Newbie that needs advice :-)


Coils coils & more coils!
Hey everyone
I found this board a few days ago, and so I decided to register. I saw a few posts about the Keracare system, so i decided to give it a try. I purchased the essential oils, the dry scalp conditioner and glossifier. My hair is currently shoulder length *a little shorter in the front*. My long term hair goal is to get it to grow (evenly) half way down my back again. The vitamins that i am currently taking are... a multi vitamin, Biotin, the Avon hair vitamin, and a Soy vitamin. I get my hair relaxed about...once every 4 or 5 months. I was wondering of anyone has any tips or can recommend any vitamins that helped them that i am not currently taking? Also, i was wondering if anyone has any tips on wrapping their hair up at night? Currently, I do this every night (with a satin night cap), but i read somewhere that it is not good for the hair. There are so many tips here, and i am willing to take a chance on some.

Also if anyone reading this uses Mizani..please tell me what you think of this system. I was thinking about trying their leave- in conditioner.


I am so glad i found this place...
Hi Erica

Welcome. I'm not familiar with the Avon hair vitamin. Jade 21, supplement/vitamin goddess
and LHCF member, is excellent at recommending good brands and dosages to try. Now that you are registered, you should have a "private message" or "PM" function available. You might try PMing her for specific advice. That said, though, one supplement that I have been very pleased with is my B-complex supplement from Solaray.
I also like Pantothenic Acid, Solgar brand, which I take in split doses of 500 mgs (morning/night) daily.

ETA: the pantothenic acid increased the thickness of my hair (I *love* thick hair); when I started my hair care journey, my fine hair was extremely thin. the b-complex helped with the all-over health of my hair, including growth (thanks to the biotin). HTH (hope that helps)!

As for wrapping hair, it wasn't good for MY hair. It made my hair thin out on one side. Now, I just tie my hair up with a silk scarf after putting it up in a bun and sleep on a satin pillowcase.

There's so much good info on this site, I hope you'll find your hair thriving as I have.

Good luck!
Welcome to the club, Erica.

There are so many threads on here that have to do with vitamins/supplements.

Do you know what your hair type is? When was the last time you relaxed your hair?

Hi Nyambura,

Thanks for the advice! I will be sure to message Jade 21 about the vitamins. I will also try the B complex, and the Pantothenic Acid. I also love thick hair. I have medium thickness right now, but i would like it a little fuller, as well as longer.

Take care.
Hey Tebby,

Thanks for the info. I will check out the archived threads. I think my hair type is a mix of 2B and 3B. My last relaxer was in mid August. I usually go at least 4 or 5 months without getting one,
welcome, erica!

i love some Keracare products. my favorite is the Humecto conditioner. i hope the dry scalp conditioner works for you. do you have a dry scalp?

how do you wear your hair on a daily basis?
Welcome, the two Keracare products I have are Humecto Conditioner and the Leave-In conditioner which I love. I also stopped wrapping my hair because it thinned it out on one side I now wear a satin hair bonnet and sleep on a satin pillowcase.

Hope that helps
Thanks Adrianne. My scalp has been extremely dry for the past few months. It usually is that way for a few weeks after i get my relaxer. I wear my hair out on a daily basis...and i pin my hair up at night.