Newbie with an interesting observation – Have you ever noticed…


New Member
that the hair on the rest of your body tends to grow faster then the hair on your head?

Now here me out ladies. :grin:

Please note that I am not trying to be disgusting or vulgar, if what I say offends anyone then I greatly apologize. It’s just that I was very curious about others feedback on this.

The observation came when a friend of mine at work were discussing hair. Ever since I was referred to this forum, I’ve been addicted to it and I’m trying to recruit others to come and check out the plethora of knowledge on here. My friend has been trying to grow the hair back on the crown of her head for some time now; it’s almost bald from her addiction to relaxers. I tried to get her to go natural and she was almost four months with out a relaxer; even her stylist said that she needed to give her poor head a break but….she couldn’t do it. Relaxers for her are like chocolate to others, she can’t live without them. When I saw that she relaxed her hair, I just shook my head. Anyway…I told her about this forum and asked her to check out some things you’ve ladies suggested about ways to promote hair growth. I mentioned to her about moisturizing, keeping your hair protected, and low manipulation. She said that in theory that should work….then I said… “Well…really think about it….we’re always messing with the hair on our heads. We tend to never give it a break and it takes forever to grow, yet when I shave the hair off ‘in other places’ that sucker grows back in a WEEK!” She burst out laughing:lachen: and I started laughing too:lachen:…then we stopped and really thought about it. She nodded her head and was like, “Yeah…you’re right! I go get waxed and by the end of two weeks it’s Tina Turner’s Nutbush City Limits.” We started laughing again. :lachen:

But think about it ladies.:scratchch

That part of our body gets washed every day, sometimes twice or even three times a day. Moisture.

Plus it’s covered all the time from the elements. Protection.

Finally we don’t mess with it at all. (Keep it those minds clean ladies). Low Manipulation.

Basically, the theory has been proven to work. I wouldn’t have even knows about the whole MPLM (Moisture, Protection, Low Manipulation) without LHCF.

I mean I shave and hair starts sprouting with in three days. It grows like weeds, and LIKE weeds it’s unwanted! LOL (For me it’s unwanted)


It takes MONTHS for me to get ¼ inch on my dag gone HEAD!! What the HECK is going on here!!:wallbash:....wooo….sorry got into a little rant there.

So anyway…I was just curious to know has anyone else made this observation about themselves? I hope I’m not the only one who’s thought about this…. I probably am…:look::look::look:
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I just figured those areas need the bush more so they are more determined to grow back (biologically). Our cullture notwithstanding, It does have its purpose ya know.:wink2:
Okay, I had to clean my computer screen and stop laughing long enough to give a response! Alright, now to answer this and to keep it clean with a hint of dignity at having an adult and somewhat scientific dialogue, yes I agree with you that the MPLM theory seems to works for all over the body with regards to hair including the shall we say intimate parts including the under arms, legs, etc.

PS: I am going to enjoy your postings. :)
Different areas of the body have entirely different growth rates - it has nothing to do with how those areas are treated. :lachen: I like the way you think, though.

The follicles in our skin are programmed with entirely different growth rates and growth cycle lengths than the follicles in our scalps. In fact, I belive they are two different kinds of follicles all together, with different scientific names.
And if you notice, even if you don't shave for a year, your hair in other areas only reaches a very short maximum length, because it sheds just as swiftly as it grows.
MPLM helps with hair retention, but according to my Human Anatomy and Physiology textbook, the rate of hair growth naturally varies from one body region to another. The 1/4 inch per month is an average.

Chime with JustKiya above.
Different areas of the body have entirely different growth rates - it has nothing to do with how those areas are treated. :lachen: I like the way you think, though.

The follicles in our skin are programmed with entirely different growth rates and growth cycle lengths than the follicles in our scalps. In fact, I belive they are two different kinds of follicles all together, with different scientific names.
And if you notice, even if you don't shave for a year, your hair in other areas only reaches a very short maximum length, because it sheds just as swiftly as it grows.

Okay I was just really curious about this. I just get so frustrated with my head hair growth. By the way, I wouldn't dare leave the other areas unshaved for a year. :nono: I'm afraid of the possiblity of long growth:nono::perplexed
:bump: I know that scentifically the body has other growing rates but does anyone else find this a little frustrating?