

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I am new to this forum. I am from Canada, any canadians on this forum? i am looking for a good hair dresser in Edmonton?
I also would like to know if anyone has any reviews on Mizani products. I just switched from Motions to Mizani. Please help!!!
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I can't offer any personal reviews on Mizani products, but I know a lot of the ladies here like the Moisturfuse conditioner and I think there was a recent thread about the Butter Blends line.

Hopefully someone who has experience with Mizani products can chime in.

Welcome to the Forum:hiya2:!
Sorry, I can't help you on the stylist or Mizani products. Just wanted to say :welcome:

There are a lot of past and present Mizani product users on LHCF. So, maybe someone can give you some advice.
Thanks for the welcome, ladies. Really appreciate it. I am still trying to figure out how to get around on the forum, I hope to make good use of it.