Newbie to LHCF!

Petite One

Active Member
I just wanted to throw a huge hello to everyone out there in LHCF land!

I found this forum by accident and I've learned so much about hair in the last few days it's insane. It also helped me realize that I clearly had no idea how to properly take care of my own hair. Thank-you ladies for sharing your wealth of information. :thankyou:
:dance7:Welcome aboard!!! you even started a fotki and everything:grin:
ain't this site the truth girl....and no one is ever catty, rude, or disrespectful...nothing but love and knowledge
Welcome! You're gonna love it here!

Remember to KISS, and have fun :yep: HHG!
I'm not important enough for me to my make my own thread. . . but imma newbie too. as of about 5 minutes or so ago. I hope that didn't overdraft my paypal account. but welcome & hello everyone. I've been here for a while, just recently paid. . . i've been a fotki lurker for a while. :Devil:
Girl, I'm new too... It's my first day lol. I just posted my first thread "CONFESSIONS of a <<Lurker>>.
I just wanted to throw a huge hello to everyone out there in LHCF land!

I found this forum by accident and I've learned so much about hair in the last few days it's insane. It also helped me realize that I clearly had no idea how to properly take care of my own hair. Thank-you ladies for sharing your wealth of information. :thankyou:
