

Hello, Ladies! I must confess I've been lurking around these pages for quite sometime and finally decided to put my two cents in! I've gotten such good advice and gained so much info about various products! So...Thank you!
It's winter in Upstate NY, like Artic Blast type winter so I'm going through a lot of dryness. I frequently use Carolyn Gray's Healthier Hair in A Bottle with decent results...any other users out there?
Rezgirl said:
Hello, Ladies! I must confess I've been lurking around these pages for quite sometime and finally decided to put my two cents in! I've gotten such good advice and gained so much info about various products! So...Thank you!
It's winter in Upstate NY, like Artic Blast type winter so I'm going through a lot of dryness. I frequently use Carolyn Gray's Healthier Hair in A Bottle with decent results...any other users out there?

Welcome! :wave: I don't use Healthier Hair in a Bottle but do share your results. :yep:
Welcome to the board! :wave: Haven't gotten around to trying it yet...
Hey welcome to the board. I live in Upstate NY as well so I know all about the winters. Haven't tried that particular product so sorry I can't help there.
Rezgirl said:
Hello, Ladies! I must confess I've been lurking around these pages for quite sometime and finally decided to put my two cents in! I've gotten such good advice and gained so much info about various products! So...Thank you!
It's winter in Upstate NY, like Artic Blast type winter so I'm going through a lot of dryness. I frequently use Carolyn Gray's Healthier Hair in A Bottle with decent results...any other users out there?
Welcome... I'm in upstate NY rochester... I know those winters...

Hey there! welcome. I am relatively new myself, but I think you will love it here. Former upstate NY'er , I know XACTLY what you are talking about with the winter. HHG! :)
hi and welcome! I live in NY too but im in the city and my hair is as dry as the Sahara because of the cold. I am using Netrogena Deep Recovery Mask. Puts the moisture right back in for me =)