who treats her as a total human being instead of a mythical object. I'm so over "nice guys."
I could write a book on these dudes. But I will just cosign in saying yes, please watch out for these jokers and don't get fooled. They are big into victimizing and manipulating. They have a bunch of people fooled into thinking they are little angels and all the ladies pass them over bc they are soooooo nice (when really its b/c u don't have confidence/a backbone/ur actually a jerk), but will flip the script and become assholes when things don't go there way. And will cry to everyone about how mean/trifling women are and nothing is ever they fault bc they are the victim nice guy (and many people will actually buy their story and feel bad for them further feeding into it). Yes, they will do nice, sweet things but it is almost always for the wrong reasons and only to get something in return.

Some guys that call themselves nice are actually nice, but then there’s the flip side.
After reading a few books this summer, I did some “experiments” based upon what I was reading.

These men are very slick. They have a number of approaches. They will try to make it look like they are taking their time to get to know you. When in fact, they are listening to every word you say, observing your body language and reactions to what they are saying to you … they use that information to move in to become you SoulMate or what ever it is that they think you need. But watch out … if you listen closely to these guys, they are wishy-washy and a number of other things too!

What I mean is … let me give you an example:

The subjects of kids come up. He says that he can see himself with 3 kids and doesn’t want to waste his time dating a woman that does not want kids.

You mention a week later that you do not want kids … in fact, if God presented 2 soulmates to you … one wanted kids the other didn’t, to be on the safe side, you would choose the one that did NOT want kids.

Mr. Nice guy changes his story from the previous week and says, that he realized that he really did not want kids, what was most important was having someone to share his life with.

NOTE: if you are observant, you will find lots and I mean lots of holes in his stories. He‘s like a Chameleon so that he can appear to be everything that he thinks you need and want.
As someone earlier mentioned, Mr. Nice Guy will talk about how he has been hurt and does not understand why, since he’s so nice. Of course, something is wrong with the women and not him. I met a nice guy like that this summer. Interesting! These guys usually tell on themselves early on. This particular one told me that he scared off the last girl he met by taking things too fast and that he’s trying to learn from that experience. Also, his apartment smelled like pet farts/butt (7 pets). YUCK. Funky! Now, him trying to learn from the experience may be true, but really … !

Another sick thing Mr. Nice Guy might do, and yes, some of these guys intentionally do things like this …

They will do something to “slightly” betray your trust. It will usually be something that they could choose to not tell you and you may never know. However, they WILL tell you what they did later on. This is a sick way to gain your trust. Their words may sound like this, “ I did xyz … I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have done that. I just want to tell you and be up front and honest. I don’t want there to be any secrets between us.” There you are thinking, “Ahhhhwwww, he could’ve kept it to himself and lied, but he was honest.” Bazinga – you were just screwed by Mr. Nice Guy!
Be careful of the Mr. Nice Guy Married Man too. I think they are hilarious and will say almost anything to get you to sleep with them. A common one is, “ My wife will not have sex with me anymore.” There are a few sides to that:

#1 It’s true. But he’s married and it’s NOT your problem. He just wants to get in your pants. They probably had sex the previous day or at least week.

#2 Even if you would consider a married man … here’s something to think about!!! If his wife does not want to have sex with him, WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU!!! Most women do not ignore their husbands sexually for NO reason at all. There’s almost ALWAYS a VERY good reason. My thought is this, “if you wife doesn’t want you, I don’t either.”

#3 They may even go so far as to tell you, “You are the only woman I have EVER been tempted by and attracted to since my wife.” RED LIGHT … he says this thinking and hoping that you will be flattered by hearing that. Let him be attracted or tempted by you. It’s not you’re problem … keep it moving. He’s probably said that to 3 other women that week too!
Then there’s the Mr. Nice Guy I Have A Shady Past. When you first meet them, they will tell you how nice they are and most of his friends know what he stands for… and blah blah blah … etc! Later … you find out all sorts of things :nono: . I met someone like this in Skandi-NEI-via.

There was a thread some months ago about dating a narcissistic man. The word charming came up a lot. If you listen carefully to these men, you realize that it’s not charm. What sounds like charm is just them grooming you, before they … (insert whatever it is that they want from you). It just manipulation! By listening carefully, I’ve learned that you can pretty much predict their every word and move. They are draining!

I could go on and on. I learned a lot of interesting things this past spring and summer. Hmmm, even the past 3 years have been interesting and a learning experience!!!

There are a lot of wonderful men out there :yep: It's "so-called" the Mr. Nice Guys that are preying on you that we have to watch out for.
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Some guys that call themselves nice are actually nice, but then there’s the flip side.
After reading a few books this summer, I did some “experiments” based upon what I was reading.

These men are very slick. They have a number of approaches. They will try to make it look like they are taking their time to get to know you. When in fact, they are listening to every word you say, observing your body language and reactions to what they are saying to you … they use that information to move in to become you SoulMate or what ever it is that they think you need. But watch out … if you listen closely to these guys, they are wishy-washy and a number of other things too!

What I mean is … let me give you an example:

The subjects of kids come up. He says that he can see himself with 3 kids and doesn’t want to waste his time dating a woman that does not want kids.

You mention a week later that you do not want kids … in fact, if God presented 2 soulmates to you … one wanted kids the other didn’t, to be on the safe side, you would choose the one that did NOT want kids.

Mr. Nice guy changes his story from the previous week and says, that he realized that he really did not want kids, what was most important was having someone to share his life with.

NOTE: if you are observant, you will find lots and I mean lots of holes in his stories. He‘s like a Chameleon so that he can appear to be everything that he thinks you need and want.
As someone earlier mentioned, Mr. Nice Guy will talk about how he has been hurt and does not understand why, since he’s so nice. Of course, something is wrong with the women and not him. I met a nice guy like that this summer. Interesting! These guys usually tell on themselves early on. This particular one told me that he scared off the last girl he met by taking things too fast and that he’s trying to learn from that experience. Also, his apartment smelled like pet farts/butt (7 pets). YUCK. Funky! Now, him trying to learn from the experience may be true, but really … !

Another sick thing Mr. Nice Guy might do, and yes, some of these guys intentionally do things like this …

They will do something to “slightly” betray your trust. It will usually be something that they could choose to not tell you and you may never know. However, they WILL tell you what they did later on. This is a sick way to gain your trust. Their words may sound like this, “ I did xyz … I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have done that. I just want to tell you and be up front and honest. I don’t want there to be any secrets between us.” There you are thinking, “Ahhhhwwww, he could’ve kept it to himself and lied, but he was honest.” Bazinga – you were just screwed by Mr. Nice Guy!
Be careful of the Mr. Nice Guy Married Man too. I think they are hilarious and will say almost anything to get you to sleep with them. A common one is, “ My wife will not have sex with me anymore.” There are a few sides to that:

#1 It’s true. But he’s married and it’s NOT your problem. He just wants to get in your pants. They probably had sex the previous day or at least week.

#2 Even if you would consider a married man … here’s something to think about!!! If his wife does not want to have sex with him, WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU!!! Most women do not ignore their husbands sexually for NO reason at all. There’s almost ALWAYS a VERY good reason. My thought is this, “if you wife doesn’t want you, I don’t either.”

#3 They may even go so far as to tell you, “You are the only woman I have EVER been tempted by and attracted to since my wife.” RED LIGHT … he says this thinking and hoping that you will be flattered by hearing that. Let him be attracted or tempted by you. It’s not you’re problem … keep it moving. He’s probably said that to 3 other women that week too!
Then there’s the Mr. Nice Guy I Have A Shady Past. When you first meet them, they will tell you how nice they are and most of his friends know what he stands for… and blah blah blah … etc! Later … you find out all sorts of things. I met someone like this in Skandi-NEI-via.

There was a thread some months ago about dating a narcissistic man. The word charming came up a lot. If you listen carefully to these men, you realize that it’s not charm. What sounds like charm is just them grooming you, before they … (insert whatever it is that they want from you). It just manipulation! By listening carefully, I’ve learned that you can pretty much predict their every word and move. They are draining!

I could go on and on. I learned a lot of interesting things this past spring and summer. Hmmm, even the past 3 years has been interesting and a learning experience!!!

There are a lot of wonderful men out there :yep: It's the Mr. Nice Guys that are preying on you that we have to watch out for.

But these don't seem like nice guys...they seem like mr.fake out. I mean I'm wondering if people use this definition on people who are NOT nice, so that it gives an excuse to overlook real nice guys. Real nice guys don't lie, they don't mistreat or manipulate you, they don't cheat on their wives...isn't that the real meaning of nice guy or is my definition different and nice=manipulative, triffling, and treacherous?
But these don't seem like nice guys...they seem like mr.fake out. I mean I'm wondering if people use this definition on people who are NOT nice, so that it gives an excuse to overlook real nice guys. Real nice guys don't lie, they don't mistreat or manipulate you, they don't cheat on their wives...isn't that the real meaning of nice guy or is my definition different and nice=manipulative, triffling, and treacherous?

Thats the thing, when u are caught up in their game, you don't know all of that, so in your mind they ARE nice.

And not to demonize anyone, we all have flaws and everyone has their own personality quirks/dark sides. The "so called" nice guys I know, I don't think they are bad guys, persay, just misguided. They don't love themselves/have enough self confidence to think they can pull women without all the trickery. It really boils down to self esteem issues usually. Low self esteem and self pity ends up manifesting into resorting to passive aggressiveness and manipulation.
I could write a book on these dudes. But I will just cosign in saying yes, please watch out for these jokers and don't get fooled. They are big into victimizing and manipulating. They have a bunch of people fooled into thinking they are little angels and all the ladies pass them over bc they are soooooo nice (when really its b/c u don't have confidence/a backbone/ur actually a jerk), but will flip the script and become assholes when things don't go there way. And will cry to everyone about how mean/trifling women are and nothing is ever they fault bc they are the victim nice guy (and many people will actually buy their story and feel bad for them further feeding into it). Yes, they will do nice, sweet things but it is almost always for the wrong reasons and only to get something in return.

Yep, exactly. I've had a self-proclaimed "nice guy" scream at me in a fit of rage more than once. He was only nice when he got his way and he loved to play the victim and be manipulative. And you best believe that a gift is not a gift, just another pawn in his self-centered game.

Some guys that call themselves nice are actually nice, but then there’s the flip side.
After reading a few books this summer, I did some “experiments” based upon what I was reading.

These men are very slick. They have a number of approaches. They will try to make it look like they are taking their time to get to know you. When in fact, they are listening to every word you say, observing your body language and reactions to what they are saying to you … they use that information to move in to become you SoulMate or what ever it is that they think you need. But watch out … if you listen closely to these guys, they are wishy-washy and a number of other things too!

What I mean is … let me give you an example:

The subjects of kids come up. He says that he can see himself with 3 kids and doesn’t want to waste his time dating a woman that does not want kids.

You mention a week later that you do not want kids … in fact, if God presented 2 soulmates to you … one wanted kids the other didn’t, to be on the safe side, you would choose the one that did NOT want kids.

Mr. Nice guy changes his story from the previous week and says, that he realized that he really did not want kids, what was most important was having someone to share his life with.

NOTE: if you are observant, you will find lots and I mean lots of holes in his stories. He‘s like a Chameleon so that he can appear to be everything that he thinks you need and want.​

As someone earlier mentioned, Mr. Nice Guy will talk about how he has been hurt and does not understand why, since he’s so nice. Of course, something is wrong with the women and not him. I met a nice guy like that this summer. Interesting! These guys usually tell on themselves early on. This particular one told me that he scared off the last girl he met by taking things too fast and that he’s trying to learn from that experience. Also, his apartment smelled like pet farts/butt (7 pets). YUCK. Funky! Now, him trying to learn from the experience may be true, but really … !

Another sick thing Mr. Nice Guy might do, and yes, some of these guys intentionally do things like this …

They will do something to “slightly” betray your trust. It will usually be something that they could choose to not tell you and you may never know. However, they WILL tell you what they did later on. This is a sick way to gain your trust. Their words may sound like this, “ I did xyz … I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have done that. I just want to tell you and be up front and honest. I don’t want there to be any secrets between us.” There you are thinking, “Ahhhhwwww, he could’ve kept it to himself and lied, but he was honest.” Bazinga – you were just screwed by Mr. Nice Guy!​

Be careful of the Mr. Nice Guy Married Man too. I think they are hilarious and will say almost anything to get you to sleep with them. A common one is, “ My wife will not have sex with me anymore.” There are a few sides to that:

#1 It’s true. But he’s married and it’s NOT your problem. He just wants to get in your pants. They probably had sex the previous day or at least week.

#2 Even if you would consider a married man … here’s something to think about!!! If his wife does not want to have sex with him, WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU!!! Most women do not ignore their husbands sexually for NO reason at all. There’s almost ALWAYS a VERY good reason. My thought is this, “if you wife doesn’t want you, I don’t either.”

#3 They may even go so far as to tell you, “You are the only woman I have EVER been tempted by and attracted to since my wife.” RED LIGHT … he says this thinking and hoping that you will be flattered by hearing that. Let him be attracted or tempted by you. It’s not you’re problem … keep it moving. He’s probably said that to 3 other women that week too!​

Then there’s the Mr. Nice Guy I Have A Shady Past. When you first meet them, they will tell you how nice they are and most of his friends know what he stands for… and blah blah blah … etc! Later … you find out all sorts of things. I met someone like this in Skandi-NEI-via.

There was a thread some months ago about dating a narcissistic man. The word charming came up a lot. If you listen carefully to these men, you realize that it’s not charm. What sounds like charm is just them grooming you, before they … (insert whatever it is that they want from you). It just manipulation! By listening carefully, I’ve learned that you can pretty much predict their every word and move. They are draining!

I could go on and on. I learned a lot of interesting things this past spring and summer. Hmmm, even the past 3 years has been interesting and a learning experience!!!

There are a lot of wonderful men out there :yep: It's the Mr. Nice Guys that are preying on you that we have to watch out for.

I had a gay Mr. Nice tell me this $hit, isn't that some bull! He would complain about his boyfriend not having sex with him, all types of crap. Thank goodness I'm conservative. This experience has made me even more socially conservative.
He was just like all this described. You got to be all types of stupid to be played by a gay guy.:nono:
But these don't seem like nice guys...they seem like mr.fake out. I mean I'm wondering if people use this definition on people who are NOT nice, so that it gives an excuse to overlook real nice guys. Real nice guys don't lie, they don't mistreat or manipulate you, they don't cheat on their wives...isn't that the real meaning of nice guy or is my definition different and nice=manipulative, triffling, and treacherous?

Yep, she means "Mr. Nice Guy". Like you said, wolves in sheeps clothing.

And not to demonize anyone, we all have flaws and everyone has their own personality quirks/dark sides. The "so called" nice guys I know, I don't think they are bad guys, persay, just misguided. They don't love themselves/have enough self confidence to think they can pull women without all the trickery. It really boils down to self esteem issues usually. Low self esteem and self pity ends up manifesting into resorting to passive aggressiveness and manipulation.

Uh, uh. They're not misguided. In fact, they're just as bad as downright crappy guys, if not more, because they lead one into a false sense of security and have you second-guessing yourself when something goes wrong in the relationship. Manipulation is the worst.
Yep, she means "Mr. Nice Guy". Like you said, wolves in sheeps clothing.

Uh, uh. They're not misguided. In fact, they're just as bad as downright crappy guys, if not more, because they lead one into a false sense of security and have you second-guessing yourself when something goes wrong in the relationship. Manipulation is the worst.

LOL. You are right on the bolded. I've NEVER been one to date the obviously crappy guys/ @ssholes, they are too easy to weed out. And definitely had me thinking EVERYTHING was my fault bc after all, he's sooo nice, it HAS to be me. Total mind f#ck :lol: I can laugh now, it wasn't funny at the time tho:nono:

Some guys that call themselves nice are actually nice, but then there’s the flip side.
After reading a few books this summer, I did some “experiments” based upon what I was reading.

These men are very slick. They have a number of approaches. They will try to make it look like they are taking their time to get to know you. When in fact, they are listening to every word you say, observing your body language and reactions to what they are saying to you … they use that information to move in to become you SoulMate or what ever it is that they think you need. But watch out … if you listen closely to these guys, they are wishy-washy and a number of other things too!

What I mean is … let me give you an example:
The subjects of kids come up. He says that he can see himself with 3 kids and doesn’t want to waste his time dating a woman that does not want kids.

You mention a week later that you do not want kids … in fact, if God presented 2 soulmates to you … one wanted kids the other didn’t, to be on the safe side, you would choose the one that did NOT want kids.

Mr. Nice guy changes his story from the previous week and says, that he realized that he really did not want kids, what was most important was having someone to share his life with.

NOTE: if you are observant, you will find lots and I mean lots of holes in his stories. He‘s like a Chameleon so that he can appear to be everything that he thinks you need and want.​
As someone earlier mentioned, Mr. Nice Guy will talk about how he has been hurt and does not understand why, since he’s so nice. Of course, something is wrong with the women and not him. I met a nice guy like that this summer. Interesting! These guys usually tell on themselves early on. This particular one told me that he scared off the last girl he met by taking things too fast and that he’s trying to learn from that experience. Also, his apartment smelled like pet farts/butt (7 pets). YUCK. Funky! Now, him trying to learn from the experience may be true, but really … !

Another sick thing Mr. Nice Guy might do, and yes, some of these guys intentionally do things like this …
They will do something to “slightly” betray your trust. It will usually be something that they could choose to not tell you and you may never know. However, they WILL tell you what they did later on. This is a sick way to gain your trust. Their words may sound like this, “ I did xyz … I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have done that. I just want to tell you and be up front and honest. I don’t want there to be any secrets between us.” There you are thinking, “Ahhhhwwww, he could’ve kept it to himself and lied, but he was honest.” Bazinga – you were just screwed by Mr. Nice Guy!
Be careful of the Mr. Nice Guy Married Man too. I think they are hilarious and will say almost anything to get you to sleep with them. A common one is, “ My wife will not have sex with me anymore.” There are a few sides to that:
#1 It’s true. But he’s married and it’s NOT your problem. He just wants to get in your pants. They probably had sex the previous day or at least week.

#2 Even if you would consider a married man … here’s something to think about!!! If his wife does not want to have sex with him, WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU!!! Most women do not ignore their husbands sexually for NO reason at all. There’s almost ALWAYS a VERY good reason. My thought is this, “if you wife doesn’t want you, I don’t either.”

#3 They may even go so far as to tell you, “You are the only woman I have EVER been tempted by and attracted to since my wife.” RED LIGHT … he says this thinking and hoping that you will be flattered by hearing that. Let him be attracted or tempted by you. It’s not you’re problem … keep it moving. He’s probably said that to 3 other women that week too!​
Then there’s the Mr. Nice Guy I Have A Shady Past. When you first meet them, they will tell you how nice they are and most of his friends know what he stands for… and blah blah blah … etc! Later … you find out all sorts of things. I met someone like this in Skandi-NEI-via.

There was a thread some months ago about dating a narcissistic man. The word charming came up a lot. If you listen carefully to these men, you realize that it’s not charm. What sounds like charm is just them grooming you, before they … (insert whatever it is that they want from you). It just manipulation! By listening carefully, I’ve learned that you can pretty much predict their every word and move. They are draining!

I could go on and on. I learned a lot of interesting things this past spring and summer. Hmmm, even the past 3 years has been interesting and a learning experience!!!

There are a lot of wonderful men out there :yep: It's the Mr. Nice Guys that are preying on you that we have to watch out for.

This post is so on point. I know someone who got caught up with a guy who does the bolded. Some women need to stop putting so much of themselves out there so early in a relationship. Isn't it obvious that if you tell a man in the beginning all the things your ex (or current SO) did that you hated, your worst fears about dating, your childhood vulnerabilities - of course he is going to tell you "oh baby i would never do xyz" "oh he doesn't take you out? i love to go out" "you have abandonment issues? i would never abandon you" :rolleyes: i mean what else is he going to say? you've given him all the ammo he needs to manipulate you, and then by the time you start to notice the red flags, its too late. you don't want to leave him because he "gets" you. well you weren't all that hard to "get" now were you?
This post is so on point. I know someone who got caught up with a guy who does the bolded. Some women need to stop putting so much of themselves out there so early in a relationship. Isn't it obvious that if you tell a man in the beginning all the things your ex (or current SO) did that you hated, your worst fears about dating, your childhood vulnerabilities - of course he is going to tell you "oh baby i would never do xyz" "oh he doesn't take you out? i love to go out" "you have abandonment issues? i would never abandon you" :rolleyes: i mean what else is he going to say? you've given him all the ammo he needs to manipulate you, and then by the time you start to notice the red flags, its too late. you don't want to leave him because he "gets" you. well you weren't all that hard to "get" now were you?

:yep: Yup! I was reading a good book recently that referred to it as VERBAL BULIMIA :barf: :lachen: :nono: By the end of the evening or date, you may feel/assume you've met your best friend :nono:

As for the Red Flags, before something is even said by Mr. So-called Nice Guy, your intuition usually tells your something … just a feeling. Another thing “some” women do … they sometimes wait for proof to validate what their intuition was telling them … not good. That’s basically/kind of what you were saying rx2008.

I’ve been reading so much good material lately about things like this… especially the past 8-9 months. When you are awake and armed with information it’s amazing the things you learn when out on a date. If it’s a genuinely good guy – great! The Mr. So-called Nice Guy … they tell on themselves in various way early on in first, at the very latest, second date. Wonderful = you know to weed him out. He will just move on to someone else to do the same thing to.
There are plenty of "nice guys," but how many of them are genuinely kind. I find that these "nice guys" who get stepped on are really passive aggressive men with low self esteem. They tend to put the women they are interested in on a pedestal and worship her, rather than take the time to truly get to know her. And then they get mad when she chooses the man who treats her as a total human being instead of a mythical object. I'm so over "nice guys."

Doormat for a woman who is (they think) out of their league. It's a cyclical problem. The groveling behavior attracts women who WANT a doormat.

The self-proclaimed "nice guy" often doesn't want the kind-hearted woman. He puts out b!$ch bait, then complains when he gets b!$ch bit.
Total mind f#ck :lol: I can laugh now, it wasn't funny at the time tho:nono:

Be glad that you got through it. Some girls live getting played and still wonder what's wrong with them.

I’ve been reading so much good material lately about things like this… especially the past 8-9 months. When you are awake and armed with information it’s amazing the things you learn when out on a date. If it’s a genuinely good guy – great! The Mr. So-called Nice Guy … they tell on themselves in various way early on in first, at the very latest, second date. Wonderful = you know to weed him out. He will just move on to someone else to do the same thing to.

BBun, please post references to some of the materials that you're reading because I'm concerned about this intuition issue that you're talking about, since it seems that these guys act is so good, one might dismiss your feelings and don't realize what's happening until its too late. Weeding out these guys is essential, and if it can be done by the second date, I'm all for that.
Be glad that you got through it. Some girls live getting played and still wonder what's wrong with them.

Oh yeah, chile I thought I had it all figured out.:lachen: I was like, yeah while everyone else is out chasing after the bad boys/trifling dudes, I'm ahead of the game and talking to the sweet nice guys who all these other dumb chicks are passing over. Little did I know:nono:
omg, my ex (a self proclaimed nice guy) used to do this all the time! I fell for all of it hook, line, and sinker. :nono:

i think that's the crux of the argument right here...

There are 2 types of nice guys..

Those that are genuinely nice and those that are self-proclaimed.

The ones that are self-proclaimed give the genuine nice guys a bad name...
Thats the thing, when u are caught up in their game, you don't know all of that, so in your mind they ARE nice.
. They don't love themselves/have enough self confidence to think they can pull women without all the trickery. It really boils down to self esteem issues usually. Low self esteem and self pity ends up manifesting into resorting to passive aggressiveness and manipulation.

Ooooh the trickery, the manipulation and passive aggressiveness i've endured with certain nice guys... and then they let *you* know that *you'll* never meet another guy like them, and *you're* making the biggest mistake of your life...
I knew a nice guy (why do I say that like he's the only one I've met?). He was very nice as far as I could tell. But he was physically unattractive and had some kind of problem with one side of his body. Everybody liked him and enjoyed his company, but he never had a date in the time I knew him. :(
I guess everyone has a different definition of "nice guy" than what I do. I don't like bad guys, thugs, etc. I like good guys....nice ones. I've never been one to go after the jocks or the popular guys...too much drama and not my cup of tea. I'm more interested in the nerdy nice guy (there are def some attractive ones) in the library getting his learn on, the one who's kinda shy but breaks loose once he gets to know you. The good guy who isn't trying to **** every girl in the world, the good guy who just wants one girl to take to the top with him. The good guy who has ambition, who is doing what he has to do to become a success. The guys that any other woman may pass up because he isn't hood or gangster enough...because he's "too nice."

That's my type of nice guy, and you best bet I snatched him up real quick :lol: Cause the girls who passed him up years ago, are surely on his jock now. I guess they realize what they missed out on now that they see what he's turn into. Sucks for them. I played my cards right :ohwell:
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But these don't seem like nice guys...they seem like mr.fake out. I mean I'm wondering if people use this definition on people who are NOT nice, so that it gives an excuse to overlook real nice guys. Real nice guys don't lie, they don't mistreat or manipulate you, they don't cheat on their wives...isn't that the real meaning of nice guy or is my definition different and nice=manipulative, triffling, and treacherous?

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I can't believe what I'm reading. These men y'all dealing with aren't nice guys at all, not by a long shot. Please stop discrediting the REAL nice guys!

Thats the thing, when u are caught up in their game, you don't know all of that, so in your mind they ARE nice.

And not to demonize anyone, we all have flaws and everyone has their own personality quirks/dark sides. The "so called" nice guys I know, I don't think they are bad guys, persay, just misguided. They don't love themselves/have enough self confidence to think they can pull women without all the trickery. It really boils down to self esteem issues usually. Low self esteem and self pity ends up manifesting into resorting to passive aggressiveness and manipulation.

You can't be serious? So if you believe a guy is genuinely nice, it's because he has some type of magical unicorn spell on you? :lachen:
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I can't believe what I'm reading. These men y'all dealing with aren't nice guys at all, not by a long shot. Please stop discrediting the REAL nice guys!

You can't be serious? So if you believe a guy is genuinely nice, it's because he has some type of magical unicorn spell on you? :lachen:

Umm, no, no one is talking about "nice guys" in general who are GENUINELY nice we are talking about a specific type of guy, "Mr. Nice Guy". And no one is "discrediting" the genuinely nice guys (I'm not getting where u saw anyone in the this thread do that?:perplexed). We are talking specifically about the game that is being ran by a specific type of guy. I'm definitely a person to admit up to my mistakes and that was a mistake I made, I fell for some game, a lot of women have, I'm not ashamed to admit it. You learn from it and move on. That was the point of the thread, to share the game of this particular type of dude, so others can recognize it and maybe actually meet a genuinely nice guy one day.
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Umm, no, no one is talking about "nice guys" in general who are GENUINELY nice we are talking about a specific type of guy, "Mr. Nice Guy". And no one is "discrediting" the genuinely nice guys (I'm not getting where u saw anyone in the this thread do that?:perplexed). We are talking specifically about the game that is being ran by a specific type of guy. I'm definitely a person to admit up to my mistakes and that was a mistake I made, I fell for some game, a lot of women have, I'm not ashamed to admit it. You learn from it and move on. That was the point of the thread, to share the game of this particular type of dude, so others can recognize it and maybe actually meet a genuinely nice guy one day.

Agreeing with the highlighted parts and ... :yep:

We can look at the Nice Guy issue from a number of different angles. That is kind of what is going on here, though little focus has been given on those that are honestly nice and genuine. The OP did say , "Any other thoughts." So, we just dove right in ... lol

I think we could easily flip the switch(is that the saying) and discuss the sweethearts we have gone out with or now know too :Blush2: :yep:

Those are not the ones that are hard to recognize. What can be hard to recognize, as you, Imani somewhat said too are the ones that try to act nice, knowing that they are not nice and have another agenda :nono:

So the thread about the gf duties mentioned self proclaimed nice guys. Those and who wonder why women don't like them or think that being nice is enough.
So I was wondering if any of you ladies know men like this or have dated one? Any other thoughts.

Anyway here two rant/essay on 'nice guys'. It's a bit long but interesting imo (I've had some friends/acquaintances that fit these descriptions perfectly. :\ )
The Holy Drive-Thru of Lurve - No More Mr. Nice Guy
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Many of the self proclaimed nice guys I know are not with anyone for reasons such as- they are boring, they are mamas boys, they lack physical attributes (this includes peen size), they have no backbone to stand up for themselves, they are manipulating ect. These are just some of the reasons I can think of for now but Im sure I'll think of more later.
Many of the self proclaimed nice guys I know are not with anyone for reasons such as- they are boring, they are mamas boys, they lack physical attributes (this includes peen size), they have no backbone to stand up for themselves, they are manipulating ect. These are just some of the reasons I can think of for now but Im sure I'll think of more later.

I had to bold and enlarge that!!

I've met PLENTY of actual nice guys (none of those self-proclaimed ones). My problem has ALWAYS been the fact that their peens are small. If I could look past that, I'd be married with children by now.