Nexxus vs. Keracare

Nexxus vs. Keracare

  • Nexxus

    Votes: 93 36.5%
  • Keracare

    Votes: 145 56.9%
  • Other (please, specify)

    Votes: 17 6.7%

  • Total voters
planodiva said:
I have tried both brands and they just don't work for me. Keracare (which I have the entire line) is not all it is cracked up to be. It is just sitting on my shelf.

I have tried the Kenra line and so far I am very pleased. Sorry Macherieamor :)

:( Thats ok. Im sorry they didnt work for ya. I always feel so bad when they dont work out for some people, esp after I hype them up so much. They just have worked really well for me and I wanna share:lol:

Gurl, put them on the exchange and get ur money back:lol: I have enough to run a salon right now, but maybe some peeps will wanna try it out:grin:
My stylists uses these products on my head but Ive asked her can I buy some on the side and thats a nono so ladies WHERE do you purchase your Keracare products from? I would love to have some of the oil.
oooh, i have to post this. i've been using the creme headdress around twice a day on my blowdried hair (its been two days) and today i used it as usual, but used a DROP of the keracare essential oils and ohmygawwwddd. my hair looks as though its been flat ironed! its so swingy and smell good enough 2 eat! my hair is sparkling and looks and feels so soft and moristurized.

i dont even wanna wash my hair for a while! i was gonna wait 7 days (nex mon) but i'm gonna extend it 2 10 like the old days!
I've had Nexxus products in my rotation for about 2 yrs now and I've been pleased with the overall appearance and feel of my hair after using these products... but I'm also keeping my eye out for something else to keep in rotation. I just might have to give Keracare a try once I finish off all of these other products :D
also try irbysbeautysupply

I will say that I was not impressed with Nexxus, it made my hair Mooshy :(
I will always say Keracare is the BEST stuff , I love it, just not beneficial to me financially , cuz I want the whole line :lol:

Planodiva..girl you can give me some of those thangs if you dont want them :lol: j/p

but you should go to the exhange board and sell them..
I voted for KeraCare. I have used Nexxus in the past, I liked it and thought it was the best until i tried Keracare, (thanx to macherie):p . Now I am hooked and have no intentions on trying anything else.
Tried Nexxus before, but was not pleased with it. Keracare is better, but I choose to use less expensive products. I wonder if any 4a/bs have had luck with Nexxus. Anyhoo...:ohwell:
I love Nexxus and received instant results when i first tried the line. My thirsty ends were not thirsty again and haven't been since, I can't complain.
Do you ladies think Keracare works just as good on hair that is not relaxed, I just shampoo and flat iron. Also, how can I find out my hair type on the board?
i love keracare humecto, but that's about it.

I had to stop using nexxus b/c most of their products have Cetyl/cetearyl Alcohol; it dries up my hair
I bought nexxus humectress this week. Last night I did a shampoo with botanoil, and a deep conditioner with humctress and added a little olive oil under a hooded dryer for 30 minutes. It left my hair VERY soft, but there wasn't alot of slip though.
macherieamour said:
Im cutting and pasting this from an old thread :) I apologize to anyone who has heard this a hundred times..:(

Shampoo- First lather Shampoo- great at clarifying, not stripping. I use this before my Dry and Itchy Shampoo and then follow with Hydrating and Detangling Shampoo

Dry and Itchy Scalp Shampoo- I love this shampoo too! it gives a nice tingle and I noticed that its the only shampoo that cures my itchy scalp, esp when used with the dry and itchy scalp conditioner

Hydrating and Detangling Shampoo- I really like this shampoo. Its the only shampoo that doesnt leave my hair stripped or slimey ( like CON does with my hair)

Humecto- i could use this conditioner for the rest of my life. It smells great, detangles and makes my hair softer and shinier each time I use it. Ive been using the hydrating shampoo and humecto for almost a year and my hair never tangles and gained a beautiful healthy sheen.

Dry and Itchy Scalp Conditioner- I use this on my scalp for a few mins before I condition, it eliminated my dry and ithcy scalp/dandruff. My scalp is soo much healthier now.

Leave-In- I like this leave-in. I use it on my hair after conditioning.

Silken Seal- Really popular item. It makes my split ends disappear and eases combing significantly

Setting lotion- I get really nice soft rollersets from this. I will dilute it for a more straight with subtle waves look and use it straight for a hard set. It has tons of conditioners in it. That being said, I like the wrap lotion (diluted) better, it gives me more shine

Essential oils- I use this right after I take out my rollers for shine and moisture- smells great.

COnditioning Headdress- Ugh I love this stuff. I use it sparingly but it makes my hair feel great. It has all the bad stuff like mineral oil and petroleum so I dotn think many people would use it but i love it. I like it becuase its light and doesnt give my hair the weighed down look when I use it everyday. That being said, I do think that ORS Olive oil is a better hydrater.

Glossifier- This is pretty good- it gives my hair a nice shine but will sometimes looks like a just put gloss in it- not like my hair is naturally shiny. So, I put this on my hair at night, wrap to distribute and when i comb out my wrap, my hair looks naturally shiny.

Dry and Itchy Scalp Glossifier- I use this on my scalp after I exercise and my scalp get a little irrated from the sweat

Curling Wax- I dont curl my hair anymore really so this is chillin in my closet. i didnt care for it much tho.

Oil Blow Dry Lotion- I didnt like this to much either for blow drying, left my hair too greasy- I now and then spray it after a roller set

Oil Moisturizer with Jojoba oil- I didnt like this in the past but now I LOVE it. I use it and the wrap lotion diluted on my hair as I roller-set. This gives me the SHINIEST softest hair ever. I use it as a leave-in, heat protectant and sealant. One of the most important items in my rotation

Wrap- Set lotion- I tried this when i ran outta setting lotion, it was really good and smells great

The key is to use all the styling aids sparingly. I always quickly dab my finger in the product and rub it in my palms and then apply to hair. It may not feel like you did anything but it works.

With humecto- I always apply a lot of conditioner. I have the tub. I dunk my head in it and wrap with a steaming hot towel for 15 minutes. Im sure there are tons of people with more tips, these are just my experiences with the products.
Everythign she said! I LOVE HUmecto! Been using the tub for YEARS! Like since 1998-sih to be more specific. 1st lather, essential oils, wrap lotion, silken seal, glossifier, headress, head dress, and leavein are my faves. Wont trade them fro NOTHING! Ive cheated every once in a while but I always come back. I LOVE KERACRE! I even made a blog for it on my myspace page. Yall just wouldnt understand....
LP1177 said:
Do you ladies think Keracare works just as good on hair that is not relaxed, I just shampoo and flat iron. Also, how can I find out my hair type on the board?

Ive been transitioning for over a year and Im still in love...
rootdeep said:
My stylists uses these products on my head but Ive asked her can I buy some on the side and thats a nono so ladies WHERE do you purchase your Keracare products from? I would love to have some of the oil.

THere's an Ulta that carrys the line here in Illinois
Yall are really making me want to buy this humecto stuff. I just bought some botanoil shampoo and therrape shampoo today at the grocery store. They were on sale for 4.99 each:eek:. I HAD to buy
i hate kerecare humecto it leaves my hair dry, and coated i like they're essential oils and oil moisturiser with jojoba oil on damp hair.
Rinygirl6, where in the world did you find those products for $4.99? I've never seen them that cheap before!
Blowin up Camellia's spot!

camellia said:
I've never used Keracare, but I adore Nexxus. However with all the raves Keracare gets, and the lovely heads of hair as proof, I'm getting tempted to try it.;)

Your hair is really beautiful...and hipbone legnth:eek: ...gosh...seems like only a dream.:D

Back on topic...only stylist have used Kenra Care on my hair...I've only used Nexus, and both of them are wonderful...however, I have to say that Nexus made even my dried, relaxed ends (when I had them...not cause relaxers are horrible, but b/c I had bad hair care) feel good.
I have 2 products from ea. line but I don't use either line exclusively:

Nexxus Volumizing Alcohol Free Mousse & Keracare Silken Seal
I just bought Kera Care Humecto conditioner and I've used it once and I liked it. I went to this one salon twice that used Kera Care and Affirm products exclusively and i liked the way my hair came out. I would go there regularly but they cost a grip so i've only been when i needed a touch up. I'm like sooo off-topic but my profile pic is the product of their work. So i just voted Kera Care. I've never used Nexxus but I'm lookin to purchase the Humectress.
Sorry for rambling!;)
It is so weird that this thread popped up because I did a search for it and couldn't find it. I think it was a message from God to go with my gut and use KeraCare. I will continue using my emergencee though and purchase so Nexxus Keraphix.
Dymondz7 said:
Rinygirl6, where in the world did you find those products for $4.99? I've never seen them that cheap before!

They were at my local grocery store. They were on sale, the original price was 6.99. They weren't full size though, they were the 5.1oz bottles.
I love both, but I like Nexxus on my hair more now that I am in transition. But Keracare products did wonders for my hair when I was strictly relaxed!
KeraCare!! No questions asked!! Buuuuuutttt, I do like Keraphix and Humectress was a decent moisturizer. Too bad I'm scared to purchase Keraphix again since it's been mass-marketed :( ... I think I would just go ahead and make funeral arrangements if KeraCare sold out on me :lol: !!