Newcomer's Growing Out Club


New Member
Welcome Newcomers to LHCF! We are all excited and overwhelmed with information, how to use this site, what products to use, what all these abbreviations mean, and what's the right regime for "ME".

Here is where we will all begin. We have many things to accomplish and it will be a lot of fun doing it together. You will not be in this alone. Fortunately for us, we have a few veterans of the forum looking on for moral support, starting with our very own , "DONTSPEAKDEFEAT"author of the very valuable guide

A Newcomer's Guide to Starting Out
Print it out and read it! IT'S AWESOME!!!!

This will be our HAIR BIBLE. This is where all our growth will begin. We will learn and grow and grow and GROW together, through driven inspiration sparked by new knowledge and our changing hair.

So, with that said, if you want to join the club and get on the bandwagon to begin your journey to everlasting long healthy beautiful hair, just complete the following and report back here with your info by Friday, March 11th. That will give everyone time to read through all newcomer postings. For the next few weeks, ask all the questions you have in this same posting. At the end of the month, we should be ready to move on to our next "TO DO" list. The next posting will be found under "NEWCOMER'S GROWING OUT CLUB - MILESTONE 1”. It will be posted on March 11th. We will post the "TO DO" list on the 11th of each month. This will give us time in between to review all the questions and answers that may follow each posting period. Now, make sure you save all threads in your FAVORITES so you can refer back to them.

Let's get started!
Let’s get to know a little something about each other.
Here's your very first Newcomer Grow Club TO DO list:
1) Determine Your Hair Type -
You can use the link within this site, or goto
Urban Beauty Online

2) Tell us how long your hair is now.

3) What condition is your Hair In? What type of hair challenges are you facing now? (e.g. "dry hair, weak hair, breaking hair, hair that stays the same length, shedding hair...etc, be specific).

4) What Products are your currently using?

5) Briefly tell us your hair story. This starts your hair journal. Keep a journal at home to build upon. This will be used at a later time. If you can, take photos of your hair...front, back, side, different styles, etc. Keep them in your journal for now. You will be glad you had them later on!!! We will come back and visit this in a future posting.

After we get to know a little about each other, our journey to long beautiful strong hair really begins!

Just another reminder……make sure you complete and post your TO DO list responses no later than March 11th This will give all Newcomer Club Members time to read everything and ask all the questions we think of.

The next "TO DO" list will be posted April 11th. It makes sense to space out Newcomer Grow Out Club postings and TO DO lists every month to give everyone time to read all the exciting info each Newcomer Grow Club member will share, ask all the questions we might have throughout the month and read through the responses to them, make personal adjustments to our own routines if needed, and conduct our own "Reality" check - see how our hair is responding to all the changes we’re making, and ask more questions if we need to!!!

The "TO DO" lists will come directly from our HAIR BIBLE, so make sure you have a copy. You are encouraged to ask questions. I'm sure we're all probably questioning the same things. So no question is silly...only if you don't ask it.

I hope you are all excited. Hold on for the ride and be encouraged. Good things come to those who wait so patience and persistence is a virtue!!!

And now, a few words of encouragement from our very own DSD

* * * * * *

I started my hair growing journey almost 2 years ago and within that time I have managed to learn just about everything I need to know about hair from this wonderful bunch of ladies here on this forum. I also stopped relying on a stylist to do my hair and took my haircare into my own hands.

I know that in the beginning it's hard to believe that growing your hair to great lengths is possible but once you start seeing the progress that your own hair is making your thoughts will take a 360 degree turn.

When I first started my hair growing journey my hair was short broken and unhealthy. It was around earlength with the nape area being short and broken.

My hair has done nothing but thrive since I joined this forum. Today it is the healthiest and longest it has been in my life and guess what your can be that way too.

No matter where your journey begins and what state of dispair your hair is in, it can be overcome.

We just need to keep focused and stay consistent with our hair care. If we take care of our hair it will reward us by growing stronger and longer.

Remember ladies, hairgrowing is a process that takes patience. There are no magic pills or potions that will get you to your goal with the wink of an eye. Our potion is tlc, the right products and time. Apply all these and before you turn around you will have reached goals you never thought you could!! Happy Hair Growing to All!!

My Album-updated Feb 9,05
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Lori, I hope that this thread helps inspire some of the newcomers to come out and join the club.

This club is for anyone who doesn't know where to start and what to do in their hair growing journey. Everyone has different starting lengths and everyone's hair grows at a different rate. This is not a challenge. It is more of a support and be supported type of buddy system to help you find your way in all this.

If anyone has any comments or suggestions or plain ole just wants to share this is where you should do it.

There are several veterans who are dedicated to helping everyone out.

I wish everyone all the luck in the world in your hair growing journey.
dsd you are truly a inspiration and always so positive and truly a help while i have been on this board for years old and new board i have incorporated some but have not been as diligent as i should be cause of my quest for color using bleach and relaxers which as we all know is a recipe for disaster i will now try again to go cold turkey on the bleach but it will be hard but once again you are truly an inspiration. jb
janisloren said:
dsd you are truly a inspiration and always so positive and truly a help while i have been on this board for years old and new board i have incorporated some but have not been as diligent as i should be cause of my quest for color using bleach and relaxers which as we all know is a recipe for disaster i will now try again to go cold turkey on the bleach but it will be hard but once again you are truly an inspiration. jb
Thank you!!

I know that it can be hard getting rid of something you love so much. You have to think do I want healthy hair or what. I know that with everyones help you can beat the bleach and relaxers and find your way back to healthy thriving hair.
I am so excited to join this club! I just had a big chop and I am so discouraged by the constant shedding and breakage. I know that I will get support from the ladies of this club to help me through my "bad hair days"! Here are my responses to the 1st "To Do List::

1. Hair Type: 4a/4b
2. Hair Length: Mid Neck
3. Hair Challenges/Condition: Dry hair, constant shedding and breakage
4. Design Essentials: Moisturizing Shampoo, Stimulations Conditioner, Therapeutics Leave-In, HCo Leave In, Essential Oil, and Botanical Oil
5. Hair Story: Since moving to Atlanta, I have battled with my hair. It will definitely grow but my dilemma comes in with breakage/ shedding. I did not have a beautician when I first moved so I would do my own hair. My aunt would give me my relaxer. My hair would grow and breakage was at a minimum but she loved for the hair to be super straight so I felt like she was overprocessing my hair. So, I started going to beauty salons in the area. I was never overjoyed with any particular stylist but they did what I asked—shampoo, condition, roller wrap. THEN I found a so called exclusive/elite salon downtown. Beautiful salon with beautiful people who bragged about how they cared more about the health of your hair than the average salon and could make your hair super straight and flowing. They did this with the use of a blow dryer and flat iron. And yes my hair was super straight and shiny when I left the salon. I would try to recreate the shiny straight hair look at home using the same tools. I knew that the blow drying was bad for my hair but when ever I complained to my stylist she would just recommend another hair product. And since my hair always looked so nice and healthy when I left her, I figured I was the one messing up. BUT she would have to trim my hair once a month. SO it appeared to be healthy because she was constantly getting rid of the “bad parts”. Now I am an educated woman but it took me a while to determine that I was not the lone culprit in my hair dilemma—the blow dryer was.
That brings me here. I have cut at least 2-3 inches of my hair in the last 3 months and now I want to take control of my hair. I want to tell the blow dryer BYE BYE! I want to go back to what works for me--- constant washing, roller sets and just a lot of attention.
Now For My questions:
1. For the 4a/4b girls: Do you find that you cannot stretch your relaxer as long as other hair types. I find that I get constant shedding when I am 6 weeks post relaxer. I usually blame the shedding on something else and continue stretching but since reading posts on the LHCF I think it may be due to the fact that I cannot stretch as long as other hair types. Any thoughts/
2. I am 7 weeks post relaxer and I would like to start getting texturizers. Do you think it’s too soon? I cannot stretch my relaxer much longer due to increased shedding.
3. I am thinking about sewing in some weave to let my hair rest. I am planning to Surge twice a day and spray leave/moisturizer on my braided hair while wearing the weave. Is that practical? What are the pros and cons of a sew-in weave?

I will take pictures of my horrible hair tonight and post ASAP.
missenm said:
I am so excited to join this club! I just had a big chop and I am so discouraged by the constant shedding and breakage. I know that I will get support from the ladies of this club to help me through my "bad hair days"! Here are my responses to the 1st "To Do List::

1. Hair Type: 4a/4b
2. Hair Length: Mid Neck
3. Hair Challenges/Condition: Dry hair, constant shedding and breakage
4. Design Essentials: Moisturizing Shampoo, Stimulations Conditioner, Therapeutics Leave-In, HCo Leave In, Essential Oil, and Botanical Oil
5. Hair Story: Since moving to Atlanta, I have battled with my hair. It will definitely grow but my dilemma comes in with breakage/ shedding. I did not have a beautician when I first moved so I would do my own hair. My aunt would give me my relaxer. My hair would grow and breakage was at a minimum but she loved for the hair to be super straight so I felt like she was overprocessing my hair. So, I started going to beauty salons in the area. I was never overjoyed with any particular stylist but they did what I asked—shampoo, condition, roller wrap. THEN I found a so called exclusive/elite salon downtown. Beautiful salon with beautiful people who bragged about how they cared more about the health of your hair than the average salon and could make your hair super straight and flowing. They did this with the use of a blow dryer and flat iron. And yes my hair was super straight and shiny when I left the salon. I would try to recreate the shiny straight hair look at home using the same tools. I knew that the blow drying was bad for my hair but when ever I complained to my stylist she would just recommend another hair product. And since my hair always looked so nice and healthy when I left her, I figured I was the one messing up. BUT she would have to trim my hair once a month. SO it appeared to be healthy because she was constantly getting rid of the “bad parts”. Now I am an educated woman but it took me a while to determine that I was not the lone culprit in my hair dilemma—the blow dryer was.
That brings me here. I have cut at least 2-3 inches of my hair in the last 3 months and now I want to take control of my hair. I want to tell the blow dryer BYE BYE! I want to go back to what works for me--- constant washing, roller sets and just a lot of attention.
Now For My questions:
1. For the 4a/4b girls: Do you find that you cannot stretch your relaxer as long as other hair types. I find that I get constant shedding when I am 6 weeks post relaxer. I usually blame the shedding on something else and continue stretching but since reading posts on the LHCF I think it may be due to the fact that I cannot stretch as long as other hair types. Any thoughts/
2. I am 7 weeks post relaxer and I would like to start getting texturizers. Do you think it’s too soon? I cannot stretch my relaxer much longer due to increased shedding.
3. I am thinking about sewing in some weave to let my hair rest. I am planning to Surge twice a day and spray leave/moisturizer on my braided hair while wearing the weave. Is that practical? What are the pros and cons of a sew-in weave?

I will take pictures of my horrible hair tonight and post ASAP.

Very well done!!

First and foremost I would like to say that your hair is "NOT" horrible. You shouldn't perceive your hair that way even if it is not very healthy at this present time. Keep posititve thoughts about your hair in you head. Trust me this will help you through your trying times. Your hair will come around before you know it!!

About 4a/b stretching relaxers, It can be done. I am a 4a and I stretch mine to no less than 12 weeks sometimes I go 16 weeks or more. Another great example of a 4a/b stretching is Sylver2. She does this on a regular basis with great results.

What I do is find products that help keep my newgrowth soft and supple so I would have those shedding and breaking problems. I find that conditioner washes help also.

I am so glad that you found out what the basis of your problems is. That's one of the first things that need to be done in our hair care journey. Kudos to you!

I you feel you need to relax and you feel that is the best thing for your hair then by all means do it but relaxers can be stretched with a little extra care.

I think instead of texturizing now you should go ahead with the weave that way you will give your hair time to grow out just a little. Remember texturizing is trickier than plain ole relaxing and you need to see enough newgrowth so you won't overprocess and wind up with straight hair.

The sew in weave is very practical. It will give your hair a break and when you come out of it, especially if you use surge, you will have plenty of newgrowth to work with.

So you are planning on sticking with texturizing and doing that from now on? What are you going to do with the relaxed ends?
I've been reading posts here about 3 weeks and and me and my daughters' hair has vastly improved already.

Hair type: 4a/4b

Length-Bottom of neck/very top of back
Condition- looks like a full healthy chin-lenth bob, but my edges are broken, especially in the 'kitchen'- like DSD in the beginning one side of the back is longer than the other

Products- MNT Condition + oils (UBH recipe), Any shampoo for dry/damaged hair (currently Herbal Essence), ORS Oliver Oil (as a moisturizer), Pantene wrap lotion (leave-in), Profectiv breakfree, oils (coconut, jojoba, peppermint, olive mix). Plan to relax with Phyto (which I of course learned about here:)

Hair story - never had long hair, was always a 'chicken-head' and my mother had NO knowledge of caring for our hair. When I put my hair in braids, or keep it plaited under a wig it grows like wildfire and is so thick and beautiful when I wear it out. After having it out for a few months, it will become dry from being relaxed, colored and heat treated and start breaking. And I use to go as long as possible before washing and perm every 6 weeks. Of course since being here, I've made some major changes.

In terms of stretching relaxers, I'm 7 weeks post-relaxer, have NEVER gone more than 6 and by moisturizing, conditioning, and using oils (which I learned here), it is manageable- very minimal shedding.

Thanks for the support you guys! Hopefully I can get my hair healthy all over and get it down on my shoulders for the first time in my life.
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dontspeakdefeat said:
Very well done!!

First and foremost I would like to say that your hair is "NOT" horrible. You shouldn't perceive your hair that way even if it is not very healthy at this present time. Keep posititve thoughts about your hair in you head. Trust me this will help you through your trying times. Your hair will come around before you know it!!

About 4a/b stretching relaxers, It can be done. I am a 4a and I stretch mine to no less than 12 weeks sometimes I go 16 weeks or more. Another great example of a 4a/b stretching is Sylver2. She does this on a regular basis with great results.

What I do is find products that help keep my newgrowth soft and supple so I would have those shedding and breaking problems. I find that conditioner washes help also.

I am so glad that you found out what the basis of your problems is. That's one of the first things that need to be done in our hair care journey. Kudos to you!

I you feel you need to relax and you feel that is the best thing for your hair then by all means do it but relaxers can be stretched with a little extra care.

I think instead of texturizing now you should go ahead with the weave that way you will give your hair time to grow out just a little. Remember texturizing is trickier than plain ole relaxing and you need to see enough newgrowth so you won't overprocess and wind up with straight hair.

The sew in weave is very practical. It will give your hair a break and when you come out of it, especially if you use surge, you will have plenty of newgrowth to work with.

So you are planning on sticking with texturizing and doing that from now on? What are you going to do with the relaxed ends?

Thanks for the feedback, DSD!

I am going to take your advice and get the weave instead of texturizing. When I finally get a texturizer, I will eventually cut the relaxed hair off.

I have more questions :) .
For those of you who have had a weave sewn in before, how do you wask your hair? Forgive me if this is a silly question. Do you wash it like you would wash your own hair or do you only clean the scalp with an astringent? Also, is there a particular brand of hair that you recommend for the process? Thank you for your help! I am loving this already!!!! :)
beloved1 said:
I've been reading posts here about 3 weeks and and me and my daughters' hair has vastly improved already.

Hair type: 4a/4b

Length-Bottom of neck/very top of back
Condition- looks like a full healthy chin-lenth bob, but my edges are broken, especially in the 'kitchen'- like DSD in the beginning one side of the back is longer than the other

Products- MNT Condition + oils (UBH recipe), Any shampoo for dry/damaged hair (currently Herbal Essence), ORS Oliver Oil (as a moisturizer), Pantene wrap lotion (leave-in), Profectiv breakfree, oils (coconut, jojoba, peppermint, olive mix). Plan to relax with Phyto (which I of course learned about here:)

Hair story - never had long hair, was always a 'chicken-head' and my mother had NO knowledge of caring for our hair. When I put my hair in braids, or keep it plaited under a wig it grows like wildfire and is so thick and beautiful when I wear it out. After having it out for a few months, it will become dry from being relaxed, colored and heat treated and start breaking. And I use to go as long as possible before washing and perm every 6 weeks. Of course since being here, I've made some major changes.

In terms of stretching relaxers, I'm 7 weeks post-relaxer, have NEVER gone more than 6 and by moisturizing, conditioning, and using oils (which I learned here), it is manageable- very minimal shedding.

Thanks for the support you guys! Hopefully I can get my hair healthy all over and get it down on my shoulders for the first time in my life.

Your story is so touching. I remember as a child my hair was at least shoulder length. That's back when we used to get it pressed every two weeks and my grandma did my hair. When we moved away and my mom took over she put relaxers in our hair and just neglected it. It was down hill from there. I struggled for the rest of my life and I reached shoulder length at least 3 times just to cut it in frustration. It seems like it would get to that point and "stop growing"

Now we are becoming educated and throwing all the old myths out the door. This is so vital in doing the things we do hear.

I know that with all of the information here on this board that we can achieve lengths beyond our wildest dreams. Good Luck to you in your hair growing journey!!
missenm said:
Thanks for the feedback, DSD!

I am going to take your advice and get the weave instead of texturizing. When I finally get a texturizer, I will eventually cut the relaxed hair off.

I have more questions :) .
For those of you who have had a weave sewn in before, how do you wask your hair? Forgive me if this is a silly question. Do you wash it like you would wash your own hair or do you only clean the scalp with an astringent? Also, is there a particular brand of hair that you recommend for the process? Thank you for your help! I am loving this already!!!! :)
Great!! I can't giv eyou much feedback on the weave. Last time I wore one I parted my hair from ear to ear and used that hair to cover up the tracks. Good Luck!!
beloved1 said:
After having it out for a few months, it will become dry from being relaxed, colored and heat treated and start breaking. And I use to go as long as possible before washing and perm every 6 weeks. Of course since being here, I've made some major changes.

In terms of stretching relaxers, I'm 7 weeks post-relaxer, have NEVER gone more than 6 and by moisturizing, conditioning, and using oils (which I learned here), it is manageable- very minimal shedding.

For moisturizing, you have to do it by trial and error to find out if your hair likes oil, cream, cream-based, serum, a mix of both, neither, etc. You can buy trial sizes so you're not shelling out a ton of money and you can also go with what you've always been using before or try new things and even rotate.

Here's some examples:
Oil: jojoba, coconut, extra virgin olive, meadowfoam, monoi
Cream: Elucence, Fresh, Kera Care, BedHead
Cream-based: S-curl
Serum: Neutrogena Triple Moisture, Kera Care, Citru-Shine

If your hair is already dry, try a moisturizing deep conditioner instead of a protein one. You can also do oil treatments and using conditioners where you're supposed to leave it on the hair for at least one minute before rinsing. Herbal Essences and Suave make such conditioners.

As to relaxing, congrats on breaking your 6-week cycle and making it to week 7. Since you've had minimal shedding, you may be able to make it to week 8 and beyond if you like.

Make sure you keep this entry as the FIRST entry in your personal journal at home. Everything we do here should be kept in a diary. You will be happy you kept this info because we are going to use everything we learn along the way later down the road. are truely a remarkable source of knowledge, inspiration, and encouragement.

Here's my info:
1) Determine Your Hair Type -
3B with some 4A

2) Tell us how long your hair is now.
At most 3 inches with the back razored growing out, maybe 1 inch.

3) What condition is your Hair In?
My hair was dry, dull looking, weak from curling, and breaking and shedding. It has improved dramatically since I've come to LHCF and started daily co-washing my hair. My biggest challenge had been shedding and breaking from daily flat-ironing, and dryness - which I now attribute to using HEAT, and heavy grease on my hair and scalp instead of moisturizing. My current challenge now is protective styling my very short hair without heat.

4) What Products are your currently using?
I use LOTS of oils - EVOO, Johoba, Castor, Emu, Cod Liver, Flaxseed, and a mix of EOs combined for ONE OIL TREATMENT, and sometimes I add B-Complex OIL. For co-washing I'm using V05, Avalon Botanicals, Nature's Gate, and Tresemme conditioners. I am an AFFIRM, KeraCare and Nexxus freak!!! I'm addicted to all their stuff!!!

5) Briefly tell us your hair story.
As a young child, I had type 2 hair. My mom applied a Vigorol relaxer to my hair at 5 and all my hair fell out. She tried to nurse it back to health, but my texture has permanently changed. I have a mix of textures...some 2 -3, and 4a. I've worn natural, relaxed, jeri curls, and texturized hair styles. My hair has grown slightly (2-inches) below neck length at my longest length. I developed LUPUS and MY HAIR DIED ON MY HEAD. I went from below shoulder to BALD in the blink of any eye. I was devastated!!! I wore wigs for 2 years. My hair grew out and I texturized. It grow neck length and I relaxed it at a salon in Atlanta. They overprocessed it, cut it, and I looked like a Halle Berry wanna-be. Mad and upset, I went natural and put in a weave. The sew-in weave took my hair out, so now I'm back to relaxed, but I've found LHCF. I hope to be on the road to recovery AND longer stronger healthier hair.
LoriLOCX said:

Make sure you keep this entry as the FIRST entry in your personal journal at home. Everything we do here should be kept in a diary. You will be happy you kept this info because we are going to use everything we learn along the way later down the road. are truely a remarkable source of knowledge, inspiration, and encouragement.

Here's my info:
1) Determine Your Hair Type -
3B with some 4A

2) Tell us how long your hair is now.
At most 3 inches with the back razored growing out, maybe 1 inch.

3) What condition is your Hair In?
My hair was dry, dull looking, weak from curling, and breaking and shedding. It has improved dramatically since I've come to LHCF and started daily co-washing my hair. My biggest challenge had been shedding and breaking from daily flat-ironing, and dryness - which I now attribute to using HEAT, and heavy grease on my hair and scalp instead of moisturizing. My current challenge now is protective styling my very short hair without heat.

4) What Products are your currently using?
I use LOTS of oils - EVOO, Johoba, Castor, Emu, Cod Liver, Flaxseed, and a mix of EOs combined for ONE OIL TREATMENT, and sometimes I add B-Complex OIL. For co-washing I'm using V05, Avalon Botanicals, Nature's Gate, and Tresemme conditioners. I am an AFFIRM, KeraCare and Nexxus freak!!! I'm addicted to all their stuff!!!

5) Briefly tell us your hair story.
As a young child, I had type 2 hair. My mom applied a Vigorol relaxer to my hair at 5 and all my hair fell out. She tried to nurse it back to health, but my texture has permanently changed. I have a mix of textures...some 2 -3, and 4a. I've worn natural, relaxed, jeri curls, and texturized hair styles. My hair has grown slightly (2-inches) below neck length at my longest length. I developed LUPUS and MY HAIR DIED ON MY HEAD. I went from below shoulder to BALD in the blink of any eye. I was devastated!!! I wore wigs for 2 years. My hair grew out and I texturized. It grow neck length and I relaxed it at a salon in Atlanta. They overprocessed it, cut it, and I looked like a Halle Berry wanna-be. Mad and upset, I went natural and put in a weave. The sew-in weave took my hair out, so now I'm back to relaxed, but I've found LHCF. I hope to be on the road to recovery AND longer stronger healthier hair.

Hi Lori!

How the sewn in weave take your hair out? I am considreing a weave and would love to "hear" your thoughts on the subject. Thanks.
I think it was a combination of things. My hair was already weak. I tried washing my roots weekly and applied a braid spray to my braided hair and scalp. When I removed it, it appeared gummy at the braid...probably because I didn't rinse well washing it myself, and that's exactly where it all broke off. It was probably my fault.
Boadicea said:
For moisturizing, you have to do it by trial and error to find out if your hair likes oil, cream, cream-based, serum, a mix of both, neither, etc. You can buy trial sizes so you're not shelling out a ton of money and you can also go with what you've always been using before or try new things and even rotate.

Here's some examples:
Oil: jojoba, coconut, extra virgin olive, meadowfoam, monoi
Cream: Elucence, Fresh, Kera Care, BedHead
Cream-based: S-curl
Serum: Neutrogena Triple Moisture, Kera Care, Citru-Shine

If your hair is already dry, try a moisturizing deep conditioner instead of a protein one. You can also do oil treatments and using conditioners where you're supposed to leave it on the hair for at least one minute before rinsing. Herbal Essences and Suave make such conditioners.

As to relaxing, congrats on breaking your 6-week cycle and making it to week 7. Since you've had minimal shedding, you may be able to make it to week 8 and beyond if you like.

Hi Boadicea!
Thanks for your suggestions! It's encouraging to see what you have suggested because I have incorporated most of these into my new hair routine. Guess I'm moving on the right track!

YOU HAVE GREAT HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited! Here's my info.

1. Hair type:
Call me stupid, but for some reason I just can't determine what hair type I am. The descriptions of hair type 3 seem to fit but if I see it then it would be easier for me to tell. I'm sorry I can't come up with the info for now... :(

2. Hair length:
"Flip length"

3. Condition of hair:
My hair is in pretty decent condition. I'm not experiencing breakage or major challenges. But my sometimes I get the itchies and I'm still trying to figure out what causes the itchiness.

4. Products:
Gueye detangling shampoo, Gueye conditioner, Suave Milk & Honey Conditioner, Doo Gro Deep Penetrating Conditioner, Olive Oil & Honey (for pretreatment), Hot 6 oil (I just got this yesterday), Surge 14 (I just got this yesterday), Elasta QP Mango butter(I just got this yesterday, also), Kemi-Oyl Shea Butter, Indian Hemp

Hair Story (Sorry this is so long)
5. I always used to think that my hair was in good condition but I was I wrong! I got a relaxer right before coming to high school, and I washed my hair every other week. I used the curling iron almost everyday and my main hair styling product was Luster's Pink Lotion moisturizer. I also had my hair relaxed with Luster. My hair was always around my shoulders but not past the shoulder. Finally, my senior year, I got bored with my hair color and I applied a semi-permanent color to my hair. When the color didn't appear like I thought would, about a couple days later, I bought a permanent hair color (Cherrywood) by Clairol. To me, my hair seemed to be in great condition, but it wasn't that it was being taken care of properly.
In May 2003, I had the color applied to my hair again for graduation. And the mistake that my stylist made was that I got a relaxer and color at the same time! Still, more damage being done to my hair, and I thought it was all good. When I got to college, I experienced breakage. (I wonder why?) I didn't know what was going on. So this continued until I got some carrot oil, and my hair didn't break as much anymore. It wasn't until June 04 that I got really serious about my hair. I went to get my hair relaxed and my stylist (the same one that applied the relaxer & color to my hair) told me that my hair was growing and breaking. I didn't know what she was talking. It wasn't until I went home, I stared at my hair in the mirror and I couldn't believe the condition that my hair was in. It felt thin and it was much shorter than I have ever seen it. I decided then and there that I was going to seriously start taking care of my hair and grow it out. I did some research one thing led to another and I finally got on the right track of taking care of my hair.

You can check out some of my pics on fotki.
1) Determine Your Hair Type - I need help, no idea where my hair falls. I have looked over the types over and over, still do not know :confused: If anyone has an idea please help me, I have a texture shot in my album

2) Tell us how long your hair is now. About half way between shoulders and brastrap, guess I need to measure my hair.

3) What condition is your Hair In? Some split ends I will be losing this weekend, other than that pretty good condition.

4) What Products are your currently using?
Shampoo - Pantene R&N, NTM
Conditioner - Pantene R&N, NTM, Suave Humectant
Deep conditioner - Queen Helene Cholesterol, Hair Mayo (have to look when I get home for the brand)
Style Products - Marcel curl wax, Black n Sassy Hot Sheen, Pantene oil cream.
Detangler - Surge 14

5) Briefly tell us your hair story. Natural most of my life, had an instance when I just had to have a relaxer, quickly realized I had more diversity with natural hair. I used to be very adventurous with my hair, I went from past bra strap to a shaved cut, I would try a style and whip out the scissors at the drop of a dime. I am a recovering heat "aholic", at one time used heat almost daily and my ends suffered terribly, never understood why my ends were always split and why I could not retain length. I have now taken my hair into my own hands, I very rarely visit a stylist (most are clueless anyway). I have not used heat in 3 months, and I have promised myself I will hang in for 3 more. My goal is to have a blunt bra strap length cut, and with everything I have learned I know I will get there.
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I'd like to join. Here's my info

1) Determine Your Hair Type -
4A, but I haven't seen my natural hair in 20 years, so I'm not sure. This month I'm going to extend my Relaxer so hopefully, I can confirm the 4A.

2) Tell us how long your hair is now.
Front is shorter than the back from last hair style. But it’s shoulder length in back, except for middle of nape, where I had breakage.

3) What condition is your Hair In?
Before finding LHCF my hair was very dry, fragile, over-processed and thin ('see-through' in the back). I stopped using heat on my hair in June 2004 after reading Cathy Howes' book, but I still relaxed every six weeks.

4) What Products are you currently using?

I shampoo weekly with MNT Shampoo and Conditioner
-CW 2x during the week with Suave Strawberries and Cream
-use Giovanni Direct Leave-in Conditioner, sometimes Salerm21
-use lots of oils/essential oils - olive, jojoba, sweet almond oil, castor oil, coconut oil, peppermint, rosemary, lavender
-moisturize with s-curl activator daily
-use hair polishers - Biosilk, John Frieda's serum, NTM serum
-relax with Dark & Lovely (the Children's formula for the mildness)

5) Briefly tell us your hair story.

I come from the Caribbean and while living there took the humidity for granted. My hair thrived and grew to shoulder length. Then I moved to Colorado where dryness is like a disease. Your skin dries and cracks. Your hair dries and breaks. It took a while for me to make the connection between the dry elements and my hair problems. I know my hair grows well. It grew to bra strap length once. I was in college at the time and, since braided styles seemed to require the least amount of maintenance, that's pretty much all I did to my hair. I did not relax my hair between styles. I lost a lot of hair each time I removed the braids (sheer ignorance), but I still got length.

When I finally relaxed I could not believe the hair I had grown. Displaying still more ignorance, I relaxed it bone-straight too soon after removing the braids. My hair broke and I cut it to ‘even it out’. It has not gotten past neck length since. I have a picture of myself on my refrigerator to remind me of what I once had and what I want again. Now that I've found LHCF and realize that oils and moisture are my friends, I know I can get there again.

I plan to braid my hair in a couple of weeks and when I remove them I will wait at least two weeks (maybe more) before texturizing.

My first question:
Can someone please tell me where can I buy Surge online? I prefer a US-based company.

I cannot find any in my city-- not at Sally's or my local Walgreens. I've tried a couple BSS that were recommended by someone at Surge itself, but the folks in the stores are not familiar with the product. I ordered it from Abantu but the shipping is almost as much as the product.
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Hey hey hey...what's happenin? This is the thread I needed when I fell into this board a lil while ago. Great! Now, to answer some questions....

Hair Type:
Nothing with me is ever easy. Its mostly 4a, with some 3 mixed in. Particularly an areas at the nape of my neck, a patch with fine hair that never seems to grow :(

Hair Length:

Front is at my nose. Sides to my shoulder. Back, at bottom of my neck. The crown of my head is shorter than further down nearer my ears....currently hoping o get everything at the same length as my longest point. did I say nothing with me is ever easy?

Condition of Hair:
Not bad at all! It could be thicker, but the hair itself I have always loved. Even in its natural state, I have always only wished that it was longer. I have always used conditioner in my hair on a regular basis to help make it behave , or even just smell good. No splits or anything.



Shampoo: MNT, CON, Aveda Sap Moss
CON: MNT, Nexxus Humectress, NTM, Suave Milk & Honey
DC: Salerm Wheat Germ, Hair Mayo (YEAH!), NTM Hair Mask, EVOO
Moisturise: Elasta QP Mango Butter, S Curl, WGO
Leave In: Humectress, Infusium, Surge
Shine: Aveda Brilliance (yeah!)

I also take GNC UltraNourishair, flaxseed oil, MSM, and silica.

Hair Story:
as a kid always had thick healthy hair, no real length though. Relaxed in HS, but alternated between braids and relaxed hair through college. Wore the 80's extreme styles in HS (shaved back of head, colored hair blonde..well, red, anyway :lol: ...asymetrical cuts, lotsa pomade and stiff stuff) and then went into weave mode for awhile.(think Janet Jackson in control and Pleasure Principle...rofl)
Went into an extended period of wearing braids when I started making babies....and living in upstate NY I believe took a toll on my hair(very hard water and harsh weather conditions). Last few years just wore my own hair in braids or bantu knots...again, in great condition but no real length...decided to relax again just this past August. I was surprised at how my hair actually did have *some* length (I was past shoulder) and really looked pretty. I blew it by relaxing too often and not wrapping it up at night, so I lost some length. Although I have always coveted length, I have never focused on my hair for any sustained period of time. I am hoping that with continued health and attention, I can get there!

HHG ladies.

the prize is the journey
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blessedangil03 said:
I am so excited! Here's my info.

1. Hair type:
Call me stupid, but for some reason I just can't determine what hair type I am. The descriptions of hair type 3 seem to fit but if I see it then it would be easier for me to tell. I'm sorry I can't come up with the info for now... :(

2. Hair length:
"Flip length"

3. Condition of hair:
My hair is in pretty decent condition. I'm not experiencing breakage or major challenges. But my sometimes I get the itchies and I'm still trying to figure out what causes the itchiness.

4. Products:
Gueye detangling shampoo, Gueye conditioner, Suave Milk & Honey Conditioner, Doo Gro Deep Penetrating Conditioner, Olive Oil & Honey (for pretreatment), Hot 6 oil (I just got this yesterday), Surge 14 (I just got this yesterday), Elasta QP Mango butter(I just got this yesterday, also), Kemi-Oyl Shea Butter, Indian Hemp

Hair Story (Sorry this is so long)
5. I always used to think that my hair was in good condition but I was I wrong! I got a relaxer right before coming to high school, and I washed my hair every other week. I used the curling iron almost everyday and my main hair styling product was Luster's Pink Lotion moisturizer. I also had my hair relaxed with Luster. My hair was always around my shoulders but not past the shoulder. Finally, my senior year, I got bored with my hair color and I applied a semi-permanent color to my hair. When the color didn't appear like I thought would, about a couple days later, I bought a permanent hair color (Cherrywood) by Clairol. To me, my hair seemed to be in great condition, but it wasn't that it was being taken care of properly.
In May 2003, I had the color applied to my hair again for graduation. And the mistake that my stylist made was that I got a relaxer and color at the same time! Still, more damage being done to my hair, and I thought it was all good. When I got to college, I experienced breakage. (I wonder why?) I didn't know what was going on. So this continued until I got some carrot oil, and my hair didn't break as much anymore. It wasn't until June 04 that I got really serious about my hair. I went to get my hair relaxed and my stylist (the same one that applied the relaxer & color to my hair) told me that my hair was growing and breaking. I didn't know what she was talking. It wasn't until I went home, I stared at my hair in the mirror and I couldn't believe the condition that my hair was in. It felt thin and it was much shorter than I have ever seen it. I decided then and there that I was going to seriously start taking care of my hair and grow it out. I did some research one thing led to another and I finally got on the right track of taking care of my hair.

You can check out some of my pics on fotki.
Well, sounds like you are off to a good start. Flip length is a great length to start with.

As far as the itches, have you considered that it may be something in the product that is making your scalp itch. I know that others have reported that products with alcohol are the culprit. A lot of times you find more alcohol in the lower end products and less in the higher end products. Not saying that the lower end products are bad but the concentration of ingredients that make you itch may be higher.
cincybrownsugar said:
1) Determine Your Hair Type - I need help, no idea where my hair falls. I have looked over the types over and over, still do not know :confused: If anyone has an idea please help me, I have a texture shot in my album

2) Tell us how long your hair is now. About half way between shoulders and brastrap, guess I need to measure my hair.

3) What condition is your Hair In? Some split ends I will be losing this weekend, other than that pretty good condition.

4) What Products are your currently using?
Shampoo - Pantene R&N, NTM
Conditioner - Pantene R&N, NTM, Suave Humectant
Deep conditioner - Queen Helene Cholesterol, Hair Mayo (have to look when I get home for the brand)
Style Products - Marcel curl wax, Black n Sassy Hot Sheen, Pantene oil cream.
Detangler - Surge 14

5) Briefly tell us your hair story. Natural most of my life, had an instance when I just had to have a relaxer, quickly realized I had more diversity with natural hair. I used to be very adventurous with my hair, I went from past bra strap to a shaved cut, I would try a style and whip out the scissors at the drop of a dime. I am a recovering heat "aholic", at one time used heat almost daily and my ends suffered terribly, never understood why my ends were always split and why I could not retain length. I have now taken my hair into my own hands, I very rarely visit a stylist (most are clueless anyway). I have not used heat in 3 months, and I have promised myself I will hang in for 3 more. My goal is to have a blunt bra strap length cut, and with everything I have learned I know I will get there.
Your hair is beautiful!! It looks like it is a mix of 3a/b to me. You have very pretty natural spirals.

Make sure you don't go to heavy on the trim. Good Luck! Looks like you are off to a wonderful start!!
xippy said:
I'd like to join. Here's my info

1) Determine Your Hair Type -
4A, but I haven't seen my natural hair in 20 years, so I'm not sure. This month I'm going to extend my Relaxer so hopefully, I can confirm the 4A.

2) Tell us how long your hair is now.
Front is shorter than the back from last hair style. But it’s shoulder length in back, except for middle of nape, where I had breakage.

3) What condition is your Hair In?
Before finding LHCF my hair was very dry, fragile, over-processed and thin ('see-through' in the back). I stopped using heat on my hair in June 2004 after reading Cathy Howes' book, but I still relaxed every six weeks.

4) What Products are you currently using?

I shampoo weekly with MNT Shampoo and Conditioner
-CW 2x during the week with Suave Strawberries and Cream
-use Giovanni Direct Leave-in Conditioner, sometimes Salerm21
-use lots of oils/essential oils - olive, jojoba, sweet almond oil, castor oil, coconut oil, peppermint, rosemary, lavender
-moisturize with s-curl activator daily
-use hair polishers - Biosilk, John Frieda's serum, NTM serum
-relax with Dark & Lovely (the Children's formula for the mildness)

5) Briefly tell us your hair story.

I come from the Caribbean and while living there took the humidity for granted. My hair thrived and grew to shoulder length. Then I moved to Colorado where dryness is like a disease. Your skin dries and cracks. Your hair dries and breaks. It took a while for me to make the connection between the dry elements and my hair problems. I know my hair grows well. It grew to bra strap length once. I was in college at the time and, since braided styles seemed to require the least amount of maintenance, that's pretty much all I did to my hair. I did not relax my hair between styles. I lost a lot of hair each time I removed the braids (sheer ignorance), but I still got length.

When I finally relaxed I could not believe the hair I had grown. Displaying still more ignorance, I relaxed it bone-straight too soon after removing the braids. My hair broke and I cut it to ‘even it out’. It has not gotten past neck length since. I have a picture of myself on my refrigerator to remind me of what I once had and what I want again. Now that I've found LHCF and realize that oils and moisture are my friends, I know I can get there again.

I plan to braid my hair in a couple of weeks and when I remove them I will wait at least two weeks (maybe more) before texturizing.

My first question:
Can someone please tell me where can I buy Surge online? I prefer a US-based company.

I cannot find any in my city-- not at Sally's or my local Walgreens. I've tried a couple BSS that were recommended by someone at Surge itself, but the folks in the stores are not familiar with the product. I ordered it from Abantu but the shipping is almost as much as the product.

I absolutely love your positive attitude. With that in mind I have no doubt that you will make it to brastrap. Just absorb as much information as possible and don't be afraid to ask questions and you will be fine.

The Surge is expensive to ship. I think if you ordered it anywhere it would cost at least 4 to 5 bucks to ship. Trust me I know because I ihave shipped it myself and it wasn't a pretty sight. I may be beneficial to order several bottles at once to save on shipping. I will see if I can find a couple of sites for you to possibly order from. HHG
bluwatersoul said:
Hey hey hey...what's happenin? This is the thread I needed when I fell into this board a lil while ago. Great! Now, to answer some questions....

Hair Type:
Nothing with me is ever easy. Its mostly 4a, with some 3 mixed in. Particularly an areas at the nape of my neck, a patch with fine hair that never seems to grow :(

Hair Length:

Front is at my nose. Sides to my shoulder. Back, at bottom of my neck. The crown of my head is shorter than further down nearer my ears....currently hoping o get everything at the same length as my longest point. did I say nothing with me is ever easy?

Condition of Hair:
Not bad at all! It could be thicker, but the hair itself I have always loved. Even in its natural state, I have always only wished that it was longer. I have always used conditioner in my hair on a regular basis to help make it behave , or even just smell good. No splits or anything.



Shampoo: MNT, CON, Aveda Sap Moss
CON: MNT, Nexxus Humectress, NTM, Suave Milk & Honey
DC: Salerm Wheat Germ, Hair Mayo (YEAH!), NTM Hair Mask, EVOO
Moisturise: Elasta QP Mango Butter, S Curl, WGO
Leave In: Humectress, Infusium, Surge
Shine: Aveda Brilliance (yeah!)

I also take GNC UltraNourishair, flaxseed oil, MSM, and silica.

Hair Story:
as a kid always had thick healthy hair, no real length though. Relaxed in HS, but alternated between braids and relaxed hair through college. Wore the 80's extreme styles in HS (shaved back of head, colored hair blonde..well, red, anyway :lol: ...asymetrical cuts, lotsa pomade and stiff stuff) and then went into weave mode for awhile.(think Janet Jackson in control and Pleasure Principle...rofl)
Went into an extended period of wearing braids when I started making babies....and living in upstate NY I believe took a toll on my hair(very hard water and harsh weather conditions). Last few years just wore my own hair in braids or bantu knots...again, in great condition but no real length...decided to relax again just this past August. I was surprised at how my hair actually did have *some* length (I was past shoulder) and really looked pretty. I blew it by relaxing too often and not wrapping it up at night, so I lost some length. Although I have always coveted length, I have never focused on my hair for any sustained period of time. I am hoping that with continued health and attention, I can get there!

HHG ladies.

the prize is the journey
...and that's what it takes, consistency and lots and losts of tlc. If you focus more on keeping your hair healthy the length will eventually come. Good Luck!