New Member
) Write out what you think is a good daily/weekly hair/shampoo/conditioning routine for your hair? Be very specific.
i'm at this difficult period where i'm stretching my relaxer but i'm also exercising several times a week. i realized that i can't do both and expect to wear my hair straight.
my plan is to give myself a weekly hot oil treatment, as well as shampoo and deep condition once a week. any other washes will be conditioner washes. i'm trying to use the bantu knot method so my hair will be wavy. i like how it turns out. i'm still figuring out how many days i can wear it before i need to rewet, as well not using ponytail holders b/c it's causing some breakage (and that defeats the purpose
3) List the products you've decided to use for your new regime. Choose one item and post a short product review.
*Clarifying Shampoo - I am trying Fantasia IC Tea Tree Shampoo. I honestly can't tell you if it's working or not.
*Routine Shampoo - Nexxus Therappe. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Did I mention I love it?
*Deep Conditioning - Nexxus Humectress. Love it, love...well you get the picture. My comb glides through my hair as happy as can be.
Conditoner Wash: (I added this) Creme of Nature Conditioner in purple bottle. I bought some Suave Humectant, but didn't like it. I felt like my hair and the comb were having a death match afterwards.
*Protein treatments (light and heavy) - Motions CPR Protein Reconstructor (light) and Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair. I'm having less shedding and breakage, but I also think the Nexxus helps as well.
*Relaxer or texturizer - (or if you are a Natural Girl!) Relaxer.
*Reconstructors – Ummm, would that also be the Motions CPR Protein Reconstructor?
*Daily Maintenance Care - I still use my old staples of pure Shea Butter and Fantasia IC Nighttime Oil Treatment. I've added Surge, twice a day. I'm also using Mango butter and so far I loves it. And it seems to love me too
5) Do you plan to use heat, rollersets, curling irons, and/or flat irons with you new regime?
Yes. I tried a roller set and let's just say it didn't work. I do plan to use my flat iron, BUT i can only use it once a week, if that. I have Fantasia IC Straightening Serum for heat protection. I tried Biosilk and it dried my hair out.
I usually throw my hair in a ponytail and let it airdry during the day or I sit under a soft bonnet dryer. I maintain my style by wrapping it every night. In terms of bantu knots, i just re-knotted at night.
6) What protective styles do you currently wear if any? Do you find it easy to protective style your hair or is it a challenge and why?
I occasionally sport a phony pony. But right now, I'm only brave enough to wear it at night. Otherwise, I tend to like my hair down.
8) Share what you believe would be a good daily Moisturizing routine for new growth.
I took DSD's advice and have been using coconut oil specifically on my new growth. I also use shea butter and mango butter on my entire head. i need to learn more about massaging my scalp and all that good stuff. right now, sadly, my scalp is pretty much on it's own.
i'm at this difficult period where i'm stretching my relaxer but i'm also exercising several times a week. i realized that i can't do both and expect to wear my hair straight.
my plan is to give myself a weekly hot oil treatment, as well as shampoo and deep condition once a week. any other washes will be conditioner washes. i'm trying to use the bantu knot method so my hair will be wavy. i like how it turns out. i'm still figuring out how many days i can wear it before i need to rewet, as well not using ponytail holders b/c it's causing some breakage (and that defeats the purpose

3) List the products you've decided to use for your new regime. Choose one item and post a short product review.
*Clarifying Shampoo - I am trying Fantasia IC Tea Tree Shampoo. I honestly can't tell you if it's working or not.
*Routine Shampoo - Nexxus Therappe. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Did I mention I love it?
*Deep Conditioning - Nexxus Humectress. Love it, love...well you get the picture. My comb glides through my hair as happy as can be.
Conditoner Wash: (I added this) Creme of Nature Conditioner in purple bottle. I bought some Suave Humectant, but didn't like it. I felt like my hair and the comb were having a death match afterwards.
*Protein treatments (light and heavy) - Motions CPR Protein Reconstructor (light) and Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair. I'm having less shedding and breakage, but I also think the Nexxus helps as well.
*Relaxer or texturizer - (or if you are a Natural Girl!) Relaxer.
*Reconstructors – Ummm, would that also be the Motions CPR Protein Reconstructor?
*Daily Maintenance Care - I still use my old staples of pure Shea Butter and Fantasia IC Nighttime Oil Treatment. I've added Surge, twice a day. I'm also using Mango butter and so far I loves it. And it seems to love me too

5) Do you plan to use heat, rollersets, curling irons, and/or flat irons with you new regime?
Yes. I tried a roller set and let's just say it didn't work. I do plan to use my flat iron, BUT i can only use it once a week, if that. I have Fantasia IC Straightening Serum for heat protection. I tried Biosilk and it dried my hair out.
I usually throw my hair in a ponytail and let it airdry during the day or I sit under a soft bonnet dryer. I maintain my style by wrapping it every night. In terms of bantu knots, i just re-knotted at night.
6) What protective styles do you currently wear if any? Do you find it easy to protective style your hair or is it a challenge and why?
I occasionally sport a phony pony. But right now, I'm only brave enough to wear it at night. Otherwise, I tend to like my hair down.
8) Share what you believe would be a good daily Moisturizing routine for new growth.
I took DSD's advice and have been using coconut oil specifically on my new growth. I also use shea butter and mango butter on my entire head. i need to learn more about massaging my scalp and all that good stuff. right now, sadly, my scalp is pretty much on it's own.